Add Python to the list of supported scripting languages
The only cross platform scripting language currently supported is ExtendScript, based on ECMAScript (almost 2 decades old v.3, which in itself is already long overdue for an update). Python is cross platform, easy to learn and very powerful. InDesign's DOM can be translated naturally into Python. Python has a vast set of functional libraries, and still growing. Supporting Python from within InDesign would in its most basic form only have to enable *.py scripts in the Scripts panel, but it would benefit of an interactive console of its own.

Sreejith Das commented
Yes. Please add support to python!! It will benefit a lot to those who wants to automate.
mj commented
Yes! High time to add Python as a scripting language.
Ian commented
Ati Teloviadeci commented
Adobe, please, take us into account and add Python support in your products.
Lothar Horst Rauber commented
world be very helpful !
Siraj commented
Add python support!!
gamma1138 commented
Please add Python support!
Ronald commented
This. And only this.
Hoshiyar Singh commented
I'm surprised! No one from adobe has seen/noticed this link...
This would be a big change which is required based on the current industry standards... I hope soon someone from adobe reply to this link and start development to the next level... Good luck!
Dinesh commented
Yes, we should go with python
Anonymous commented
Add it please???
sree commented
Yes, Yes, please!
JDavis commented
Yes please! This would be fantastic!
betapro commented
Wonderful! Would never have thought of this idea. Have been programming for many years and just accepted the status quo with InDesign's scripting platform. Please add full support for Python! This would open up a whole new world of possibilities for software developers. However, judging by the few number of votes since the 1st comment dated Nov 9, 2017, it would appear Adobe has little or no motivation to do this. Maybe things will change?
TonB commented
This is the number 1 on my wishlist. Please, add Python support for InDesign!
Anonymous commented
Awesome. Yes pplease!.
oku commented
awesome! Yes, please!
Anonymous commented
This is a great idea. Please!
Raja, Gejaraj commented
Yes, it'll be helpful to develop Machine learning tools for InDesign using Python. @Adobe: please think to include this support.
Magnus Gaarde commented
Hear, hear!
Yes, please, let's get python support in Indesign.