png transparent background showing black
Importing this icon and the transparent background is showing as black in current inDesign CC. Didn't have issues with similar icons from same site.

The fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2022(v17.0.0.96). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.
If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.
Adobe InDesign Team
B van Diemen commented
I had the same issue. An image (psd png) with color mode indexed showed with black background in Indesign. I changed the color mode of the photoshop image to RGB and it was solved.
Soe Win commented
Open your image file in PhotoShop and then 'save as' PNG again. Overwrite the original file. Or you can save the image with different file name. Place the modified image in InDesign. Hope this help.
Sam commented
Currently using InDesign 16.4 and this issue has returned - PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP...... So frustrating!
c4kaci commented
Have you already solved the problem of transparent PNG file in TreeView control?
InDesign was unable to transparently display transparent PNG files in the treeview node.
The images always showing on a white background. -
Molly Henighan commented
Here in August 2021. I am literally having the same issue... IT'S BEEN 4 YEARS ADOBE WYM YOURE WORKING ON IT
Daniel Donahue (Finance) commented
Hi, very disappointed in this issue. Should be a fundamental feature. Every other software I use has this figured out.
Anonymous commented
I'm now having the same issue.
InDesign 2021 -
zay commented
The solution of changing to CMYK worked. thanks.
Anonymous commented
not sure that this exactly the same as the OP, but I had the black background problem when using "Smaller file" with the new photoshop png export — which grays out "Transparency". I got my transparent background back by not using smaller file, which allowed the transparency option to be checked.
Torben commented
I have the same issues with .psd files. transparencies are printed black on printed pdfs. tried everything that's suggested in this thread. please fix this.
Al commented
Also having this issue! This is really ridiculous that this issue has been going on for so long and is still a bug... it isn't like InDesign is some cheap program.
Lane commented
I am having the same issue. Any solution? The black background is a transparent image from PSD
Maddie commented
Okay, here is what worked for me: my files were in too many places. I put all my jpegs and pngs into one file and the problem resolved. Hope this helps!
Parjinder Sangha commented
I have randomly started getting this issue on transparent PSD images in version 16.1 after it upgraded. Does anyone have any solution to this? These images showed transparent in previous versions of InDesign but now I'm updating the catalogue and all the backgrounds have gone black. That's over 100 images to fix.
Adobe, how can this be a problem on a software that is used by so many? How many people have used images and are now impacted. I bet you wont give a refund to those impacted or volunteer your staff to fix the images.
Anonymous commented
I am getting a black background when placing a transparent .psd file into InDesign. I've tried every possible solution listed here and nothing worked. I am so sick of this. This is the second Adobe bug I've had to deal with today and it's taken up half my paid day. Adobe, this is my livelihood!! "Reviewing the issue" doesn't cut it.
KF commented
I'm having the same issue. I followed a suggestion I found in the comments here to change the color mode to RGB in Photoshop. When I checked, the PNG was set to RGB, so I changed it to CMYK and it worked.
Thebigstinky commented
No you are not, you lied
Helena commented
Open the image in Photoshop and change the Color Mode to RGB. I just had this issue and followed someone's advance on the Color Mode (was set to Indexed Color) and it fixed the issue.
Anonymous commented
12th january 2021 is this still an issue here
Anonymous commented
VB's comment worked "I open the PNG in Photoshop, quick export it as PNG, and then I update it in InDesign. That seems to have been working for me these past couple months."