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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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134 results found

  1. InDesign CC display error thin white line

    InDesign CC 13.1 x64

    In every document I open, everytime there's a single line in the top area of the document/artboard. It appears when you activate the

    Overprint Preview with high quality. Then InDesign generates a thin white line 1px thick and 101px away from the top of the document. It

    also keeps this position when I zoom in or out. Only if I begin to drag the view via the hand tool then the line is broken (obviously it

    has some trouble to refresh complete).
    The line generates on all pages no matter if there're images or graphics or…

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  2. Black artifacts appear on rulers

    When opening an older ID document and working on it, moving the mouse pointer around leaves black artifacts on the rulers, top and left. It also distorts the 0 point of the ruler in the upper left corner.

    A quick zoom and return to 100% size will clear it, but with use, the rulers will accumulate black marks again.

    This bug has persisted in many previous versions of ID, and is alive and well in v15 (2020).

    I hope you can fix this quickly.

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  3. Issues with document previewing since installing InDesign update (16.2.1)

    Hi, I'm operating a late 2013 27-inch iMac with 3.2 GHz Intel Core i5 processor. Currently running MacOS Mojave 10.14.6

    Since installing the latest InDesign update (16.2.1) I've experienced various document preview issues:
    - images that are contained within circular or other non straight-edged image boxes are not displaying at all.
    - I get either a black box displaying or no box/frame at all. The frame is there because when I hit Select All I can see it but the image simply won't display at all, whatever the Appearance setting is on.
    - However, if I create a JPEG or…

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  4. Diagonal Lines no border

    Having an issue with using diagonal lines in cell options. I'm wanting to split a cell diagonally with two different colours. The fill works fine as intended but the border isn't working at all. When you zoom right in on the cell it looks fine but when zoomed out it disappears. It also doesn't show up when exported as a PDF as you can see in the screenshot. My workaround has been to duplicate the table on top and then remove the diagonal lines fill, set the fill to none and then the border shows just fine. Not ideal…

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  5. After changing workspace the extension panels become huge

    After changing workspace the extensions panels contents become huge. Clicking on anything in the panel does not work. Turning the panel off and on, changing workspace several times does not help. Only restarting the application makes the panel the standard size (zoom). Today I updated the application to the latest version, but the previous version also had the problem.

    This is terribly annoying because I have to turn indesign off and on dozens of times during the day.

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  6. Spacebar/shiftkey issue after some time of using InDesign

    If I want to use the spacebar to navigate through my documents, or if I want to zoom in/out with cmd+spacebar, I'm unable to use that function. Also the shiftkey doesn't work, after some time of using InDesign.

    This problem is solved when I restart my Mac.

    Is there any solution for this? I think this problem exists since the update to the silicon version of InDesign. I'm using a Mac mini with M1-chip.

    Thanks for you help, Bastian

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  7. UI Artifact on Apple M1 Max with ultrawide screen

    Display Artifacts

    • Macbook Pro (2021)
    • Apple M1 Max
    • macOS 12.6
    • Display: C49RG9X @ 5120x1440 120Hz
    • App: Adobe Indesign 2023 v18.0

    Ever since switching from an Intel mac to M1 mac, indesign randomly display this artifact anywhere when I scroll thru my working document. Previous 2022 version also suffer this problem, it's totally random. Only way I can get rid of this is zoom in and out and the artifact will go away. (Screenshot blur out some element for privacy purpose).

    Also maybe this is also related to sleep & wake up of the mac on ultrawide resolution, after waking up…

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  8. Measurement Label Sizing

    When using multiple monitors with different display ratios, I sometimes have a problem where the measurement labels for smart guides in InDesign become unreadably small on lower-definition monitors. At 100% zoom, the font size is equivalent to 3pts and is totally useless. I would love either options to choose interface font and appearance sizing for lower resolution monitors or the ability to change the font size of the measurement labels, otherwise I am limited to which monitors I can use Adobe CC on.

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    Closed: Fixed  ·  Sumit Garg responded

    This has been fixed in InDesign version 13.0.
    Please update to latest InDesign for resolving this issue.


  9. zooming at high percents very slow and beach ball

    when I’m zooming in Indesign like in an Poster or Flyer with some images and some other objects at 2400 % Indesign get very slow and when I move an object, the beach ball comes up.
    At 3200% and 4000% its not possible to move any objects without struggling with the beach ball.

    I’m using an 2017 MacBook Pro
    Indesign CC 2020

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  10. Pasteboard not centered in layout view

    I'm not sure if this is the right bug category, but when trying to view spreads, no matter what view option I pick, the pasteboard is aligned right only, with lots of extra room on the left. If I scroll all the way left, the left edge of the pasteboard is about in the middle of the view area and if I scroll all the way right, nothing past the right edge of the pasteboard is visible. It should be the other way around if not centered, because at least then, all my tool panels wouldn't cover up what I…

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  11. InDesign not displaying actual (print) size

    InDesign 2021 does not actually show you the printed size of the document.

