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301 results found

  1. Allow multiple character styles to be applied to characters

    Allow multiple character styles to be applied to one character.
    There should be an »appearance« panel as in Illustrator, which reflects the hierarchy of multiple applied character styles to one character/a text.

    This would ease the work with XML and reduce the number of character styles needed. Nowadays you have to trick with GREP styles etc. to apply multiple character styles to one character.
    With such a feature, I could define »italic« and »bold« and has no need to define »bold italic«. This will even end up in better HTML export: instead of <span class="BoldItalic">blabl</span> there could be the much…

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  2. Add lowercase, Title, and Toggle to Case in style definition options

    When defining a style, under Basic Character Formats, it would be very helpful to force lowercase! (And also add Title and Toggle case options so all case possibilities are present)

    This is especially needed when replacing acronyms (usually typed in all-caps in manuscripts) with the appropriate small caps. It is very time consuming to manually retype all-caps acronyms in lowercase, then apply small caps character styling to it!

    Try doing this for a 300-page'll want to cut your eyes out.

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  3. Border also as character style instead of only paragraph style

    Title describes itself. I would like to have the ability to "span" one or more characters instead of a whole paragraph and assign a border to them. Just like I'm able to do with css

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  4. Paragraph Border Controls when Split across Columns or Frames

    There needs to be a control that "If paragraph breaks between columns or frames" restricts the paragraph border to: "baseline" , "cap-height" and perhaps a value offset for this. At the very least there needs to be the "clip to frame" option for paragraph border like there is for paragraph shading. However, the controls for baseline and cap-height would be ideal.

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  5. Dependent font sizes

    Allow for Character styles to have a font size relative to the underlying Paragraph style by adding and subtracting (or even multiplication and division). A Character style’s font size could be -2 pt or +2 pt for example. If the Paragraph style’s font size is 14 pt, the Character style’s fonts size would result in 12 pt or 16 pt. This is very practical for optical adjustment of different typefaces for example, keeping everything dynamic.

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  6. Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style

    I'd like the option to not add space between paragraphs of the same style, even if those paragraphs have space above or below. Microsoft Word has a checkbox that does this, and it's great for list styles. You can create a list style with space above and below and then check that box so that space only appears before and after the list, not between list items.

    In order to achieve the same effect in InDesign, you need three or more styles (one with space above but not below for the first item, one without space above or below for…

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  7. 68 votes

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  8. Bullets and numbering - background or box

    When applying a character style in the bullets and numbering tab, all characteristics are applied except for underline/strikethrough options. I noticed that this has been mentioned several times over the years but has not been changed as of CC

    If this is impossible to fix, is it then perhaps possible to implement an option to add a background to bullets or numbering, similar to the paragraph rule, which allows for offset, indentation etc.

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  9. GREP styles as stand-alone named styles

    I use GREP styles a lot, and they are very convenient! But I often have to use the same GREP styles in different paragraph styles. Sometimes they consist of rather complex long expressions, and their transfer to another publication becomes difficult and time-consuming. GREP styles should be placed in a separate list, similar to the other stylesheets, and each of them must have its own name, with which they can be included in the paragraph style.

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  10. Object Styles: Size and Position relative to spine

    When setting an object's position with this feature, one must choose left or right for X position. With Anchored Objects, we can choose for that to be "relative to spine" instead. So instead of "left" or "right", we can choose "inside" or "outside".
    This would allow for symmetry on a spread. Example: an object could then extend from the spine, beyond the page edge, through the bleed, whether on a left or right page.

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  11. Content aware fit in object style // InDesign

    Please make it possible to use the function "content aware fit" for images in an object style.
    // InDesign

    Thanks, Heike Burch //

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  12. PLEASE!! Remove "Synchronize styles accross book" button

    PLEASE!! Remove "Synchronize styles accross book" button or at least add a "are you sure" confirm button.
    This is an irreversible action which can mess all documents within a book without the option to undo it.... AND IS NEXT TO "SAVE BOOK" BUTTON.
    You are just one pixel away from destroying your project instead of saving it!
    This is nuts

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  13. 字取り機能の改善リクエスト (improvement to "jidori" feature request)


    添付画像 1 に示したのは、私が不便だと感じたケースの全てです。そして( )の中には私の仕事での主な使い道です。



    添付画像 2 は文字パネルのスクリーンショットです。

    添付画像 3 は設定ダイアログのアイディアです。
    1 文字サイズ、字数、字間 の3要素で設定、
    2 字取りの幅(縦組み時は高さ)をダイレクトに設定



    in poor english

    jidori feature improvement request

    The "Jidori" function unique to the Japanese version can only be set to "character count," which is inconvenient in many situations.
    Settings other than the number of characters depend on the frame grid settings regardless of the text frame/frame grid. Many users are unaware of this and are not able to use the "Jidori" function well.

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  14. Custom Stroke Styles

    inDesign has a number of Easter Eggs in the stroke styles: Woof, Rainbow, Rasta, Happy, and Lights. So obviously there is a way to create custom stroke styles, but it is locked and inaccessible. Please let us import our own vector objects into the stroke styles panel.

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  15. Paragraph Borders and Shading - Keep in Frame

    I use a P Style for a Tip paragraph in my Quick Reference Cards (QRC). The Tip is typically one or two sentences, and has a light shading (light grey) with a top and bottom blue border. I use a similar style for Warnings, except I change the borders to red. Occasionally, the Tip/Warning falls at the top or bottom of a column, and the Border, and sometimes the Shading, lands outside the text frame.

    Can we have a "Keep in Frame" for Borders and Shading, similar to the one for P Rules? David Blatner had a great workaround when…

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  16. Object style with rotation option

    Please make an object style option to include rotation with a reference point.

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  17. Improve Title Case

    When sentence case is added to the paragraph styles panel, please add a place where we can list a set of words to be omitted if they appear after the first word. For example: and, the, a, an.

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  18. Multiple styles per element with cascade like CSS

    So many documents get output into electronic formats now. The limitation of only one style per element (paragraph, character, object) makes it difficult to map what is happening in InDesign to good HTML and CSS.

    If InDesign allowed multiple styles to be applied to an element, with cascade rules like CSS, then electronic output would be easier and the quality of generated markup could be improved. In addition, being able to apply simple style changes to override more comprehensive styles would simplify documents and reduce the number of styles needed to make little variations of design possible..

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  19. Shortcuts can't be assigned to Styles if Keyboard does not have Numpad.

    In the Adobe docs it says "If your keyboard does not have a Num Lock key, you cannot add keyboard shortcuts to styles." I can't believe that Adobe is perfectly content with just excluding large portions of its Mac user base, those of us who are exclusively using a Mac laptop for work (which does not have a keyboard with a numeric pad or the Num Lock Key), from being able to create and therefore take advantage of time-saving shortcuts for character styles. I mean, come on. Why is it again that I am paying $50/month for Adobe CC?

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    FIXED  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    Hello All,
    Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
    We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 15.0

    Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.

    If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.

    You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 15.0

    -InDesign Team

  20. Find all instances of a Paragraph Style

    Find all instances of a Paragraph Style in a document via the Paragraph Styles panel. Like you can see with Links, be able to view the pages that the styles exist on and jump to these pages by clicking on the page number in the panel or be able to navigate through them with up and down arrows

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