Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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29 results found
Locate where a specific colour is used in your document
It would be really useful to be able to find exactly where a colour is used in a document. When you get a document from a third party and there are extra colours in it that you are trying to eliminate it is sometimes very difficult to track them down.
You can convert the colour to a spot colour then turn on separations and do a visual check but, apart from being time consuming and relying on it being large enough to be easily spotted, it won't help if the colour has been defined as part of a style.
396 votesThe ability to find colors in documents in now available in InDesign’s latest release 16.0.
It can be found in a new tab of Find/Change dialog – Color.
Please let us know your feedback in comments.Regards,
Abhinav Kaushik (AK) -
Please add a history panel to InDesign, like Photoshop's
This is a very helpful feature, saving time and enabling the user to track what they've done. Thank you.
363 votesHistory panel has been added to the latest version 19.5 of InDesign 2024. Please update your copy of InDesign from CCD app to this latest version to start using this new feature.
Adobe InDesign team
Add the ability to Name Pages
We build all our digital ads in indesign. 20 pages at 20 unique sizes. When we export to jpegs, we have to go and manually name every single image with the file name.
It would be nice if we could tag the file dimensions to each page and have this information export as a suffix to the original file name.
i.e. 0000-Client Code-'600x600', 0000-Client Code-'1280x760'
The pages would allow us to assign the 600x600 and the 1280x760 to the page for exporting and would carry over from document to document.
Please and thank you for your consideration.
356 votesHi,
The ability to add suffix to JPEG/PNG is now available in InDesign’s latest release 19.0. Please let us know your feedback in comments.
Sanyam Talwar (he/him)
Add lowercase, Title, and Toggle to Case in style definition options
When defining a style, under Basic Character Formats, it would be very helpful to force lowercase! (And also add Title and Toggle case options so all case possibilities are present)
This is especially needed when replacing acronyms (usually typed in all-caps in manuscripts) with the appropriate small caps. It is very time consuming to manually retype all-caps acronyms in lowercase, then apply small caps character styling to it!
Try doing this for a 300-page'll want to cut your eyes out.
351 voteslowercase was added to Character style and Paragraph style definition options in InDesign 2025 version.
Adobe InDesign team
Duplicating pages in InDesign - but not at the end of a document
When duplicating pages in Indesign they always appear at the end of the document. We should be able to select where in the document we want the pages to be added, as we do when inserting new pages.
So, 'Duplicate Pages''; "Insert Before/After page XX" etc338 votesHi everyone,
This feature is available in Adobe InDesign 2023 version.
Please update to this InDesign version to work with this feature.
Adobe InDesign team
Save Preferences
For about 14/15 years I never had to reset preferences in InDesign.
Since CC2017 it's more or less once a week.
Colors disappearing.. panels blind or empty.. tools not working.. font now showing.
Panels self increasing size...But it seems we have to deal with it, so we probably need a way to SAVE PREFERENCES.
Save preferences in a moment everything work fine.. and restore it when (after just few days) nothing works anymore.Every time people have to reset preferences, they have to restore everything. UI colors, workspace, Application Frame (that mac users normally never use) Old Dialog way…
299 votesHi everyone,
InDesign provides an option to export and import User Settings, providing users with a smooth and enhanced experience to restore their custom settings if needed. The feature is now available in the latest InDesign 2024(v19.3.0.058)
Helpx article -
Please let us know your feedback in the comments.
Sanyam Talwar(he/him)
Over the years I (and others) have requested that the UI of InDesign be scalable. As designers, our eyes navigate us thru the creative process.
IT IS NOT EASY to readily decipher palettes and menus which sport MICROSCOPIC TYPE on a 28-inch, high-resolution monitor.
It IMPEDES workflow if one is spending extra time trying to find and choose things on the interface.
At least give us a choice! Smaller, Medium, Large, Extra-large.When will Adobe get this??????
285 votesScalable UI feature is now available in the latest version of InDesign – InDesign 2022. Please get the latest version of InDesign from the Creative Cloud Desktop app. — Adobe InDesign team
SVG import
Ability to import .svg files just like any other vector format (.ai, .pdf, .eps, etc.)
251 votesSVG import has been implemented in InDesign 2020. Please upgrade to this version of InDesign to use this feature.
Adobe InDesign team -
Hiding Pages in a Document
It would be helpful to hide pages in a way similar to hiding columns in Excel. I don't want the information gone, I just need to minimize it so I can focus on the specific pages I need. Accessing this action via a right click in the pages menu would be ideal.
226 votesHi,
The ability to Hide Spreads in a document is now available in InDesign’s latest release 19.0. Please let us know your feedback in comments.
Sanyam Talwar (he/him) -
Variable font support
Please add support for variable fonts.
183 votesVariable Font support has been implemented in InDesign 2020. Please upgrade to this version of InDesign to use this feature.