    There are two potential (and faulty) options to achieve this currently:

    1. Set the zoom level to 100%: On various forums I've read that this should let you view the document at actual print size. A document that physically takes up 10x10cm on your screen, should print at 10x10cm.

    In effect, that doesn't happen and the 100% renders my document at a way larger size than what it's actual size. (I'm literally holding up a ruler against my screen, and a 10cm wide page is about 20cm wide…

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  12. Error on Save : "Indesign is unable to save this file. We tried, but appears to be damaged."

    Indesign constantly comes up with a weird error when ever I click save while in a document - 'Indesign is unable to save this file. We tried, but appears to be damaged. click Ok.

    Also I know in the previous version that whenever I zoomed in too much I would get constant crashes. Hope it's been fixed in the version but I won't hold my breath.

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  13. UI scaling window problems

    There are numerous problems with the new UI Scaling Feature when it is set to any size other than the smallest. I've attached several screenshots and a screen recording.

    Screenshot 1: New document window. Toolbars slightly overlap the buttons and the ruler.
    Screenshot 2: On the right edge of the main window, there is a gap between it and the panels.
    Screenshot 3: Bottom of the main window has a white bar along the bottom.
    Screen recording: Panels that all collapsed down to an Icon or Icon/Name only don't pop up in the right position when you click on them.

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  14. Resized vectors not displaying properly in high quality display mode on drag

    14.0.2 x64 on Windows 10

    1. High Quality display mode (default settings)
    2. Place any EPS vector file.
    3. Attempt to resize it while holding ctrl-shift to maintain ratios.

    Expected result:
    The vector file, resized.

    Actual result:
    Grey box. I have to zoom in or out to get the screen to "refresh" and show the correct image.

    Similar issue happens with placed AI file. Very simple, clearly. Just a triangle. Made in the latest version of Illustrator.

    The Youtube button is an EPS.

    Related: If I use the option "Greek Vector Graphics on Drag" it performs correctly, only now…

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  15. keyboard shortcuts not working

    2017 iMac Retina 5K 27", running Big Sur 11.5.2, InDesign 2021.

    Suddenly, without warning or explanation certain keyboard shortcuts have stopped working.

    The T shortcut to change to type tool flicks to type tool and then back to original tool (eg Selection tool).

    Hand tool on space bar does not work and zoom on space bar + cmd does not work.

    For some time now, you can't hide ID when there are no documents open by using cmd–H.

    I have been using ID since almost the very beginning and these have always worked. As I'm paying a monthly sub for…

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  16. Fit Frame to Content multicolumn text frame

    1. InDesign 18.3 but has been doing this for many years.

    2. Draw a single column text frame next to a multicolumn text frame, have the same number of lines in both frames, apply Fit Frame to Content with any method to both frames, they will most likely not be the same height. You can change the width of the multicolumn frame and then Fit Frame to Content might get closer.

    3. Should be the same height if all text styling is the same.

    4. Variable height on the multicolumn frame, doing Fit Frame to Content a few times and can change it each…

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  17. PNGs will often export at low resolution unless "high quality display" is selected

    I have a graphic which includes a cropped part of a PDF which is a CAD drawing. I select it all, export to a PNG at 600dpi. Put it into Word and when I zoom in it's fairly pixelated: definitely not 600dpi.

    If I select the placed PDF, turn the display performance to "High Quality Display" and re-export, it's a beautiful 600dpi file. This screams "bug" to me.

    I'll add this to another bug report of mine, which is that if a link is modified or missing, you won't get a warning when exporting a PNG that uses it (you…

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  18. Hairlines/artifacts randomly appearing on screen

    Glitches of bands of light or dark pixels may appear over images, in transparencies and effects. These may come and go depending on resolution preview mode, zoom and/or if overprint preview is rendered. (The lines are similar to tiling lines in PDFx1a in that they are rendering glitches presumably caused by floating point calculations)

    See the thread

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  19. Glitching and Lagging

    Mac OS Sonoma 14.2.1 (as well as previous release)
    InDesign 19.01 (as well as previous releases)
    Apple M1 Max

    InDesign (and Illustrator) have become infuriating to use. All graphics and text are constantly glitching when scrolling or zooming. When selecting an element for some reason there is a lag where it things that I am clicking and dragging the element cause it to move. Sometimes it moves a pixel or get thrown across the page.

    I have tried the following
    In Preferences,
    Disabled Animated Zoom to no effect.
    Disabled GPU Performance to no effect.
    Changed Both Display Performance options…

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  20. Review Panel

    I'm really enjoying the "Share for Review" feature in InDesign, but I am experiencing some annoying bugs in the Review panel.

    Each time I click on an edit/comment in the Review panel, the program zooms out to fit the whole page in view. Every single time, I have to zoom back in to where I was before so I can get a closer view of what I'm doing.

    Also, the Filter settings keep adjusting without my input. For example, if I apply a proposed edit (like deleting part of a sentence) before marking it as resolved, that comment/edit moves…

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