Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
When entering a new feature request, please provide:
1. Description
2. Why is this valuable to you?
Thank you.
37 results found
Actions Panel
An Actions Panel that runs the same type of Recording/Playing features as Photoshop and Illustrator already have would be fantastic.
412 votesHello All,
Kindly provide more information about this ask. How do you plan to use the Action Panel in InDesign? Do you want it to work exactly like that in Photoshop? What are the most important actions/operations that you want to record?
Abhinav Agarwal
Product Manger – InDesign -
Collaborative Editing
Create a cloud service for InDesign where files can be worked on by numerous people at the same time. Will help save time and encourage collaboration. Like Google Docs, Slides, etc.
320 votesThanks for making this request. In order to understand the use-case more better I have a few questions:
1. Whats the role of the different people working collaboratively on the same file. Are they always only designers or are other personas also involved.
2. What is the use-case here, some parts of this request suggest an Editorial collaboration whereas others suggest collaboration amongst different designers. I am trying to separate these 2 requests out.
3. What are the different kind of files (brochures, books, magazines etc) for which this is required.
4. Does it need to be a web based service, or having the user be able to collaborate on one shared file using InDesign or InCopy on the Desktop will work? What is the advantage you feel over a web-service over the desktop app?
5. How do you workaround this need today? What are the most important problems with… -
Anchored Objects should be able to be sent to back so text can print above the object
It would be nice if text could print above an anchored object
250 votesThank you all for the votes.
Can you help us understand the key problems that you face in the absence of ability to send an anchored image backwards?
What’s the current workaround that you have to follow?
What are the use cases wherein you need that the text appears specifically on top of inline anchored image?
This information will help us evaluate the functionality better.
Dynamic baseline related unit of measurement
Please consider the addition of a dynamic unit of measurement that relates to the document’s baseline. Such a unit will make it possible to express various parameters throughout the design as a multiplication or division of the document’s baseline.
We would for example be able to express a header’s leading as twice the number of baselines, or a paragraph’s space after in any number of baselines.
The unit’s relation to the document‘s baseline means that it’s dynamic: whenever you change the baseline, all values expressed in this unit will change accordingly. There will be no more need to adjust these…
141 votesHi All,
This indeed a great suggestion. I wanted to understand a little more about this request.
1. The way this request is described its majorly about figuring out how to change the various text attributes in a single step rather than having to change multiple styles to make that happen. It would helpful if you can mention which all attributes you all would want to be dependent on the baseline (space before/after, size, leading any other).
2. Which kind of documents (magazines, brochures, books etc.) do you see this to be more important for you.
3. Wouldn’t a similar method (not sure if we could base it on baseline though!!) for changing the layout also help, if you could define the sizes of objects in relation to the page size. Do you think extending this feature to the layout also makes sense.
4. If you can share some files… -
Applying Master pages to 'all even' or 'all odd' pages
Applying Master pages to 'all even' or 'all odd' pages - would be handy when working with large documents, rather than manually typing or cmd+shift the pages to include.
130 votesHi All, thanks for this feature suggestion.
If I understand this correctly the idea here is that you need a faster way to be able to apply Master Pages to the various pages in the document. One use case is that you want to apply a particular master page to Even and Odd pages.
Are there other such scenarios too, where you need more support. It would be helpful if you can mention other such scenarios.
color picker isn't consistent with other software.
Please allow users to change color picker to Photoshop color picker. Indesign is great except for the nuisance of having a horrible UI for the color picker. I make all my colors in photoshop copy the code then paste it into Indesign.
88 votesHello All,
Starting Id 16.0 we introduced HSB in Color Picker.
Does that resolve inconsistency issue for you?Please tell us in the comments.
Abhinav Kaushik
Product Manager, InDesign -
GREP code table
Make a GREP code for table in Find/Change box dialogue
70 votesHi All,
Can you explain how this would be used, is the end goal to find a some stuff restricting the search to Tables, or is it something else. It would really help if you can share how you plan to use this new GREP code for tables.
