Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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2. Why is this valuable to you?
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5192 results found
Continue footnotes numeration
Add the possibility to continue footnotes numeration over different stories. For example, continue footnotes numeration on different chapters of a book, where each chapter is one independent file.
166 votes -
Allow negative indentation!
Please allow negative indentation!
That would make all kinds of hanging bullets, chapter numbers and outdentations easy without any workaround (like "indent everything but the headlines and lists" ...). It would make text layout faster, purer and cleaner, as the type area could be correctly defined just for the copy text.
I think this simple change should be easy to implement and bring enormous relief for our craft.
156 votes -
Add Python to the list of supported scripting languages
The only cross platform scripting language currently supported is ExtendScript, based on ECMAScript (almost 2 decades old v.3, which in itself is already long overdue for an update). Python is cross platform, easy to learn and very powerful. InDesign's DOM can be translated naturally into Python. Python has a vast set of functional libraries, and still growing. Supporting Python from within InDesign would in its most basic form only have to enable *.py scripts in the Scripts panel, but it would benefit of an interactive console of its own.
156 votes -
PLEASE!!!! The most powerful design app in the world, and after all these years STILL no HSB in the color picker.
Hue, saturation and value are by far the best ways to create and use color, in nearly anything. All of the other color selections/spaces (CMYK, RGB, LAB, etc) should flow from there, secondarily. Illustrator and Photoshop have always supported HSB(V), and yet as amazing a design tool as InDesign is – it still doesn't. Many of us have been asking for years, and I'm surprised that there aren't more requests ... I think many of us have given up. You can do it, Adobe! You would make a lot of designers very happy, and add a very powerful missing feature…
149 votesHSB option has been added to Color Picker and other panels for better experience.
Please try out InDesign’s latest update Id 16.0.Let us know your feedback in the comments.
Abhinav Kaushik (AK) -
Select All Across Pages
PLEASE create an option to select all objects or text over the entire document instead of just the page/spread you're on. Making a universal change to the document, such as outlining the type is such a pain having to manually change from page to page. I've seen MULTIPLE threads online for the past 8 years of people requesting this, and it hasn't been resolved.
148 votes -
Add run-in footnotes
Add run-in footnotes, so multiple footnotes could be on the same line to save space (instead of every footnote starting on a new line)
146 votes -
Support for Multicores Performance
The most of us have powerful mutlicore computers. I think for sure indesign coult have a huge performance boost with Multicore support.
Until now only powerful 3D programs or video software uses that power. I think in addition of GPU Support it would be a significant performance boost with multi core support.
For an Example: i got a i7 Quad Core Mac. While writing a big PDF, indesign just uses 1 core.
143 votes -
Dynamic baseline related unit of measurement
Please consider the addition of a dynamic unit of measurement that relates to the document’s baseline. Such a unit will make it possible to express various parameters throughout the design as a multiplication or division of the document’s baseline.
We would for example be able to express a header’s leading as twice the number of baselines, or a paragraph’s space after in any number of baselines.
The unit’s relation to the document‘s baseline means that it’s dynamic: whenever you change the baseline, all values expressed in this unit will change accordingly. There will be no more need to adjust these…
142 votesHi All,
This indeed a great suggestion. I wanted to understand a little more about this request.
1. The way this request is described its majorly about figuring out how to change the various text attributes in a single step rather than having to change multiple styles to make that happen. It would helpful if you can mention which all attributes you all would want to be dependent on the baseline (space before/after, size, leading any other).
2. Which kind of documents (magazines, brochures, books etc.) do you see this to be more important for you.
3. Wouldn’t a similar method (not sure if we could base it on baseline though!!) for changing the layout also help, if you could define the sizes of objects in relation to the page size. Do you think extending this feature to the layout also makes sense.
4. If you can share some files… -
InDesign Accessibility Checker feature
I use Indesign to create ADA compliant documents. I constantly have to go between InDesign and Acrobat. It would be more productive if the accessibility features in Acrobat were included in InDesign. It would also be nice to have a built in color checker included in Indesign.
Is there a plug in available??
141 votes -
Grammar Check
Add a feature similar to the Grammarly App to check for grammar and sentence structure errors when typing text in InDesign.
141 votes -
Folder for Layer
It would be very helpfull if we can group Layers or make Folders like in Photoshop.
140 votes -
In the Preferences dialog box, indicate which preferences are document-specific.
In the Preferences dialog box, please indicate which preferences only apply to the current document. See this article for more details:
138 votes -
Vertical lines between text frame columns
Add an option to add vertical lines between text frame columns (with, of course, options to choose line weight, color, etc).
137 votesColumn Rules has been implemented in InDesign 2020. Please upgrade to this version of InDesign to use this feature.
Adobe InDesign team -
Team memberships: Have a central place for all publications to be published online accessible for all to edit/get stats.
Team memberships: Have a central place for all publications to be published online accessible for all members to edit/get stats. When members leave an organisation and you delete their membership, you can't go back and access the publications they published online.
131 votes -
Applying Master pages to 'all even' or 'all odd' pages
Applying Master pages to 'all even' or 'all odd' pages - would be handy when working with large documents, rather than manually typing or cmd+shift the pages to include.
131 votesHi All, thanks for this feature suggestion.
If I understand this correctly the idea here is that you need a faster way to be able to apply Master Pages to the various pages in the document. One use case is that you want to apply a particular master page to Even and Odd pages.
Are there other such scenarios too, where you need more support. It would be helpful if you can mention other such scenarios.
Border also as character style instead of only paragraph style
Title describes itself. I would like to have the ability to "span" one or more characters instead of a whole paragraph and assign a border to them. Just like I'm able to do with css
125 votes -
Media Panel is missing all playback settings for MP4 files in InDesign 2020
CC 2020 is missing all its control settings for playing MP4 files in an interactive pdf. Until this year's upgrade you had multiple options on what Controller Functions appeared when playing/displaying MP4's in an Interactive PDF document.
121 votesNavigation Points have been re-introduced in the Media panel. This feature is available in the latest release of InDesign (version 16.0). Please use this release to use Navigation Points for Video/Audio files.
However, the Controller options will not be available. As communicated earlier, all options (Controller options being one of them) related to Flash/Flash player have been removed from InDesign as Flash Player is now being EOL’d (End of Life).
InDesign team -
Add the Ability to turn off hover scrolling
Hover Scrolling lets you interact with the dropdown menus without ever having to click on them. Sounds cool, right?
Normally, this is not a problem, because you can easily see what has been changed because you've got an object selected. But when working with conditional text, the conditional text indicator visibility is a GLOBAL setting, and thus, hover scrolling over it can change your document, even with nothing selected. And if you're not on a page with conditional text. you'd never even know that your document got changed, until you send it to print!
This has been plaguing me for…
121 votesThanks for reporting this.
We are currently reviewing this feature request. -
Allow multiple files and Excel in Data Merge
Allow multiple files in data merge. Excel should also be possible as an import.
121 votes -
Place a video from a URL with https
The window for "Place a video from a URL" will not accept a safe HTTPS link (only http). Thus when I publish it, the browser throws a warning asking if I trust the content. Extremely silly bug in this age of security issues.
118 votes
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