Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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5188 results found
現在、InDesignのルビ設定「文字かけ処理」では、「無制限」以外のすべての設定において、拗促音(小仮名)への文字かけが許容されない仕様となっています。 しかし、実際の日本語組版、特に縦組みの文芸書においては、拗促音への文字かけが強く求められています。この仕様のために、組版作業において大きな支障が生じています。
- デフォルトの動作は「許容しない」ままとする(既存の仕様を維持)
- 環境設定に、ドキュメントのデフォルトを「許容する」に変更できるオプションを新設する
- 既存の仕様である「許容しない」は、互換性維持の観点からデフォルトのままとすべき
- 「許容する」設定は、個々のルビ設定で変更するのではなく、ドキュメントごとのデフォルトとして設定できるようにするのが望ましい。そのため、環境設定で制御できる形が適切である
31 votes -
Make the tools in the toolbox customizable so we can rearrange the tool layout
Make the tools in the toolbox customizable so we can rearrange the tool layout like you can in Photoshop. I'd like to simply be able to arrange the tools in a way that benefits my workflow and hide some tools I rarely (or never) use. This is basic functionality, such an obvious feature — and it's so annoying that it is not available.
16 votes -
字取り機能の改善リクエスト (improvement to "jidori" feature request)
文字数以外の設定はテキストフレーム/フレームグリッドに関わらずフレームグリッド設定に依存します。これを知らずに「字取り」を使いこなせていないユーザーも多いです。添付画像 1 に示したのは、私が不便だと感じたケースの全てです。そして( )の中には私の仕事での主な使い道です。
皆さんの賛同が欲しいです。添付画像 2 は文字パネルのスクリーンショットです。
これは「縦中横」や「割注」、あるいは「下線」や「打ち消し線」と同様に扱うこととします。添付画像 3 は設定ダイアログのアイディアです。
1 文字サイズ、字数、字間 の3要素で設定、
2 字取りの幅(縦組み時は高さ)をダイレクトに設定
in poor englishjidori feature improvement request
The "Jidori" function unique to the Japanese version can only be set to "character count," which is inconvenient in many situations.
Settings other than the number of characters depend on the frame grid settings regardless of the text frame/frame grid. Many users are unaware of this and are not able to use the "Jidori" function well.…
43 votes -
Persistent Tutorial Pop-ups in InDesign
Dear Technical Support,
I am experiencing persistent issues with Adobe InDesign, where tutorial pop-ups and annotations for new features continue to appear, even after repeatedly clicking the "Skip" button. This behavior is highly irritating and disrupts my workflow. Could you please advise on how to disable these pop-ups?
9 votes -
[Scripting] Edit QR Code
It would be good if we could read the contents of an Indesign-generated QR Code via script.
Currently it is possible to read the contents by exporting the QRCode graphic as a snippet and reading the XML. We see this:
<PlainTextQRCode Self="ueb" PlainText=""> <Properties> <QrCodeSwatch type="string">Black</QrCodeSwatch> </Properties> </PlainTextQRCode>
but this is an obscure and time consuming approach and it would be sensible to be able to derive the "" value directly via the scripting API, and ideally change it—causing the QR Code to regenerate.
I'm not sure how best to implement... maybe a new method: Graphic.getQRCodePlainTextContents() and Graphic.setQRCodePlainTextContents(myString)…
4 votes -
New utility feature called: "Move Link(s) To...".
It would be great to have another utilities feature called: Move Link(s) To...
Ideally it would function the same as Copy Link(s) To... but instead of copying it would just move the files.
This would allow for a cleaner file setup where you can move all your files from a document into one location without packaging and having the files as duplicates on your computer.
5 votes -
UI for tool panels to have 'fixed' sizes
Please add an option (as it may not be for everyone) to fix the size of the height of the tool panels, regardless of what tab is selected. It drives me mad that it jumps around so much, when selecting a different tab, and that resizes the entire column. Please can it just remain fixed, so all the tabs are where I left them, regardless of what's selected? The screenshots aren't even the worst that I've had, it's just two seconds of flicking through different tabs and seeing how they're all affected
3 votes -
Gutter control on spreads for facing-pages layout that require bleed on the inside edges
There are several requests for this that don't use correct terminology, so I'm going to add this one to hopefully consolidate votes on this long overdue feature. When working on facing-page projects that are not bound with glue, it is imperative that graphics and color that goes to the inside edge have bleed into the gutter. There is no gutter bleed support for parent pages in InDesign, requiring us to create two spreads with bleed across the gutter from either side to support pages that need that gutter bleed on export. Then we have to separate the pages in the…
9 votes -
Not currently able to change the location of InDesign GenAI Assets.
