Add the Ability to turn off hover scrolling
Hover Scrolling lets you interact with the dropdown menus without ever having to click on them. Sounds cool, right?
Normally, this is not a problem, because you can easily see what has been changed because you've got an object selected. But when working with conditional text, the conditional text indicator visibility is a GLOBAL setting, and thus, hover scrolling over it can change your document, even with nothing selected. And if you're not on a page with conditional text. you'd never even know that your document got changed, until you send it to print!
This has been plaguing me for over four years and there is no way to turn it off.
I write a blog article about this and have been documenting it for four years:
I have made a video about it here:
InDesign needs to add a preference to our off this setting. It would be so easy! There are already preferences to disable the other annoying features, like Publish Online the new start workspace, and the new document dialog box. You could put it under "Preferences > General."
Adobe, please fix this!

Thanks for reporting this.
We are currently reviewing this feature request.
Maria Cioinac Noroc commented
Please, Adobe, consider adding an option to disable scroll-wheel adjustments for text properties. It's frustrating to unintentionally change font sizes, spacing, or other values just by scrolling through the panel. This happens WAY too often. When selecting text, I accidentally scroll over the box that appears, and my font changes. This is just ridiculous!
Jaye commented
Any news on this? I should be able to scroll my properties panel without changing random fonts in my document
It's been 7 years.
Tobias commented
Very annoying problem. Everytime I scroll through the properties panel, it changes some settings like font size or type or anything else. Why can we still not turn this off in Aug 2024? Is it so complicated for Adobe to disable this hover scrolling that it takes years for them?
Stefan B commented
Please add a setting for this. My panel stack includes the Properties panel and depending on the object it can be long... So I scroll using my mouse... until I forget that I'm in indesign and suddenly I'm changing font type or size or whatever and I have to stop myself and carefully move the pointer OUTSIDE the value boxes and keep scrolling. It's silly.
Gabor-WHQ commented
Adobe please remove this pointless feature. It creates so many document errors and affects nearly all detail-oriented parameters within window panels. This promotes a sluggish user workflow as users have to navigate around any scrollable fields to avoid Russian roulette-style design changes.
InDesign panels are now battlefields.
Scott Fineshriber commented
Please, please, please eliminate hover scrolling, or at least allow us to turn it off in every Adobe app. I find it totally useless and a constant irritation. I am increasingly frustrated at the way Adobe handles updates. Creating features like hover scrolling, eliminating multiple windows in Bridge (since fixed, but who thought of that?), making proportional resizing the default in PS and others. Acrobat has become a fugly Windows app clone that barely resemble anything else in the Creative Suite. Do you consult with professional users of your apps before adding/deleting features?
D7design commented
6 Years later. "We are currently reviewing this feature request." Nice
Sarah Madigan commented
drives me absolutely CRAZY. MY FRUSTRATION
D7design commented
We are currently reviewing this feature request. Since 2017. I will tell the tax office that as well.
I have to laugh already before loud sad.There is no use in the feature. Have you ever seen someone scrolling through the language preference in the box or anything else? But I allways mess up my work while scrolling down!
and the worst thing is that i then have to go back 20 steps without knowing how many there really are. As a result, I often take steps back that were important. It is absolutely maddening.
George Pushkarev commented
This thing is absolutely terrible. After messing up a couple of documents it made me paranoid about scrolling in general, now I use the scroll bar. Like in 2003
Please add the option to turn it off!!! -
Michal Trödler commented
I freakin just created an account here just to f**** vote and tell you that 5 years looking into a f**** bug should have it solved already !!
What's that, Adobe? Competiton coming with better software than is Adobe, multi-bilion dollar company, able to create. -
Courtney Nied commented
This feature keeps messing up my whole document, I really hope they fix it ASAP! It should be easy to turn off, I would think. C'mon Adobe!!
Anthony Michna commented
Just got CC, accidentally screwed up some text blocks on a work document with hover scrolling like within the first 10 minutes of using InDesign. I hate it. Couldn't figure out what I had done. Scrolled so much trying to go to the next page that I couldnt undo everything... Cant find how to turn it off.
Glad its been "under review" since 2017, though! -
D7design commented
I am very angry about that! This causes issues on a daily basis for me. You've known about it for so long and it's still not fixed?! UNACCEPTABLE.
Corrina commented
PLEASE give us the option to disable this Adobe!! Scrolling to view more options in a list is such an engrained behavior that anytime my mouse happens to be over the text properties it completes messes up my projects and I have to undo something I didn't even intend to do in the first place. This is a problem I face daily and we should have a simple option to turn off the feature by now.
Greg Walker commented
Hover scrolling is the worst. Like, I could get fired from my job if something gets changed via hover scroll and I don't catch it. Don't get me fired, Adobe!
Nora Chuff commented
So I am realizing that this has been "under review" for over four years... any progress? There has got to be a solution, if only just an option to turn the hover scroll fully off... please... I can't imagine it is a big deal from a programming standpoint but has a disproportionately enormous impact on my ability to use the program (and my wellbeing/happiness).
Nora Chuff commented
Please fix this!!! The number of times I accidentally change the font of a text box when I am scrolling to a hidden property item is infuriating. The problem is not just that the font is changed, but often it is cycled through however many fonts are equivalent to my scroll length before I realize. For instance, if I scroll the wheel a few times, it means the font has changed like 10+ times so I cannot just hit "undo" but would need to either "undo" 10+ times or manually find the original font. Very annoying.
Francine commented
Adding another voice to this. "Hover scroll" is the bane of my life when using inDesign.
I've ended up with templates set in a foreign language, random bits of text warped, boxes shifted... it's every time I use the programme, not just an occasional annoyance.
It's impossible to unlearn the basic behaviour of using the mouse scroll to navigate downwards in a window. Why on *earth* was this introduced in the first place?
Kelly Vaughn commented
It has been YEARS since this "feature" was introduced and started causing problems. Once again, I'm finding multiple documents have errors in them because of hover scrolling. PLEASE give us the ability to turn this off.
Prior to its introduction, I can't think of a single instance where any designer colleague ever lamented the lack of hover scrolling, yet it was thrust upon us. Now years later, designers worldwide are still complaining about it with no way to get rid of it.
I once again have to go and redo an older document and resubmit it to a client because of the errors caused by hover scrolling. This "feature" causes not errors, which in turn can lead to embarrassment, potential liability, and client distrust.