BUG Keypress doesn´t respond
With updating to 13.1 March 2018 Update: When you type to a text frame you have to do it twice before the character appears in the frame. I have this problem on two Windows 10 machines...

Hello All,
Thank you for your support all this while. The issue is now fixed in the latest update of InDesign.
Please upgrade to the new InDesign 14.0 from your Creative Cloud Application.
If you are unable to see the update yet, click on the menu (three dots) on the top right corner of Creative cloud app and click on “Check for App Updates”.
Let us know your feedback in the comment section.
Abhinav Kaushik
InDesign Team
Nancy Self commented
Please fix this issue! First character replace on PC bug https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2519946
Video of issue here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV5Bo0Ts0d4
Anonymous commented
This is NOT fixed. I have updated to the latest version through Creative Cloud to 14.01 and the problem remains unchanged.
Matt Leach commented
I used the words "there" and "their" as an example, but words are not where the issue is. It appears as though this is not an issue when highlighting and changing words, but rather when highlighting and changing numbers.
So if I were to select "$1,288" and replace it with "1,300", I'd have to type "11,300" b/c the first 1 doesn't type out.
Matt Leach commented
It is SO ANNOYING when you highlight a word and try to type and nothing types on the first key strike.
In other words, if I highlighted the word "there" with the intention of replacing it with "their", it would read "heir" by the time I was done typing b/c the first keystroke (the letter "t") did not register. For it to read "their", I actually have to type "ttheir" b/c the first "t" keystroke seems to be an activation of the text tool rather than a keystroke.
This is not happening b/c of a sticky keyboard. This is a glitch in the text interface that causes a lot of issues with creating typos.
Please fix it right away! WHY does InDesign have to be so different than the other programs in the Adobe Suite? There are SO MANY instances of annoying little nuances like this. If it weren't for the booklet pagination features, I would stop using this wretched program entirely!
Chip Dombrowski commented
When I try to replace text by highlighting it with the cursor and typing over it, I am always losing the first character of the replacement text. This is extremely annoying as the first word of the replacement text is always spelled wrong missing its first letter. It does not register that I am wanting to replace the text I have highlighted until I have hit a second character. This is not how it used to be in previous versions of InDesign and contrary to how text editing works in any other program.
Anonymous commented
Still not work...
Paul Benzie commented
Having the very same issue, can someone please let me know what the fix is in "Preferences"
Allan Seppa commented
The "Preferences"-thong worked fine. Thanks!
Filip Blazek commented
I confirm this is VERY annoying bug which makes Adobe CC InDesign not usable for a serious work.
Leslie Knepp commented
This happens to me too. It's super annoying.
Anonymous commented
Frequency of occurrence: 100% on non-capitalized words
Exceptions: Works normally when the Shift key is pressed and held for capitalization
Steps: Highlight any amount of text, type replacement text. Result: The first character typed deletes the old text as expected but the character does not appear. For example, if you highlight "first" and type "third" in its place you'll get "hird". Every #*^ing time. Ahem. Sorry...
Workaround: Either delete the highlighted text before typing the replacement text or hit the first character of the replacement text twice. So instead of typing "third" you'd type "t third".
Erik Tribelhorn commented
JenniferP, I have the same problem. It sucks. I have a price list document in InDesign. I double click the price and enter the new one, only to find out the first digit didn't enter. Sometimes, this means thousands of dollars of error (ie. entering 9750 but only showing 750)
Allan Seppa commented
Forgot to mention. It's the Swedish versions of InDesign and Windows.
Allan Seppa commented
When selecting a word and editing InDesign doesn't acknoledge the first letter. So when I select "gello" and type "hello" the result is "ello". This only occurs with lower case letters! So marking "Gello" and typing "Hello" results in "Hello.
This is frustrating since it happened a few versions back and can result in typos... Not fun.
At the moment my work around is pressing the first letter twice while editing a selected word.
I'm om Windows 10, and the latest InDesign CC.
Allan Seppa commented
When selecting a word and editing InDesign doesn't acknoledge the first letter. So when I select "gello" and type "hello" the result is "ello". This only occurs with lower case letters! So marking "Gello" and typing "Hello" results in "Hello.
This is frustrating since it happened a few versions back and can result in typos... Not fun.
At the moment my work around is pressing the first letter twice while editing a selected word.
I'm om Windows 10, and the latest InDesign CC.
JenniferP commented
The simple, expected function of typed text replacing selected text does not work. For instance, if I need to replace the word "instance" with "occurrence," before, I would 1) use the text tool to select "instance" and then 2) type "occurrence" (like I would with every other program and user interface including web browser behavior known to man).
NOW, when I 1) select "instance" and then 2) type "occurrence" - what shows up is "ccurrence."The first letter does not work.
In order to successfully replace "instance" with "occurrence," I have to 1) select "instance" then 2) type any character and then 3) type "occurrence" because the first character does not appear.
SOMETIMES, it does work as expected, but I haven't been able to figure out the pattern. I am having to retrain myself to 1) select the text, 2) hit delete, then 3) type the replacement word.
Just for the record, I don't think requiring an additional keystroke to replace text is a wise decision. It has caused SO many problems for us with mistakes not being caught, always with the first letter of a word missing. Please fix this behavior so it's consistent with best practices for user experience.
Anonymous commented
Adobe should update and fix this bug, I still worry if I have sent any documents out with typos because of this. Your updates keep breaking the tools that require me to have to do extra steps to what used to be one click. Not a happy customer.
Anonymous commented
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Finally Yay!! this was driving me nuts
Anonymous commented
Thank you!