I want to be able to have the InDesign GenAI folder on an exernal SSD or Dropbox like the assets in Premiere/After Effects.
5 votes -
Please remove the text (GPU Preview) in the name tabs.
They take up needed space if you have several files open. I know I can turn it off if I turn off GPU but would rather not.
2 votes -
Stop turning all your products into Canva
The pop ups and changes to the UI are unnecessary and disruptive to decades of established workflow. Stop treating your established customer base like they're idiots and not design professionals. If wanted to use Canva I would.
7 votes -
Option to set header column
Add option to set header column, not just header rows.
3 votes -
Possibility to insert multi-language variables in one document
I would like to be able to insert multilingual variables in InDesign, within a single document. I often have to produce multilingual documents and have to insert dates, texts and so on.... I would like to be able to insert these variables in different layers of a document (e.g. ‘Italian’ layer = Italian text variable; ‘English’ layer = English text variable and so on).
I think this could be a good function to add in future versions.
1 vote -
Integrate Optical Margin Alignment into Paragraph tab
Currently, the Story tab is a standalone tab, offering only one checkbox: the Optical Margin Alignment option. This functionality, in my opinion, is closely related to paragraph adjustments, such as paragraph alignment within text boxes. Given its nature, it seems more intuitive and efficient to integrate Optical Margin Alignment within the Paragraph tab or the main text formatting panel.
Adding the Story tab to my workspace alongside essential tabs like Character, Paragraph, and various styles consumes more horizontal screen space than necessary. Once positioned next to other panels, the tab's label, "Story," becomes difficult to read due to the limited…
3 votes -
Make overset text + icon stand out better
Maybe it is just me grappling with this, but I find it extremely hard to see the overset text ‘+’ in the bottom right of the text frames. Sure, I can go to preflight panel and resolve everything from there, but I often fix many other things too as I go and work quite visually. If the box had a red fill and the + was white, it would stand out better. Currently I have to zoom way out to get an idea of where they are.
3 votes -
rename character and paragraph styles using a batch renaming feature
It would be incredibly helpful if we could rename character and paragraph styles using a batch renaming feature, similar to what is available in Bridge. This would be especially beneficial when creating accessible PDFs through a Book file. When the same style names appear across different files, it causes tag issues during export via MadeToTag, requiring manual adjustments to all the styles. Since we frequently work with a variety of documents, this process becomes quite cumbersome over time. Thank you so much!
2 votes -
drop caps
im editing books in hebrew and I'm trying to do a drop cap not for only one letter or more, but insted for one word.
so I think it will be great if you could add this feature that allowing to choose the option of one word.
also in the same subject, Indesign styling the drop cap by it self, its not letting you to change the size of the drop cap. so if you could add this one it will great for all the pepolr whom editing books in hebrew.0 votes -
Color Swatch Info
Please add the Color Swatch Info creation feature from Illustrator to InDesign. Not sure why this wasn't added along with the Illustrator one? It would be extremely useful in both apps, since InDesign is also used to create styleguides.
2 votes -
Please stop Find/Change Font defaulting to Minion
Please please please stop defaulting to Minion in Find/change fonts. I know this has been suggested, but this is a constant annoyance! Can someone at least make this intuitive and default either to the main font of the document or the font family that needs to be changed. This could be an option within the tool.
For instance, if the offending font is, say, Adobe Caslon [nothing], it stands to reason that the user might want it to change to a valid Adobe Caslon. Not that this is certain, but it's likely. So if the suggested font is in the…
2 votes -
Layers Panel: be able to Group two Objects that are already in a Group with more than two objects
I am creating flowcharts within InDesign as it seems to work better for me than in Illustrator. The Layers Panel allows me to do this. But I really, really wish I didn't have to do this workaround. These are my personal notes for future reference:
Grouping for complex assemblages of objects: creating a new group
This is needed because the Layers Panel won't allow you to group items deep in the Layers Panel, only if they're at the top level; you can't create a "Group within a Group."
- Use Layers Panel
- Keep two objects (doesn't matter what) off…2 votes
- Don't see your idea?