InDesign CC 2019, GPU enablement on Mac
InDesign CC 2019 14.0
macOS Mojave 10.14
Mac Pro 5.1 (mid 2012)
Photoshop CC GPU Performance - ok
Illustrator CC GPU Performance - ok
InDesign CC... GPU incompatible???
In addition, there are icon discolorations (only InDesign). Sometimes this effect occurs, sometimes not. The color of discoloration can be different.
Screen Shot 2019-05-29 at 4.24.00 PM.png 84 KB -
Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-10 um 18.01.03.png 464 KB -
Bildschirmfoto 2019-04-10 um 17.43.52.png 341 KB -
Zrzut ekranu 2018-10-24 o 13.36.30.png 21 KB -
Zrzut ekranu 2018-10-24 o 13.30.08.png 91 KB -
Zrzut ekranu 2018-10-24 o 13.21.14.png 57 KB -
Zrzut ekranu 2018-10-24 o 13.19.59.png 60 KB -
Zrzut ekranu 2018-10-24 o 13.18.28.png 41 KB -
Screen_Shot_2018-06-12_at_10.52.08_AM.png 146 KB

Based on our investigation we have categorized the issue that are being reported on this thread into three types:
1. Users having compatible GPU and monitor configuration but still not able to use GPU rendering.
2. Users having Incompatible GPU and monitor configuration. Please refer following link that have all the details system requirement for GPU rendering.
3. MacPro, Mac mini OR “working on MacBooks with screen down” and using Hidpi monitors with display scale factor one.
This has been identified as bug and we have fixed it in the latest version of InDesign, Id 14.0.3
Please update your InDesign to the latest version to try out the fix
Since , this thread is mainly being tracked only for enable-ment of GPU functionality
Please report drawing related issue via other reported threads or new threads.
Dani Mead commented
What if you have a compatible setup and you're opening InDesign with the laptop lid open, and it's still not activating the GPU? It's greyed out...?
We have two 2019 15" MacBook Pro's, i9 processors, 5K displays, 16GB Memory, 512GB Storage. Mine opens with GPU selected, all works fine.
Our other designer has the EXACT SAME setup but hers is not opening in GPU mode??
Joel Rowe commented
Same problem: "Compatible GPU and monitor not detected"; GPU performance and Animated Zoom greyed out.
Macbook pro 2019 2.3mhz i9 with vega 20 card; 32gb RAM. mojave 10.14.5 running indesign 2019 (v14.0.2) with external DELL U3011 monitor with screen down. with 2560x1600 resolution.
the tip mentioned above: "You can decrease or increase display scaling with scale factor greater than one" doesn't make sense. PLEASE EXPLAIN.
I did try different scaling for external monitor — didn't work.
Tried dumping ID preferences — didn't work.
Tried different scaling using macbook pro screen alone (no external monitor) — didn't work.Adobe: can we please get this fixed ASAP? any other workaround?
Anonymous commented
SImilar to an issue with the GPU performance before - vector images placed on the master page are displaying incorrectly. The first image shows what I see and the second shows what I should see (ie if the image is placed on the page not the master page.
Kevin Lozandier commented
Same problem w/ Mac Pro on a 1440p Ultrawide.
Marcel commented
phew, ok it works now. Try this:
After that, I can use the GPU...
Marcel commented
I tried a new user account on the same Mac and I can use the GPU with indesign cc 2019...
But that is not a solution for me... -
Maik commented
I have the same Problem with my imac early 2019....
What the **** is that....
Please fix this Problem now! -
Steve commented
I have the same issue.
Early 2015 13" Macbook Pro
System specs in screenshots. -
Marcel commented
Modellname: iMac
Modell-Identifizierung: iMac19,1
Prozessortyp: Intel Core i9
Prozessorgeschwindigkeit: 3,6 GHz
Anzahl der Prozessoren: 1
Gesamtanzahl der Kerne: 8
L2-Cache (pro Kern): 256 KB
L3-Cache: 16 MB
Hyper-Threading Technologie: Aktiviert
Speicher: 40 GBChipsatz-Modell: Radeon Pro 580X
Typ: GPU
Bus: PCIe
PCIe-Lane-Breite: x16
VRAM (gesamt): 8 GB
Hersteller: AMD (0x1002)
Geräte-ID: 0x67df
Versions-ID: 0x00c0
ROM-Version: 113-D0008A-042
VBIOS-Version: 113-D0008A1X-009
EFI-Treiberversion: 01.01.042
Metal: Unterstützt, Funktionsset macOS GPUFamily2 v1 -
Marcel commented
Same issue here on a new imac 2019...
