Publish Online Dashboard Fails to Show Analytics
The analytics information will not load for individual documents or in the overview tab for documents published online from InDesign. I have found this to be a problem on macOS Mojave and Windows 10 using multiple web browsers including Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
When attempting to use view analytics or delete the online document, nothing occurs on the Document Trends page.

Documents published from InDesign 19.0 onwards will no longer support integrated analytics from the dashboard. You can integrate Google Analytics to track insights into your documents.
Analytics for documents published from the previous versions of InDesign will continue to be collected until November 30, 2024, after which no new analytics will be collected.
Refer to for more details
Adobe InDesign team
GA commented
I'd like more than the last 6 months data please, since published would be grand.
Marco commented
A critical info I NEED for my customers! Please fix this!
Emily Munoz commented
Please deliver on your promises. Analytics is a feature you're touting and it simply isn't working for your paying partners (my company included). Adding my voice to the forum due to necessity.
Sandhya Arunachalam commented
I thought that the analytics will be great for my work to know if it was viewed when shared. But this problem still persists. Not sure if my voice will make a difference and Adobe will address the issue, but chiming in because it is necessary.
Tina Gibson commented
Please stop advertising this as a feature. It hardly ever works anymore!
I used to be able to provide analytics and now it is expected. It's been a big source of frustration for a while now.
David commented
Please fix this issue. I have tried every browser, spent hours on the phone with support, waited for weeks to hear back only to hear that my case was closed without any solution. I promised clients analytics and can not deliver because they will not load.
This is the ONLY issue I have with publish online. Please find a solution!!!
Rick commented
That's it - I give up. It's even worse today after the latest upgrade. I'm done - switching back to Safari.
Rick commented
Promised clients they would have analytics but it rarely works. It's been this way for a very long time now (years). I don't understand why it's not being addressed. The publish on-line aspect is great - but why promote a feature that does not work?
Sébastien Favrot commented
For me, the "Document Trends" tab is empty in my Publish Online Dashboard using Google Chrome version 102.0.5005.63 (Official Build) (64 bits). On the other hand, using Safari on my iPhone allows me to consult the data.
John Arneson commented
Michael commented
This is frustrating. The Publish Online is a great feature but why even offer analytics as an option if it doesn't work??? I have been trying for over a month with no result. Various browsers, various modes, clearing cache, everything. This function DOES NOT WORK.
Either fix it or get rid of the option so it stops driving us crazy. -
Jason commented
I see this post continues to get comments 4 years later. Unfortunately, my team and I long ago gave up trying to get any reliable analytics from this service. Very disappointing Adobe. Is anyone reading these?
Another bug I reported around the same time also failed to get any attention.
Kathy Lecocq commented
I saw a first post from 2018, and it's not yet working ? Why for some people it is and not for others...?
Emily B commented
It's appalling that this issue has continued for so long. How am I supposed to prove that this tool is effective if I can't share metrics with my leaders?
Tom commented
Been an ongoing issue for a long time, but seems to be worse lately, in the past being patient you could eventually access some stats but now been trying for a day and a half, waiting, refreshing and trying different browsers.
Please, please, please resolve this!
Shelley WJ commented
I am experiencing the same difficulty. Please advise.
Marc commented
None of my Publish Online documents - regardless of age - will display analytics, nor will the overview show analytics for all. The four-square "working" indicator just spins and spins, endlessly.
Behavior is consistent on Windows 10 and 11, using various versions of Chrome, and has been ongoing for several months. All the documents in question >used< to display analytics correctly and promptly.
UPDATE: Have tried logging in and out of Creative Cloud. Incognito mode in Chrome. Switching off my VPN. Switched off all my adblock and privacy extensions on my browser (which didn't interfere with analytics on these very same documents before, but what the heck). Using a different computer entirely using a different OS version (Win11). Using a different NETWORK entirely.
Nothing works. Nothing helps.
Accounting Department commented
I have the same problem with both Chrome and Edge. It is extremely frustrating and I am considering using alternatives because I need analytics.
Sonya Her commented
I'm having the same issues. So frustrating!
Leyla Neilsen commented
Same here - although my stats don't even load, just get this screen for hours.... Any fix in the workings?