Javed -
Quick image adjustments in InDesign
Sometimes when creating a document I need to ever so slightly brighten the image or adjust the contrast, maybe increase the saturation; and standard workflow means pulling these up in Photoshop and applying the changes and the saving (often as a new file so as to preserve the original).
This always seems like alot of effort for something that I feel could be done on InDesigns side.
I am suggesting image quick adjustments.
So an image is coming out slightly too dark. No worries, right click, apply quick adjustments. A new tool box will open that will have basic image…
62 votesThank you for voting for the feature request.
It will be helpful if you can add your responses for the below queries.1. In the absence of this feature in InDesign – how do you make these adjustments today?
2. Once the image is imported into InDesign, what kind of adjustments do you mostly need?
3. On an average, in a project, how many images need adjustments once they are imported into InDesign?
Collaborative, Syncing, Files
Add collaborative qualities to files so multiple people can edit at the same time and sync to update. This is VITAL for team work and educational work. Group work and teams will never go away.
34 votesThanks for making this request. In order to understand the use-case more better I have a few questions:
1. Whats the role of the different people working collaboratively on the same file. Are they always only designers or are other personas also involved.
2. What are the different kind of files (brochures, books, magazines etc) for which this is required.
3. Where is the file on which these different users need to work together on be placed. Should this be on a cloud server, or a shared server.
4. How do you workaround this need today? What are the most important problems with the current workaround? -
Placed pdf loses interactivity features and accessibility tags.
When PDFs are placed into an InDesign layout and then the entire layout is exported to PDF, the placed PDFs are converted to <Figure> tags in the final PDF.
There are many time when designers must incorporate an existing PDF into their documents, such as:
-- Multi-page PDF of an existing document.
-- A pre-made PDF AcroForm
-- In annual reports, an official letter from a president, commissioner, or other authority.
-- In financial reports, the required letter from the accounting firm as well as the financial balance sheets.
In these above cases, the placed PDFs are official documents that…
22 votesHi,
What all things would you like PDF to retain? (alt text, tags and what else?)Currently when PDF is imported, its imported as a single graphic.
Would you want the tags and alt text to be mapped to their correct assets in InDesign? and those tags and alt text be also editable from within InDesign after PDF is imported?
Or should they be remapped and restored once the document with placed PDF is again exported to PDF from InDesign?
Would want to know more about the proposed solution / workflow
Export All Alternate Layouts as PDFs With Layout Name
I use the alternate layout tool a lot to group different sized content in the same InDesign file.
While I know I can select the layout as a range during export, it would be a huge timesaver to be able to export all of my layouts as separate PDFs and then just add the alternate layout name to the end of the PDF file.
Ideally this could be a check box in the export settings "export each alternate layout as a separate file"
12 votesInDesign versions CC2018 and above have an option called ‘Create Separate PDF Files’ in the Export PDF dialog. Using this option, you should be able to export all your layouts as separate PDFs.
Which version of InDesign are you using?Adobe InDesign team
Replace all missing glyphs
Option in the find replace dialogue to replace all missing glyphs, not just swapping one glyph for another. As far as I know, you have to go one by one throughout a document. The find/replace Opentype feature (text tab hasn't worked for me either.)
12 votes -
Change the page size
When changing the page size, the current page content is centered relative to the new size. Or it would be nice, if I could choose to attach current content to one of the corners of the page, the same way I can choose the transformation anchor point (the square with the nine anchor points)
9 votesThanks for this suggestion. I need a little more information in trying to understand this request a bit more:
1. Is the situation that you have created a design already or have an existing design and now need to change the page size. Any description on why you need to change the page would be helpful.
2. How drastic is the page size change. Is it just a minor change or is it something like changing from portrait mode to landscape.
3. Please share links to any screenshot of the document where you recently needed this feature. This would help us better understand this request. -
So many bugs. Fix them. Like Package, or being able to use GPU performance to name a couple.
