Grammar Check
Add a feature similar to the Grammarly App to check for grammar and sentence structure errors when typing text in InDesign.

Ji Hong commented
Would be a game changer. Sometimes, a part of the copy supplied may be deleted by a designer - pure human error - right at the end when the print files are made, generally late at night due to last min image changes - ending up with a minor but critical error > Big Cost.
Meghan V commented
Please! I keep missing errors. This would really help!
Alice Wilkinson commented
Really need it to work in Indesign.
Angela Ame commented
I'd love for Grammarly to work in InDesign
Sandra commented
I'd love for Grammarly to work in InDesign
Andrea Stark commented
It doesn't make sense that InDesign doesn't have a grammar plug-in with all the advances in AI.
Friggin' How We Do Here commented
Please and thank you.
Magic words no doubt! -
Megan Angele Holmes commented
This is so frustrating. Dynamic spelling is great but it can't catch repeat words and grammatically incorrect sentences. The Grammarly plugin would help eliminate costly reprints and embarrassing mistakes. Please make this a priority. Professional software should have professional proofing tools!
Lorraine Sumner commented
Adobe, WHY haven't you made this happen yet? You want us to pay extra for your garbage AI add ons, but you won't give us an integration with Grammarly? If Adobe didn't have a monopoly on design tools, I would absolutely not use this service because of how ****** it has become.
aaa-dobe commented
With AI writing tools in just about everything, InDesign is so far behind.
claidheamdanns commented
At least a basic grammar checker would be great! I can't believe that InDesign won't even catch simple errors.
Bridget Voltz commented
This would cut out extra steps for me.
Also, knowing how important AI functions are to Adobe, it would be a great advantage for them to strengthen their AI capability further with a platform that already works and continues to grow.
I want to add that I used Grammerly to write this comment.
Omar Khaled commented
Sapone 62 commented
I'm using Grammarly for all Office365 applications which works very well. Now, that I have started using Adobe InDesign, I would like continue using Grammarly and not pay an additional subscription just for this app. Is there a way to connect Grammarly with Adobe InDesign?
Charles Buckley commented
It would be such a great advantage to the Adobe family to include Grammarly.
DIMA 13 commented
Rob GRAY commented
Please include a functional grammar checker. After all, if Microsoft can do it...
Omar Khaled commented
Grammarly integration
Rachael Kelley commented
Please integrate Grammarly into InDesign
Pamela commented
Grammarly integration with Indesign would increase my productivity by 100%