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22 results found

  1. I want to be able to select multiple table rows that are not connected.

    I would like the ability to select multiple table rows that are not connected. For example, I expected to be able to CTRL+Select the rows I want to change the fill color. For example, if I have 20 rows, but I want to select Row 2, 6, 8, 14, and 17 so that I am able to edit the fill color/text color/row height, etc. in those rows only. Currently, I have to do them all individually and in much larger tables (50+ rows.) It's such a pain!

    The ability to fill every other row, or every third, etc. in the…

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  2. Soft version of "Update Table of Contents"

    If there is a Table of Content, with some correction in it (for example line breaks) and after that, there is a small correction in the content area, which followed by loosing one page. Therefore it would be great, to just update the Page-numbers, instead updating the whole ToC.

    (sorry for bad english)

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    Under Review  ·  Anonymous responded

    Thanks a lot everyone for the feedback. I am moving this under review.

  3. Add the Ability to turn off hover scrolling

    Hover Scrolling lets you interact with the dropdown menus without ever having to click on them. Sounds cool, right?

    Normally, this is not a problem, because you can easily see what has been changed because you've got an object selected. But when working with conditional text, the conditional text indicator visibility is a GLOBAL setting, and thus, hover scrolling over it can change your document, even with nothing selected. And if you're not on a page with conditional text. you'd never even know that your document got changed, until you send it to print!

    This has been plaguing me for…

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  4. "Force quit" a background task

    In all the years that we've had background tasks, I've almost never been able to cancel one successfully. Whenever a task hangs up for unknown reasons, and I hit cancel, it just hangs on the 'cancelling' step and the only way to stop it is to force-quit InDesign, which can equal lost work and damaged files.

    I would like to see a more assertive way to force shut down of a background task that isn't cooperating.

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    Under Review  ·  24 comments  ·  PDF Export  ·  Admin →
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  5. Move "missing links" prompt to before PDF export dialogue.

    Please move the "missing fonts" or "missing links" prompts to BEFORE the PDF naming and features preferences. I makes me nuts when navigate to where I'm dropping the final export, then name it, only to have an alert pop up telling me I'm missing something. I should be told that IMMEDIATELY.

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    Under Review  ·  7 comments  ·  PDF Export  ·  Admin →
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  6. Bug in Merge paragraph borders

    There is a bug in merge paragraph borders of CC 13.1. In thread text frames, the border is displayed immediately after end of paragraph.

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  7. No Multi-Processor support for InDesign?

    InDesign were and still is very slow. Now I work on an iMac 2017 with i7 processor with 4.2 GHz and Radeon Pro 580 8GB graphics with InDesign 14.0.1. The i7 is a Quadcore CPU but if InDesign works, it still works on just 1 Core! So InDesign ist still slow and the Beachball appears very often. Photoshop instead uses all the performance of this great machine.

    Isn't it possible, to use all CPU-cores and maybe additionally the GPU with InDesign, to increase the performance?

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  8. Expand PublishOnline Analytics

    I absolutely love PublishOnline. Is there a plan anytime soon to add to the analytics capabilities with Adobe PublishOnline anytime soon? The features on the dashboard for all published documents are great, but it would be even better to have those same analytics broken down by document - not just views and readers. I'd like to know how much time is spent, for instance, in a newsletter I've published vs. a catalog or flyer. And it would be great to know which documents tend to be read more on tablets vs desktop, rather than all of them as a whole.…

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    Under Review  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    Thank you all for your support on this feature request. Evidently, stronger analytics, would ensure better decision making.

    I’ll be reaching out to some of you to gather more inputs on this feature request.
    Your feedback will go a long way to help us define the feature better.

    Abhinav Kaushik (AK)
    Product Manager, InDesign

  9. InDesign fails to import Whatsapp JPG

    Since today neighter Indesign can import nor Photoshop can open Whatsapp JPG's. Please deliver a solution!

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  10. Live Preflight reporting a false error with OpenType Type 1 fonts

    InDesign's Live Preflight will wrongly flag an OpenType Type 1 (PostScript flavored) font as invalid when the font appears in a linked graphic.