When will an update be available to fix some or all of the issues with InDesign CC 2017? It is not worth the monthly fee as is.
9 votesSorry Barry seeing you face so many issues with InDesign. We are working towards making InDesign a more stable application and also fixing behavioural issues.
What would really help if you can submit any bugs/issues that you are facing along with the steps, this would help the team reproduce the issues internally. Please follow the below link to file Bugs for InDesign.
Grouped items revert to previous layers when moved then ungrouped
InDesign CC 13.1, Windows 10
When I have a group that contains items from various layers, and I move this to a new layer, when I ungroup those items they revert back to their original layers.
I understand the concept that grouping remembers layers, and I like this feature! It used to bug me that grouping brought everything onto the same layer, sometimes altering the appearance. However this seems like an unintended consequence.
Say I have an item on Layer 1 and an item above it on Layer 2. Grouping these items makes them both "appear" to be on Layer…
6 votesHi,
This looks more like a feature modification request.
I am therefore moving this to the “Feature Request” section.Please keep adding your use-cases.
Smart Text Reflow + Data Merge
When using Data Merge, if text is too long to fit on the standard 2-page Master page spread, then InDesign should automatically create additional pages (either by repeating the Master spread, or allowing Master spreads to consist of more than 2 pages) utilizing Smart Text Reflow to continue the text thread instead of oversetting the text.
My personal use case: I am working with a teacher at a university to create a literature magazine, and need to compile multiple long-form submissions into one document. Since up to 200 students could be submitting work, it is important that this can be…
5 votesHave you tried using the Primary Text Frame to accomplish this? Using Primary Text Frame allows automatic creation of additional pages/deleting empty pages.
Adobe InDesign team
Share Illustrator Gradients with Indesign via CC Libraries
According to many sources online, in the old days, you were able to copy and paste gradients from Illustrator to InDesign. Now, when I copy an simple object with a complex gradient, it comes into InDesign split into many tiny objects, each with its own swatch. Totally unworkable.
Really, I should be able to save a gradient swatch to CC Library so that I can access it across Creative Cloud. Because that's what Library is for, right?
I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature that should be there.
5 votesYou can add the object having the gradient swatch to the CC Libraries as a ‘Graphic’ in Illustrator. Then you can choose Place Linked/Place Copy in CC Libraries to use that object in InDesign. At this time, it is yet not possible to add Gradient/Pattern swatches to CC Libraries in Illustrator, so you have to add the object to the CCLib and then place that object in other apps like InDesign.
Adobe InDesign team -
next page doesn't work
Hi there,
When inserting Type=>Special Characters=>Marker=>Next page InDesign inserts the CM marker which is the current page. Consequently where I need the next page number to appear it displays the current page number.
Kind regards
Mike Howell5 votesThe text frame containing the Next Page Number Marker has to just touch the text frame and the correct page number gets picked. No need to link the text frames together. Just the fact that it touches the text frame will make it automatically pick the correct next page number that the text flows to in the document.
Hope that helps.
Adobe InDesign team -
Cannot paste grouped object into graphic cell - when could previously.
Adobe InDesign CC, 2017.1 Release
Version x 64 buildI used to be able to paste a grouped object (for example, an image with a bit of text overlayed on it) into a graphic cell in a table. Currently this is not working - I can put a regular image (just a linked image) into a graphic cell, but as soon as I try to "paste into" a copied grouped object, it does not even offer paste into as an option.
This issue is present in tables used by multiple users in different files - not a bug in…
5 votes -
A pdf setting that allows me to Set the "opening view" properies of a pdf from indesign
Allow setting of the PDF "opening view" properties on creation instead of after creation.
When I send a proof, I want my customers to see the pages panel, and view the files at a specific size and layout - Doing this has saved thousands of cock-ups - unfortunately it has cost me hundreds of hours doing the same thing over and over.5 votesThis feature already exists in InDesign, or are there some enhancements over and above what already exists that you are requesting here.
- Don't see your idea?