Burkhard commented
What's the next step? Weeks ago I sent you the complete SPX system information - including the user configuration - by e-mail to Sumi Garg. Do we receive a message about your findings?
RY commented
Indesign 14.0.2
Mac Pro (late 2013)
MacOS 10.13.6
Quad-Core Intel Xeon E5, 3.7 GHz, 4 Cores
128 GB RAM
GPU: 2 AMD FirePro D700Displays:
Cintiq 27QHDT:
Resolution: 2560 x 1440 (QHD/WQHD - Wide Quad High Definition)
UI Looks like: 2560 x 1440 @ 60 Hz
Connection Type: ThunderboltLG ULTRAWIDE:
Resolution: 3440 x 1440 (UWQHD - Ultra-Wide Quad HD)
UI Looks like: 3440 x 1440 @ 60 Hz
Connection Type: Thunderbolt -
Therise Duck commented
I'm not sure if this will help anyone, but it sure saved me! I just ignore the incompatible GPU message, BUT under Preferences -- interface -- Options make sure you have these settings:
Hand Tool: Slide Over to Higher Quality.
Live Screen Drawing -- choose Never
and uncheck Greek Vector Graphics on Dragfor some reason this has totally rid me of the problem! Wish you all luck. Let me know if this helps you also.
Kinga commented
same here
MacOS Mojave 10.14.4
InDesign: 14.0.2GPU enabled in AI and PS but ID option is greyed out even though options say compatible GPU and Monitor detected...
Jasper Johal commented
I have a Mac Pro (Late 2013) with two AMD FirePro D700 graphic cards. InDesign says no compatible GPU and monitor not detected! What?
Running MacOS Mojave 10.14.4
Auto updated version of InDesign: 14.0.2
Therise Duck commented
I'm having a similar problem with InDesign. It's becoming a big issue and I simply can't use the program for anything other than minor projects. It's exceptionally slow when I'm in Overprint Preview. I've tried many things and even sat on the phone with Adobe support as they controlled my screen attempting to resolve the issue. But they couldn't and suggested I post my concern here. I've attached screen caps of my system details.
I'm using the latest Adobe software. Illustrator and photoshop are fine. It's just InDesign. -
Anonymous commented
Mac Pro (Late 2013)
Mojave 10.14.4
Adobe InDesign CC 2019
AMD FirePro D700 6GB X 2
LG 4K Monitor
I am experiencing the same error."No compatible GPU and monitor detected."
When can I use InDesign CC with GPU errors fixed?
Burkhard commented
I have the same problem with InDesign 14.0.2 (Creative Cloud Complete Subscription). I get "no compatible GPU and monitor detected", both options are disabled and grayed out. Using an iMac 27" Late 2013 with 32GB memory and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4GB under MacOS Mojave 10.14.4.
The NVIDIA GPU is available in Photoshop 20.0.4 and Illustrator 23.0.3! How embarrassing is that? InDesign programmers aren't able to do that?
Kevin Yurasovich commented
Same issue here. I get "Compatible GPU and Monitor detected." but the options are both unchecked and grayed out. Using a 15in" 2017 MacBook Pro on MacOS Mojave 10.14.4
Darren commented
I have experienced the same issues with my Mac Pro (late 2010) with an upgraded Sapphire Radeon RX 580 8 gb and a Dell 27" 4K monitor. Still no detection of GPU and monitor. Tech support told me that both Apple and Adobe need version updates. I contacted Apple tech support and they confirmed that my hardware is compatible with Adobe's requirements. Sounds like Adobe needs to look into the matter a bit deeper since there are quite a few users that are experiencing this issue. Let's hope the next update will resolve this problem.
Aside from the GPU Performance, I have noticed major hesitation with the program, moving elements around, trying to click on objects and there's a long delay. Also when selecting the objects, if I click longer on it, it becomes stuck or attached to the cursor so when moving the mouse, the object moves with it even though I'm not pressing the mouse anymore. Very frustrating.