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149 results found

  1. Locate where a specific colour is used in your document

    It would be really useful to be able to find exactly where a colour is used in a document. When you get a document from a third party and there are extra colours in it that you are trying to eliminate it is sometimes very difficult to track them down.

    You can convert the colour to a spot colour then turn on separations and do a visual check but, apart from being time consuming and relying on it being large enough to be easily spotted, it won't help if the colour has been defined as part of a style.

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    Completed  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    The ability to find colors in documents in now available in InDesign’s latest release 16.0.

    It can be found in a new tab of Find/Change dialog – Color.
    Please let us know your feedback in comments.

    Abhinav Kaushik (AK)

  2. PLEASE!!!! The most powerful design app in the world, and after all these years STILL no HSB in the color picker.

    Hue, saturation and value are by far the best ways to create and use color, in nearly anything. All of the other color selections/spaces (CMYK, RGB, LAB, etc) should flow from there, secondarily. Illustrator and Photoshop have always supported HSB(V), and yet as amazing a design tool as InDesign is – it still doesn't. Many of us have been asking for years, and I'm surprised that there aren't more requests ... I think many of us have given up. You can do it, Adobe! You would make a lot of designers very happy, and add a very powerful missing feature…

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    Completed  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    HSB option has been added to Color Picker and other panels for better experience.
    Please try out InDesign’s latest update Id 16.0.

    Let us know your feedback in the comments.

    Abhinav Kaushik (AK)

  3. [ID-4258038] Change the Eyedropper Tool back to default on the tool bar instead of the Color Theme Tool.

    The standard Eyedropper Tool used to be the default option on the Tool bar. This was convenient for sampling colors as well as text styles. Now, there is no way to change the default from the Color Theme Tool to the Eyedropper. The Color Theme Tool has its place in Illustrator, but as InDesign is mostly used for text, it is crucial that the Eyedropper Tool is quickly accessible. In my career, I have barely used the Color Theme Tool in InDesign, whereas I use the Eyedropper daily. It is frustrating for my coworkers and I to now change it…

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    The change is available in the latest InDesign Release version ID20.2. Please update your InDesign to this latest version to see the change.


    Adobe InDesign team

  4. color picker isn't consistent with other software.

    Please allow users to change color picker to Photoshop color picker. Indesign is great except for the nuisance of having a horrible UI for the color picker. I make all my colors in photoshop copy the code then paste it into Indesign.

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    Hello All,
    Starting Id 16.0 we introduced HSB in Color Picker.
    Does that resolve inconsistency issue for you?

    Please tell us in the comments.

    Abhinav Kaushik
    Product Manager, InDesign

  5. The current Pantone Plus Color swatches (Color Bridge in particular) are not being updated when the Adobe software updated with updates

    The Pantone Swatches do not update when updating Adobe software in the cloud. And updating with Pantone Color Manager is completely inane.

    I have the most recent update for Adobe (InDesign CC Release 2017.1, and a build of x64) and have loaded the most recent Pantone Color Manager to update the Pantone Plus Color Bridge colors (i started with one color library... updating all libraries would take at least a half day)

    After updating:
    1. I can no longer search for colors as I used to, so I manually have to scroll through the whole list to find the…

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    Thanks for reporting this issue. We understand why the present behavior is not desirable for your needs.
    We are going to consider this as a new Feature Request. Accordingly, we’ve moved this to the Feature Request category.

    Adobe InDesign team

  6. Gradient Angle should be saved in Swatches

    Colour gradients can only be saved linearly without angles.
    It would be nice if the angle could also be saved in the colour gradient, especially for texts and lines.

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  7. Stop Giving a Fill Color When Using the Line Tool.

    My OCD makes me switch the fill color (when using the line tool) to No Color. It would be great if there was no fill color when using the line tool.

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  8. Same color management in all adobe product

    This will be a great feature for simplicity and collaborative work.

    Actually, each program have a different system for choose color, and I'm sure you can improve that with give the same logical and features in all program.
    Import photoshop palet in Indesign or Illustrator and vice versa...
    Add the Color them Tool in photoshop and Illustrator...and maybe why not in After Effect and Premiere...
    Sure you can do something great and identical in all your great products, even if you have not need CMJN/Pantone etc.. colors in video projects.

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  9. Searchable colors

    I think it would be beneficial to have searchable color names in the swatches - so if I were to be replacing one color with another, I could type the name of the color I am looking to replace. to narrow down my search.

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  10. Book synchronize feature does not synchronize color groups

    Color groups are not synchronized via the book feature. I'm happy that the colors inside the group are not lost but placed "normal" on the first level of the color panel.

    But to have all book files with the same order even at the color panel would be great. So please make synchronizing work correctly even at this tiny thing.

    Thanks to Heike Burch for discovering this issue.

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  11. Registration black

    Could we please have the option to disable / hide / move [Registration] from the top of the swatches panel?

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  12. 20 votes

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  13. Make gradients faster

    1. Sélect Colors or frame Colors (2 or more if it's possible)
    2. Right clic or using shortcuts
    3. Made the gradient directly in the swatches or in a Group
    4. The gradient is made in order the colors are selected

    I think this feature can save time and made easier the way to do gradients

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  14. swatches, color, and gradient panels like illustrator

    Illustrator has the easiest to use and most powerful swatches, color, and gradient panels. Indesign would be a much better experience if it just used them. Just make them exactly the same.

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  15. Conditional colours for chapters

    When we work with chapters and styles, sometimes we have a different thematic colour by chapter. It would be very interesting to define one or several conditional chapter colours for a section. We define the "Conditional chapter colour" in styles and depending on the page, these colours change. So, there is no need to create multiple styles with same parameters but different colours within the document or there is no need to split the document to play with these different parameters. Everything is in the same document and it is easier if we need to change the colour palette.


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  16. 15 votes

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  17. Save gradient swatch angles to object style

    It would be nice to be able to save angles that you draw with the gradient swatch tool to the object style. I find it strange that we can save gradient feathers at any angle, but not gradient swatch tool angles.

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  18. Color Property and Text Alignment Option for Text Form Field

    Under Buttons and Forms, if selecting a Text Field for an object or area, we are given the following text properties: Font, Font Appearance (Bold, Regular, etc), and Font Size.

    I am requesting that the following properties are added to the Text Field options: Text Color, Text Alignment.

    Text Color - Allows user to choose color of text that will show up in the interactive Text Field after being exported to PDF.

    Text Alignment - Allows user to place the text alignment within the field prior to exporting.

    By adding these two elements, the user doesn't have to then export…

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  19. Ability to define a swatch that has a transparent gradient.

    I want to create a swatch in the swatches palette that goes from X% color to no color. The same end result as applying a gradient feather effect but in a swatch so if I apply that swatch to an underline option in a text frame that is sitting above a non-solid color/image, the fade goes transparent and we don't see it fade to white.

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  20. It happens to have a color in the color palette that we do not know where it is placed in the document. It would be useful for InDesign to s

    It happens to have a color in the color palette that we do not know where it is placed in the document because it's not visible. It would be useful for InDesign to select it and show you where it is.

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