Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
6920 results found
[Performance] Footnote disappears
A footnote disappeared without reason then appeared back when I changed something in the page layout. This is a very important bug because InDesign didn't display any kind of warning about this problem: no red indicator of missing text or overfull text block. I noticed it by chance. Please look at the screen captures to understand it: the number 2 footnote is missing whereas the footnote number is present in the text. In the other screen capture, the problem has been solved.
131 votesThe fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – version 16.1
Please update to this version to get the fix. To prevent problem on existing documents and see the footnotes again, you will have to force recompose the stories.
To force recompose stories, you can use the shortcut Command-Option-/ (slash) on Mac or Ctrl-Alt-slash on Windows-InDesign Team
I lost all Save, Save As, Undo functionality (everything is grayed out). To save my work, I have to export as an IDML .
Lost all Save, Save As, Undo functionality while working.
To save my work, the only thing to do is to export as an IDML file. Force quitting to recover the file doesn't work. This has been happening to me since InDesign 5.5. I am currently using InDesign CC 2018. There are no particular steps, it happens at random. I can have several files open and it only happens to one file, or sometimes it's more than one file. It happens whether I'm working off of my Desktop or on our server.-
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130 votesAs part of the investigation into the cause of this issue, we personally reached out to many of you over email. We have so far heard from only some of you.
Of the responses we have received, the conclusion we’ve come to is:
This issue was intermittent, happened once during the course of work but somehow got resolved and has not happened again. This issue can’t be reproduced now.Over a period of time, this thread has not thrown any fresh clues on why this issue seems to occur randomly for some and then seems to resolve itself. So we’re closing this thread.
However, even though we’re closing this thread, if you again run into this issue any time on a consistent basis, please report it here on UserVoice (in a new thread) with supporting assets like:
A) a test file,
B) detailed steps to replicate the issue
C) any… -
In InDesign CC 2019 slow Reaction Time on clicking from one object to another.
Using InDesign CC 14.0 on Windows 10. I have an magazine layout with text and picture boxes, of course. When clicking from one box to another, there is a long delay, a temporary freeze. Eventually (20-30 seconds) it awakens and I can move on. But it's happening more frequently, even after a reboot.
Is this an issue of my computer talking to Adobe servers?
Nothing to screen shot, there is no message.
112 votesHello All,
Following up on the comments stating that the issue is yet not fixed, we did our investigation and found that, the issues being called out in the comment section, though maybe relevant but are different than the one for which this thread was originally created.
This particular thread caters to a very specific case which has been fixed in the last update of InDesign.
If you continue to face performance related issues with InDesign, we sincerely request you to create a separate thread so that we can categorize the performance related issues and address them completely.
In addition to track the performance issues effectively, it will also enable us to reach out to you in a organised manner when we investigate into each category of performance issues.We are extremely sorry for the troubles you are facing with InDesign and we are determined to resolve them as efficiently…
Undo Not Working properly in InDesign 2020
InDesign CC 2020 Undo goes back to last saved version. It does not go back one step with Command-Z. Therefore, I lose all edits made since last save. It also crashes frequently
109 votesThe fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – that is, InDesign 15.0.2.
Please update your InDesign application to get this fix.
Adobe InDesign team -
ScriptUI: Opening Dialog while dialog is open breaks InDesign
I'm running InDesign 14.0.2 on a macOS High Sierra (10.13.6)
In a script i created I have a Dialog. It has a button that opens another dialog.
Before my last indesign-update (CC 14.0.2) the second dialog would open and when i closed it, i could use the previous dialog window again.
Now with the Update when I open the second dialog and close it again, i cant use (or close) the previous dialog and it blocks me from using InDesign. I can move the dialogwindow around but thats it so i have to restart indesign.
I tested this on two…
109 votesHello All,
Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 14.0.3Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.
If you are unable to see the update yet, go to Creative Cloud desktop application, open the menu (three dots) from the top-right corner and click on ‘Check For App Updates’.
If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.
You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 14.0.3 -
Proportional Scaling Using Shift Button Not Working
In the 2017.1 release of InDesign, the ability to hold Shift and scale objects proportionally seems to have disappeared. I know for me this is a major functionality problem that is increasing the time I have to spend on current projects. I've checked support forums and others are encountering this problem, but I haven't yet seen a solution.
108 votesHello All,
Thank you for your patience all this while; we really appreciate your support!
Our investigation suggests that one of common reasons for the problem is that certain software (mostly antivirus and other security applications) and browser extensions happen to enable “Secure Keyboard Entry” on Mac machines due to which some keys such as Shift key in this case do not perform the desired action in InDesign.
