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65 results found

  1. EPUB CSS output could be improved quite a lot

    So I’m currently in charge of Readium CSS, which is a project related to Readium 2 (link:, a complete rewrite of Readium SDK, which you may know in the form of a Chrome app – this Chrome app is actually advised by InDesign engineers in the InDesign forums whenever a rendering issue pops up so I assume InDesign engineers know it exists.

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of CSS issues piling up right now and InDesign’s output could really do with some significant improvements to allow for better cross-platform support and rendering. Indeed, Readium 2/CSS is meant to…

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  2. It'd be so much more efficient to be able to put in a default value in editable form text fields in InDesign vs Acrobat.

    I work on a creative team building editable form fields in InDesign for interactive pdf export. It'd be so much more efficient to be able to put in a DEFAULT VALUE OPTION with the correct InDesign formatting in editable form text fields in InDesign vs the limited option in Acrobat.

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  3. Export vector objects as .svg in ePub

    When exporting to ePub, please include an option to export vector objects as .svg instead of automatically rasterizing them. .svg objects is supported in ePub so there's no reason not to have the option to export vector objects as vector objects.

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  4. Reflowable EPUB Preview inside InDesign

    The EPUB Interactivity preview panel is SO handy. Can we get one for reflowable epubs too (or add this feature to that one)? I would like to see the effects of chapter breaks, floats, image anchors, etc. within InDesign instead of the EPUB export dance all the time. BONUS if it can show me a preview that's roughly equivalent to a chosen preset like iBooks, Kindle, Nook, ADE, Overdrive, and so on.

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  5. Stop exporting div IDs in epubs

    Those gazillion div ids all have to be removed and replaced with nice, neat, simple classes. PLEASE remain professional software for professional designers, and stop trying to cater to people who don't want to learn anything about .epubs and can't tell the difference between good and bad. Trying to help them really mucks things up for the rest of us.

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  6. We need collaboration between KDP and InDesign

    We need an Amazon-approved method of exporting Kindle books which will not be arbitrarily modified in KDP.

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  7. Combine more than one paragraph style for a single TOC entry

    Major navigation points sometimes have headers that are split across multiple paragraph styles, not just one. This makes it impossible to correctly generate the TOC styles, since you can only select a single paragraph style per TOC/NCX entry. It would be helpful if multiple paragraph styles could have their text combined into one entry, so that they create a single navigation link in the epub. For example, "Chapter" and "One" may have two different paragraph styles, but you would want 1 NCX entry, with "Chapter One" as the text.

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  8. Interactive buttons able to form shape of path

    Currently interactive buttons are restrained to circular or rectangular bounding boxes. This needs to change so a path can be turned into the button.

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  9. Customizing Export Options for Images

    If an epub is exported with the “Use Existing Image for Graphic Object” option selected, crop information is not maintained on any of the exported images. If you select "Preserve Appearance from Layout", the crop is maintained, but the images are downsampled quite extensively.

    There should be a way to export the images in their original resolution while also preserving the crop information, or at least having more customizable image export settings.

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  10. EPUB export with common settings fails validation

    If you specify in EPUB (Reflowable) Export Options that CSS should be "Relative" instead of "Fixed," InDesign adds unnecessary "absolute positioning" attributes to the CSS which fails EPUB 3.x validation. If you change it to Fixed, then the images resize incorrectly.

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  11. Export correct unicode spaces to epub/html

    Logging this as a new feature, but it could also be a bug? Also logging this under "EPUB" since thats most important to me, but it also affects "HTML"

    Currently the only space characters exported by InDesign are the regular space and the non breaking space. All others are converted to regular spaces on export. These spaces should be retained in the epub, since they are supported by reading systems and in many cases it is typographically incorrect to use regular spaces.

    Spaces with direct Unicode mappings:
    Normal Space U+0020
    Nonbreaking Space U+00A0

    Em Space U+2003
    En Space U+2002

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  12. Define epub:type in object style

    Epub:type is available in Object Export Options, but can only be set on individual objects, not in Object Styles. Since some epub:types need to be used repeatedly (like "chapter"), it would be really useful to set them in object styles.

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  13. Animation Effects

    It would be great if the animation effects of the Online Publish function could be made more sophisticated.

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  14. Footnote numbering options for EPUB export

    When exporting a single story into EPUB (2 or 3), the footnotes are numbered from 1 to x over all xhtml files with no chance to control their numbering. The footnote numbering options from within InDesign (per page, per section, etc.) should be respected while exporting.

    Alternatively there should be some appropriate options in the export panel.

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  15. Date feature for interactive pdf

    Currently I dont think there is an option to insert a 'date' feature - could this be added in future updates. As of now, it is only possible using Adobe Acrobat - create forms.

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  16. Make the Buttons and Forms panel expandable

    The Buttons and Forms panel is not expandable like almost all other panels. It's too narrow and when you have many buttons the Visibility list is much too short when it starts scrolling. Also, I want to move (drag and drop) the order of the buttons in the Visibility list.

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  17. ePub presets

    Export to ePub presets, like there are for print and PDF. Kind of a "best practices" export reset that could be customized for periodical projects.

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  18. Reach master page from the page document via ctrl/right click

    This is something that’s brilliantly done in Muse, and not so complicate to add as a feature in inDesign, because everything is already there.

    When you’re in Muse, in « design mode », you can right/ctrl click anywhere on any page to wether apply a Master or reach the applied master.

    In Muse, the « plan mode » (which is inDesign’s pages panel) is usually in another window, complicate to reach, but nonetheless, in inDesign, that could help new users to get what a master page is.

    Reason : most of the time, I don’t want to have my pages…

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  19. Exporting ePub options - more needed and open direct to selected readers...

    When exporting an ePUB, give the option to export as "iBooks friendly" or "ADE friendly" or "Google Play friendly" and automatically preview the epub in the chosen app. The reason this is needed is because, currently the enhanced epubs that you can export from InDesign work through iBooks but literally NOWHERE else. Google Play throws back errors that don't make sense and do not support some of the features that InDesign exports, such as javascript. And ADE does not have consistency across the android version and the Windows version and is riddled with bugs. The windows version doesn't read fonts,…

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  20. INDESIGN EPUB REFLOWABLE not exporting spaces between pages and text


    There is an error that the reflowable EPUB does not export the spaces between pages and texts.
    This implies that you must go to other software to do so.

    More detail of the error in case No. ADB-11233384-C2H4

    No one from your technical team could solve this yet.


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