Adobe InDesign team -
InDesign Preview For Finder
There really should be an InDesign preview for Mac Finder. This should be a requirement for your software and should not be considered a feature request.
180 votesPreview of InDesign documents in Mac Finder and Windows Explorer is available in InDesign version 2023.
Adobe InDesign team
PLEASE!!!! The most powerful design app in the world, and after all these years STILL no HSB in the color picker.
Hue, saturation and value are by far the best ways to create and use color, in nearly anything. All of the other color selections/spaces (CMYK, RGB, LAB, etc) should flow from there, secondarily. Illustrator and Photoshop have always supported HSB(V), and yet as amazing a design tool as InDesign is – it still doesn't. Many of us have been asking for years, and I'm surprised that there aren't more requests ... I think many of us have given up. You can do it, Adobe! You would make a lot of designers very happy, and add a very powerful missing feature…
149 votesHSB option has been added to Color Picker and other panels for better experience.
Please try out InDesign’s latest update Id 16.0.Let us know your feedback in the comments.
Abhinav Kaushik (AK) -
Vertical lines between text frame columns
Add an option to add vertical lines between text frame columns (with, of course, options to choose line weight, color, etc).
137 votesColumn Rules has been implemented in InDesign 2020. Please upgrade to this version of InDesign to use this feature.
Adobe InDesign team -
Add support for Case Transformation in GREP Change to field
GREP Case Transformations in "Change To"
Add support for case transformation in the replace patterns "Change to" for changing the case of the original text when using subpattern
replacements.\u Make the next character uppercase
\U Make all following characters uppercase until reaching another case specifier (\u, \L, \l ) or \E
\l Make the next character lowercase
\L Make all following characters lowercase until reaching another case specifier (\u, \U, \l ) or \E
\E End case transformation opened by \U or \L108 votesHi everyone,
You can easily change text cases with just a few clicks, ensuring consistency across your designs. This feature streamlines text editing, saving you time and effort. Enhance your workflow by adjusting text case quickly from the Text or GREP tabs of the Find/Change panel. The feature is now available in the latest InDesign 2024(v19.5.0.084)
Helpx article -
Please let us know your feedback in the comments.
Sanyam Talwar(he/him)
Ability to import heif/heic files just like any other vector format (.ai, .pdf, .eps, etc.)
95 votesAbility to import HEIC/HEIF/JPEG2000/WEBP image formats is available in InDesign 2023.
Adobe InDesign team
Preserve filename on PDF export
This is a common issue having looked around the internet for a solution...
PDF export uses the name of the file up until the point where a user changes the name of the PDF before export, then saves the file after the export is done. That changed name is then written into the file and used as this is the expected behaviour.
However, this becomes an issue if you are repurposing the same artwork at different sizes (for example) where you have to manually override the filename on each export.
It would be great if a future InDesign build had…
65 votesThe feature to “Preserve Filename on PDF Export” was introduced in InDesign 2019 in the PDF Export dialog.
The option is called “Use InDesign Document Name as the Output Filename”.Marking this Feature Request as Completed.
Adobe InDesign team -
Dynamic endnotes
Please add dynamic endnotes, and the ability to import them form MS Word as a dynamic not static endnotes.
31 votesThis is now available in the latest version of InDesign.
InDesign needs language support for Burmese (Myanmar).
InDesign needs language support for Burmese (Myanmar). The corporation I am with is doing a lot of translation currently from English to Burmese and InDesign cannot render the characters correctly. We would also be happy to help fund getting this done as well as provide access to our Burmese translation team. No one wants to type set books and manuals in Microsoft Word...
18 votesInDesign 2020 includes a new text engine to support five new South East Asian languages: Thai, Burmese, Lao, Khmer, and Sinhala.
Your documents can now include text composed in these languages.
Hope you find this new feature useful in your work.We’re marking this “Feature Request” as Completed.
Adobe InDesign team -
Change case Find/Replace dialog
It would fantastic to force Lower case/Upper case/Title case/Sentence case by Text or GREP pattern in Find/Change dialog.
Also would be very useful including this into GREP style.17 votesHi everyone,
You can easily change text cases with just a few clicks, ensuring consistency across your designs. This feature streamlines text editing, saving you time and effort. Enhance your workflow by adjusting text case quickly from the Text or GREP tabs of the Find/Change panel. The feature is now available in the latest InDesign 2024(v19.5.0.084)
Helpx article -
Please let us know your feedback in the comments.
Sanyam Talwar(he/him)
Create a more functional font menu please!
Make the fonts menu more functional.
Show larger font samples
Let user see selected text or custom text as sample text (instead of just using "sample")
Ability to sort between serif, san-serif, decorative, handwritten, etc. Even if this means user needs to create "tags" to organize their own font libraries.See the typekit website or any website that sells fonts. Do it like that.
12 votesThe above functionality apart from having a different Sample text for font is now available in the latest version of InDesign i.e. InDesign CC 2018
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