For now I request you to follow the below provided KB doc for the quick workaround of the problem. the comments section many of the users have confirmed that disabling Webroot SecureAnywhere (a security app) has resolved the issue for them. Please note that, the problem may not be related to a particular software; there could be a different application or antivirus which might be causing the problem by enabling Secure Keyboard Entry on Mac.
Abhinav Kaushik
InDesign Team -
[ID-4228495]Export Tagging: ‘i’ character in class name exports as blank space
I just did the 2018 update, so I think it's the most recent version: 13.0 x64
I have a document template that contains many character and paragraph styles with export CSS tags that contain the lowercase ‘i’ in them. This character is being exported as a blank space, which completely breaks the CSS, like this:
should be: <p class="bright"></p>
getting: <p class="br ght"></p>This problem was easily replicated in a fresh new document, so it’s something with InDesign, rather than my template file.
This workflow involves complex style mapping through to CSS classes. Because so many of the classes contain…
107 votesWe are reviewing this issue.
InDesign team -
Anchored textframe with auto-sizing/auto-adjusting "height" causes InDesign 2020 to freeze
Anchored textframe with auto-sizing/auto-adjusting "height", text aligned to baseline and anchored object settings "anchored position: custom", "anchorPoint: bottom left/center/right" causes InDesign 2020 (15.0.1) to freeze (on Mac and PC).
- create an new document (size doesn't matter)
- create an new textframe (dimensions doesn't matter)
- create a second textframe (dimensions doesn't matter)
- insert some text in second generated textframe
- select the text and apply the option "align to baseline".
- anchor second textframe into the first created textframe
- set anchored object settings of the anchored textframe to: "anchored position: custom" and "anchorPoint: bottom left or bottom center or bottom right"
select the anchored…
105 votesFix is available in the latest update of InDesign – 16.3.2 on Mac and 16.3 on Win.
Please update your copy of InDesign to the latest available update via CCD app.—
Adobe InDesign team -
InDesign is very slow
The latest version is virtually unusable. If I select an image or text box on a layout I get a spinning wheel for 10 - 15 seconds. If I try to move something - spinning wheel 10-15 seconds. Try to save a document - spinning wheel 10-15 seconds. Previous versions did not behave this way on this same computer. No other applications behave this way.
My Mac is a late 2012 model, 32Gb RAM, 2 SSD drives; one for the OS / Applications and one for the customer files. GeForce video card (came with the computer with 1Gb RAM.
104 votesHello All,
Thank you for your patience all this while.
We had launched our investigation into the matter to get to the root cause of the problem. As the part of our investigation, we had reached out to many of you personally over email.
We have concluded our investigation and have come up with few findings.1. For many of the users the issue got fixed after updating InDesign to a newer version.
2. For some, the issue got resolved after disabling a third-party application such as Suitecase fusion etc.
3. For few, the issue was intermittent and is no longer reproducible.
4. For majority of the users, the underlying cause of the performance issue was identified to be related to span columns, cross-references, third party plugin etc.We have created separated threads for these issues and we are now working towards resolving them.
However, over the time this thread…
[ID-4208669]QR Code Generator Problems with Special Characters in vCards
In the actual version of indesign (16.0) there is still an issue with internal generated vCard-QR-Code scanned by an iphone.
In germany there are special Characters called "Umlaute" (ü, ö, ä) or the "sharp s" (ß). If these characters are used in an vCard generated within the buildin function from indesign, they are replaced with other symbols on the iPhone QR-Code-Camera Reader.
I think this is only a Problem of the used vCard-Version. I think indesign uses Version 2.1 if you would just use Version 3.0 this issue does not appear.
please see attached one example
Kind regards from germany
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101 votesFix for this issue is now available in the latest InDesign Release version 20.1 (Build, available via Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Please update your InDesign application to this latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
BUG Keypress doesn´t respond
With updating to 13.1 March 2018 Update: When you type to a text frame you have to do it twice before the character appears in the frame. I have this problem on two Windows 10 machines...
101 votesHello All,
Thank you for your support all this while. The issue is now fixed in the latest update of InDesign.
Please upgrade to the new InDesign 14.0 from your Creative Cloud Application.If you are unable to see the update yet, click on the menu (three dots) on the top right corner of Creative cloud app and click on “Check for App Updates”.
Let us know your feedback in the comment section.
Abhinav Kaushik
InDesign Team -
Red stripes in InDesign document
Why do I get red stripes in the indesign document when I have more than two files open?
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100 votesWe're happy to announce that the fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign - version 17.2 that is available from Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Please update to this latest InDesign version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
InDesign crashes/freezes on launch all the time
Impossible to work. I have urgent jobs to do...