    To recreate:
    1. Create an InDesign Preflight Profile
    2. Set it to flag Type 1 fonts as Font Type Not allowed.
    3. Create a new InDesign document.
    4. Add text using an OpenType Type 1 font.
    5. Turn on the preflight.
    The preflight will not signal an error. This is expected and correct.
    6. Now export a PDF of the document created.
    7. Create a new InDesign document.
    8. Place the PDF as a linked graphic into…

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  11. XML structures and footnotes/endnotes

    This is a point which was subject of lot of discussion since years in several forums. Even this uservoice mentions it (partly) sometime but obviously it hasn't been considered at all.
    In InDesign, a footnote can't contain xml structures.
    In InDesign, it is not possible to map an xml element to the footnote object.
    This is really weird, since:
    a) mapping XML element to an InDesign object is something exiting already for tables thanks to attribute aid:table. So why not having set an attribute aid:note, with values "footnote" and "endnote" and implementing this?
    b) footnotes and endnotes can contain by…

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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks for reporting the issue.
    We will review it shortly.

    -InDesign Team

  12. Uncheck Shared Hyperlink Destination by default

    In the panel 'New Hyperlink' the box 'Shared Hyperlink Destination' is by default checked. I always (must) uncheck it. Two questions: can I reset these default-settings somewhere. (I think not - but I'll like to do that). There is no possibility to put this check on/off under a shortcut. That should be nice for automation-purpose.

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  13. The current Pantone Plus Color swatches (Color Bridge in particular) are not being updated when the Adobe software updated with updates

    The Pantone Swatches do not update when updating Adobe software in the cloud. And updating with Pantone Color Manager is completely inane.

    I have the most recent update for Adobe (InDesign CC Release 2017.1, and a build of x64) and have loaded the most recent Pantone Color Manager to update the Pantone Plus Color Bridge colors (i started with one color library... updating all libraries would take at least a half day)

    After updating:
    1. I can no longer search for colors as I used to, so I manually have to scroll through the whole list to find the…

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  14. column rules length option to set frame-based

    I want the option to make the length of the column rules always the same as when there is no text.
    Currently, the length of a column rule changes with the amount of text, but I want an option that always makes this frame-based. This is the same as drawing with no text in the text frame.
    See Discussion,

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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks for reporting the issue. We are reviewing it

    -InDesign Team

  15. Outlining text removes underlines (line above and below)

    When supplying PDFs to printers they often/always require all text to be outlined. If you put an underline on any text and than go 'Type > Create Outlines', only the text becomes outlined and it completely removes any underline (line above and below that I've setup in paragraph styles). Expected results: To have the text outlined and retain the line above/below.

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  16. Full Screen and Split View do not work

    Version of Adobe InDesign: 13.1
    Steps to reproduce the issues: Click the green 'maximize' button to put the application into Fullscreen mode
    Expected result: Application should enter standard MacOS fullscreen mode like other modern Mac apps do, compatible with switching Spaces and sharing screen with another app in Split View.
    Actual result: Can not enter Full Screen, breaking multi-app workflow with Spaces or Split View.

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    11 comments  ·  UI  ·  Admin →
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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks for reporting the issue. We will review it shortly

    -InDesign Team

  17. Defining a Drop Cap

    If you define a Drop Cap in a paragraph style WITH a character style and also define a nested style, if there is a single letter word starting the paragraph, the nested style does not recognize it and will apply the nested style to an additional word beyond the deliminator. For example, a nested style through 3 words will apply to the first 4 if the paragraph starts with "I[space]" or "A[space]". It does not do this if [none] is chosen from the character style dropdown in Drop Caps, but only if one is chosen (even when nothing is defined…

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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks for reporting this issue.
    However this behaviour seems to prevail since quite a long time.

    I have marked it NeedsReview for consideration in the coming versions of InDesign.


  18. Duplicate page should insert page after source page

    When I am duplicating a page, I always want it to be right after the source page. For my workflow, I am duplicating a page because I want to make another page like it, and like pages tend to be near each other.

    Also, it is easier to find the end of the document than to remember your current place in a large document. So even if I did want to send my duplicated page to the end of the document, its not that hard to drag it to the bottom, VS going to the end of the document to…

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  19. [] Share for REVIEW | Panel is going blank after I did Save As with the same doc name

    Connection to the review is lost AFTER I save the document with:
    Save As with the same name.

    If this is "as designed" the feature should be changed!
    "Save As" to the same document name should NEVER break the connection to the review.

    Uwe Laubender
    ( ACP )

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  20. Changing Paragraph Style in InCopy story does not prompt check-out dialog

    1. InDesign 13.1 and 14.0 both exhibit this behavior.

    2. If you have an InCopy story that is not checked out to you, and you attempt to change a paragraph or character style, the following happens:

    • The style change does not take effect (this is correct)
    • The newly-selected style appears to be selected in the paragraph style panel (incorrect)
    • The "You must check out the contents of this frame in order to make changes. Check out now?" dialog does not appear. (incorrect)
    1. I expect the "You must check out the contents of this frame in order to make changes. Check out now?"…
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