[ID-4257732]CMYK color specified in MathML does not match the set value
InDesign 20.0 (2025)
Windows /macOS
When I apply a preset or a newly created CMYK swatch to MathML, the color does not match the value.
It appears to be CMYK via RGB color.
Original text (Japanese):

Thank you for trying out the MathML feature in InDesign! The math objects created using this feature are placed as SVGs, and hence they exclusively support RGB colours.If you try to apply a non RGB colour (CMYK/LAB/HSV-based), then by design it is converted to RGB before it is applied to the math object. This conversion is designed to enable users to continue using document colours that are not RGB-based for the math object SVGs.
Nikola Knežević commented
As it is for now, MathMl equations are unusable in print production because, at least, of wrong separation of applied exact CMYK colors (black becomes rich black, pure Cyan is no longer 100,0,0,0 in pdf).
Colin Flashman commented
Thank you for the explanation of the issue, but unfortunately it does not SOLVE the issue. I'd argue that the majority of users of MathML are going to print publications, and in this instance colour DOES matter. It is frustrating that two potentially great improvements to InDesign (the other is generative expand) are ruined because the improvements weren't made with the print industry in mind - an industry that uses CMYK and spot colour channels.
村上良日 commented
Thank you for your response!
I understand the current behavior where MathML objects are kept as RGB, and when placed in CMYK documents, they are converted to the working CMYK profile using Relative Colorimetric (rather than the specified rendering intent). That explanation makes sense.
What I’d love to know more about is the roadmap for InDesign, especially considering it’s a tool we rely on for print and publishing. Are there any plans to introduce features like adding a layer to convert “black” to K100 objects, or making it possible to place objects that allow for accurate color substitution? Or, will these objects continue to be handled as RGB in the long term?
We’d appreciate any insights you can share about your plans so we can feel confident moving forward. Thanks again!
再編集可能なMathMLオブジェクトとして保持するため、RGBのままの状態を保持し、CMYKドキュメントに配置するとRGB→作業用CMYKプロファイルへの(指定したレンダリングインテントではなく、常にRelative Colorimetricで)変換を行う、という現状の動作についての説明は理解しました。知りたいのは、印刷…パブリッシュのためのアプリである、と我々が捉えているInDesignの機能として、将来どのようにする予定なのか、というロードマップについてです。
bizarre_n commented