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96 votesMany internal as well as external factors can cause the InDesign application to crash/freeze/hang. A few workarounds are listed at Fix crash issues with InDesign.
We completed the investigation and came up with the following: Either the issue has been resolved in the most recent release of InDesign (Refer to InDesign Release notes), the issue was intermittent at the time of reporting and is no longer reproducible, or the InDesign version mentioned in the report is no longer covered by Creative Cloud Support Policy.
We would recommend you upgrade to the latest version as it is more robust. If you are still facing this issue even after updating it, either submit the crash report(Refer to Submitting crash reports) to us or Contact Adobe support.
[ID-4206781]Text wrapping has changed to before 2019 use textFrame based indent
To place a graphicItem with text wrap, it is not an object-based indent like 2020, but a text frame-based indent before 2019.
1 Version
16.0.1(macOS10.14/10.15.6)2 Steps to reproduce the issues
1. Make TextFrame. To places graphicItem above the textFrame and set text wrap.
2. The indent set in the textFrame does not take effect for the object for which wrap text is set like before 2019.3 Expected result
Indent set in the textFrame does take effect for the object for which wrap text is set like 2020.
Please refer below Community article.フォーラム/indesign2020ではできていた回り込み時のインデント設定の維持が2021ではなくなっている/m-p/116770714 Actual result
The indent…95 votesThanks for reporting. We will review it
-InDesign Team
Text margins don't change when master pages are applied
Version: InDesign CC2019
Steps to reproduce: Apply a new Master page, with different margins, to a document page with text frame
Expected result: Text frame should resize to fit the new margins of the master page (as before with Layout Adjustment enabled)
Actual result: Page margins change but text frame stays the same. Useless! I have to manually adjust the text block to fit the new margins.I work in book publishing. When laying out a book, it's often necessary to make changes to the margins of certain pages, either to accommodate the dropped opening of a chapter, or to…
91 votesHello All,
Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 14.0.3Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.
If you are unable to see the update yet, go to Creative Cloud desktop application, open the menu (three dots) from the top-right corner and click on ‘Check For App Updates’.
If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.
You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 14.0.3 -
Using eyedropper to copy text attributes crashes InDesign CC 2018
Using the eyedropper tool to copy text attributes crashes InDesign every time.
90 votesFix of the issue is now available in InDesign’s latest November’17 update.
Please upgrade to the latest version InDesign CC 13.0.1 for the fix.If you are unable to see the update, go to Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.
InDesign Team -
Type tool still deselects itself InDD 15.0.1
The bug has been already reported, it's been claimed to be fixed in 14.0.1, but actually still persists and never was corrected.
Typing "T" just selects the type tool very briefly, then changes back to the previous tool. Clicking inside a text frame has the same result, even if you get to select some part of the text, it just changes back tot he previous tool in most of the cases. The only way to get it work, is to select the tool in the sidebar, however even there it takes several seconds to become active.
Using InDD 15.0.1 on…
89 votesThe fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2022(v17.0.0.96). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.
If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.
Adobe InDesign Team -
Place multi-page PDF pages: Place Gun will be unloaded after first page is placed to a frame
New bug with InDesign 17.2 that I cannot see with InDesign 17.1.
[1] Load multiple PDF pages from a multi-page PDF to the place gun.
[2] Hover the loaded cursor over a graphic frame to place the first page in that frame
[3] Click to place the first page.Result:
The first page is placed to the frameBUG: The rest of the loaded PDF pages in the place gun are unloaded. The place gun is empty after you placed the first of several pages to a frame.
[1] Load multiple PDF pages from a multi-page PDF to…83 votesWe've just released InDesign 17.2.1 version which fixes this issue.
Please update to this latest version using CCD.
InDesign team
For long documents containing more than 50K characters, GREP search fails to find all matching instances
Since updating to CC 14.0.2 on Windows, GREP search is no longer functioning properly. Not all instances of queries are found, or not found at all.
I believe this is the case when working on documents created in an older version. In a newly created document it does work as it should.83 votesHello All,
Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 14.0.3Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.
If you are unable to see the update yet, go to Creative Cloud desktop application, open the menu (three dots) from the top-right corner and click on ‘Check For App Updates’.
If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.
You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 14.0.3 -
Export to JPG generates yellow horizontal lines
yellow lines in all my image exports (PNG / JPG)... When giving it more pixels/inch the lines change position and are less wide.
82 votesFix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign 2021 – that is, InDesign 16.2.1
In the Creative Cloud Desktop application, click on the Updates section on the left. You should be able to see the Update available for InDesign. Please update your InDesign application to this version to try out the fix.
Let us know in the comments section if you still face this problem.
Adobe InDesign Team
- Don't see your idea?