Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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71 results found
Add Python to the list of supported scripting languages
The only cross platform scripting language currently supported is ExtendScript, based on ECMAScript (almost 2 decades old v.3, which in itself is already long overdue for an update). Python is cross platform, easy to learn and very powerful. InDesign's DOM can be translated naturally into Python. Python has a vast set of functional libraries, and still growing. Supporting Python from within InDesign would in its most basic form only have to enable *.py scripts in the Scripts panel, but it would benefit of an interactive console of its own.
155 votes -
script action
Make a scripting easier by record functions in an action like photoshop
105 votes -
Repeat last action feature
Please, make something like MS Word, that you can repeat your last action just pressing F4. That could save a lot of time.
91 votes -
Access CC Library Assets via Script
The ability to access assets from a classic ID library and place them on the artboard via script works great. It would be even better if these functionalities are also possible with CC libraries. This move would push more developers to the cloud environment of Adobe in my opinion.
Currently there are some cloud-related methods like 'placeCloudAsset' and 'setCloudLibraryCollection' listed inside the ID-DOM but these seem to be for internal use only.
57 votes -
Please expose a PDF's page count to scripting
To place a PDF in InDesign, you have to know the PDF's page count. The main point of the PlaceMultiPagePDF script is to show how you can place a PDF without knowing its page count, but it's slow business and get very tedious when you want to place part-ranges that include an open-ended range, such as 10-20, 30-
There is a hack, but it's ugly and unreliable.
33 votes -
Script Manager
Please add Script Manager (like ScriptBay; LAScripts, ScriptMix) but more powerful.
So we can sort, group, edit, assign hotkeys, label scripts. Create UI pallets with icons. Etc. Thanks!32 votes -
Add a Search field to the Scripts panel!
I have A LOT of scripts. I try to organize them by folders, but I still waste time looking for the right script. A SEARCH field, like in the Fonts panel, would be VERY much appreciated. Thanks!
30 votes -
please add ECMAscript 6 support to the ExtendScript Language
make ExtendScript great again :-)
30 votes -
Expose missing glyphs to scripting
It's very difficult to find missing glyphs with a script. There's a hack: look for glyph ID 0 in all the document's used font, but this hack is unreliable as it doesn't work in overset text.
To test whether a single character is a missing in its applied font you can (try to) convert it to outlines. That too is an ugly hack, and can't be used for longer stretches of text.
Please add a property to the Story object, say, missingGlyphs, so that the call
returns an array of glyphs missing in a story.
Thank you.
27 votes -
Placing multi-page PDF (script)
The script PlaceMultipagePDF is a very usefull and neat tool. However, I feel it miss a few options.
- Scale to document page size. With additional option of "fill frame proportionally", "fill content proportionally, "fit content to frame", "fit frame to content" and "center content".
- Option where to place the frame on the page: -- Option to place on any corner or center of page. -- Option to place on any corner or center of bleed. -- Option to have different options above on left and right page.
19 votes -
Add alternate text for hyperlinks
The DOM is not available to add the alternate text for the hyperlinks. For accessibility, the alternate text is required for hyperlinks and the same is available in the latest InDesign app. I hope Javascript DOM might be useful to automate this.
18 votes -
Script Label Manager
We use scripts and script labels on a daily basis! It would be absolutely FANTASTIC to have a window (similar to LINKS) that when opened, displays ALL script labels in the board/file, along with a link to where it is in the page (selects the item that's labelled).
It is extremely tedious to use script labels when there is no way to properly organize and manage them.
Please please make this Script Label Manager a feature!
18 votes -
place multi-page illustrator
Feature or Script request:
Place multi-page (multi artboard) files in InDesign with similar auto flow feature as Shift+Place Autoflow Text when Pasting.
Paste multiple Illustrator files at one time with autoflow. For example: 3 separate Illustrator files with 3 artboards each. Script would place each of the 9 artboards on consecutive pages while maintaining the image box size and fill attributes of a user created image box.
Dialogue box to select which artboards are to be placed & layer visibility (similar to current place Illustrator file function). This might only work when a single file is being placed.
16 votes -
iXBRL tagging - annual reports - ESEF reporting
New regulations in Europe means that from 2020 all financial reports must be produced with XBRL tagging. InDesign is the single most used layout software for producing annual reports, but will be useless for the purpose without a solution for tagging.
Are you working on a solution to this considerable challenge?
15 votes -
Add support of XSLT2
Please add support for XSLT2, which is the XSLT standard since 2007.
13 votes -
Need an action to generate call-outs showing font style attributes
For example, if a heading paragraph style is Palatino Bold, color value: C15/M2/Y0/K36, 15 point type on 19 point leading, left aligned with an indent of 1p and space after of 2.6p, plus a nested character style, I would all like this information called out in a small label, on it's own layer in the file.
This action would make the same kind of label on its own layer for ALL the fonts styles in the file. This way I can make sample pages of my file and hand them over to someone else to finish up, with an easy…
12 votes -
Expose a page item's height and width to scripting
A script can determine a page item's dimensions via its geometricBounds property. But this doesn't work when the page item is overset. To get the dimensions of page item in overset text, you have to expose the page item temporarily, which is always time-consuming and often barely possible.
So if we could have properties such as
myTextFrame.heightthat would be very useful.
Thank you.
11 votes -
fit frame to bleed
I would like to see a script that recognizes frames outside of the bleed coordinates, and snaps the frames to those coordinates. It just tidies up the pasteboard and helps with the center content in frame action. Thank you!
10 votes -
Bring back ExtendScipt Toolkit for High Sierra and InDesign CC 2018.
Bring back ExtendScipt Toolkit for High Sierra and InDesign CC 2018. The older version of ExtendScript works but the newer does not work. What is the reason for discontinuing ExtendScripts Toolkit? I have 12 designers with a subscription for each one of them and 6 of those designers rely on ExtendScript Toolkit for one of their workflows.
9 votes -
Importing .fdf files for Importing PDF Comments
Thanks for your implementation of Importing PDF comments, this is definitely a game changer and the future of Print Production in the industry. One question I have is why are we unable to import the .fdf file with the comments from our PDFs straight into InDesign? When working on old PDFs made in 2018 or older we then have to make a new PDF in 2019 and apply those comments to that PDF and it feels like unnecessary hassle. Could the .fdf file created when exporting the comments in Acrobat just not be imported straight into InDesign instead?
8 votes
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