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750 results found

  1. Improving the various options of footnotes

    In one of the latest versions of InDesign, endnotes have undergone a significant upgrade as they have become live endnotes than static endnotes. But unfortunately, the footnotes are left far behind.
    We really ask that you rewrite the footnote feature so that the following features are possible:
    1) Select all the footnotes at once (by Cmd + A or Ctrl + A)
    2) Option to split footnotes into a number of columns is different from the main text (not just span footnotes but complete control over the number of columns)
    3) Continuous footnotes in the same paragraph (run-in).
    4) Possibility…

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  2. MathML Support

    We need to have InDesign to support MathML, this is much awaited feature, but not supporting in InDesign yet.

    Currently we're using 3rd party plugins such as MathType, MathTools, PowerMath, etc. but not meeting our expectation, also high license cost than InDesign.

    @ALL: Please support to include this feature in InDesign in the very near release.

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  3. RTL support in Adobe Composer (not Adobe World-Ready Composer)

    Adobe's Ready World Composer is designed to provide a solution for RTL languages, such as Hebrew and Arabic. But lots of InDesign features don't work at all. (OpenType by Frame, Flush Space, Optical Margin Aligment and more ...)
    Instead of fixing this composer, I suggest that the regular composer also will support RTL writing.

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  4. Variable font support

    Please add support for variable fonts.

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  5. Functionality to apply kerning before the first letter in a line

    Feature Description: This feature should work like in Illustrator or Photoshop (even After Effects can do it). Please see attached screen capture.

    How it should work:
    1. Insert the cursor before the first character in a line
    2. Use the kerning in the character panel or with the shortcuts (ALT + arrow keys)
    3. kerning should be applied

    Why: This would be a productivity enhancement and make it much easier to optically align the first letter in a line manually without having to use the Optical Margin alignment that only works for a whole story.

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  6. Independent column widths in text frame

    Please add the option to have independent column-widths in a text frame. This would be really useful for text in nearly any letterhead footer.

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  7. Allow negative indentation!

    Please allow negative indentation!

    That would make all kinds of hanging bullets, chapter numbers and outdentations easy without any workaround (like "indent everything but the headlines and lists" ...). It would make text layout faster, purer and cleaner, as the type area could be correctly defined just for the copy text.

    I think this simple change should be easy to implement and bring enormous relief for our craft.

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  8. Grammar Check

    Add a feature similar to the Grammarly App to check for grammar and sentence structure errors when typing text in InDesign.

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  9. Continuous numbering of footnotes and endnotes; endnotes to separate chapter

    PLEASE add these features to the footnote and endnote functionality of InDesign:
    - Continuous numbering of footnotes and endnotes throughout the various indd files within a book document
    - Ability to put the endnotes of the different indd files within a book document in a separate .indd file at the end of the book; numbering continuous OR per chapter.

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  10. Footnotes in Separate Detached Frame.

    It is a very important feature to be able to customise the layout of footnotes with full control. Currently footnotes in InDesign are attached to the main text frame, & you have no control over it.

    We suggest being able to have footnotes in a separate fully customisable text frame, while still being linked to the main frame!

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  11. Allow bullets and numbers to hang outside of the text frame

    There is currently no way to make a bullet or number hang outside of a text frame properly. The "optical margin alignment" feature control is iffy at best.

    Attached are two photos that show what I mean.

    In the first example, the "Correct" green bullets are not achievable in InDesign unless every other paragraph except for the bulleted paragraph has an additional positive left indent on all of its lines. It would be so much easier if we could just add a negative left indent to the first line of the bulleted paragraphs.

    In the second example, a document that…

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  12. Add support for Case Transformation in GREP Change to field

    GREP Case Transformations in "Change To"

    Add support for case transformation in the replace patterns "Change to" for changing the case of the original text when using subpattern

    \u Make the next character uppercase
    \U Make all following characters uppercase until reaching another case specifier (\u, \L, \l ) or \E
    \l Make the next character lowercase
    \L Make all following characters lowercase until reaching another case specifier (\u, \U, \l ) or \E
    \E End case transformation opened by \U or \L

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    Hi everyone,

    You can easily change text cases with just a few clicks, ensuring consistency across your designs. This feature streamlines text editing, saving you time and effort. Enhance your workflow by adjusting text case quickly from the Text or GREP tabs of the Find/Change panel. The feature is now available in the latest InDesign 2024(v19.5.0.084) 

    Helpx article -

    Please let us know your feedback in the comments.

    Sanyam Talwar(he/him)

  13. Remove first line indent after a heading

    We need an option to set First Line Indent to zero when a paragraph follows a heading.

    For example, perhaps you have Head1, Head2, and BodyText. Head2 is based on Head1. BodyText has a first line indent. My suggestion is that InDesign should have a checkbox labeled "Set first line indent to zero when following:" and then provide a list of paragraph styles in the document.

    You could either allow people to choose Head1 AND Head2 (multiple selection list), or you could allow them to choose Head1 and it would automatically apply to Head2 because that is based on Head1.

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  14. Ability to assign a shortcut to [None] in the Character Styles window.

    Because you sometimes want to REMOVE a character style and it would be very beneficial to be able to use a shortcut for that as well.

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  15. Grep style formatting for variables

    Active linked variables and Grep styles do not work together.

    When you use variables and paragraph formats with Grep styles, you have to set the variable back to text and lose the link, to enable formatting with the Grep style.

    Variables should be handled by InDesign like normal text, with all features of formatting etc.

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  16. Easy way to convert text to outline while exporting

    Most of our printers still ask for fonts to be outlined.
    Unfortunately the process to outline is very complicated and usually results in bullets, text box backgrounds and underline/over-lines disappearing. I also don't always want to flatten the whole document but simply rasterize the text. Especially when sending something to print that has different ink layers. Being able to outline text in the Export dialog box would be the best solution. This way I don't have to save a separate document or undo all my changes before saving so I retain my text in the Indd file.

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  17. please add the tools math and chemistry equation,

    please add the tools or plugins ,how can create a math and chemistry equation in adobe indesign cs6 or cc upgrade version, i can't create a equation. i used olad applcaition adobe pagemaker 5 or 7 i can create the math and chemistry equation in it , but i cant create a equitation in it i used the 3rd party plugin , this appcation i used it in adobe pagemaker, but this plugin i can't used it in indign cc or cs6 , i want a eqautiion in text document in default setting , size and font ,

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  18. Bug in Merge paragraph borders

    There is a bug in merge paragraph borders of CC 13.1. In thread text frames, the border is displayed immediately after end of paragraph.

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  19. Option to have list indents work near text-wrap objects

    Currently, when text containing bulleted or numbered lists wraps around an object, all indents associated with the list settings are ignored (this might be related to tab settings, since those don't follow the wrap either). The typical workaround is to change the Text After to an en-space and add an "Indent to Here" character, but the en-space trick won't work for numbered lists and "Indent to Here" won't work if the text wrap edge is not perfectly straight vertical. See the attached screenshot for a demonstration based on real work I did yesterday. In order not to disrupt existing layouts,…

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    Fix for this issue is available in the latest InDesign version - InDesign 2023. The fix should solve most of the issues that were seen earlier.

    A new option "Honor Text Indents in addition to Text Wrap" is introduced in Preferences > Composition dialog. It is turned ON by default for new documents created in ID2023. For documents created in previous InDesign versions, this option is turned off by default - which can be turned ON to see the improved behavior.

    Please let us know how the fix is working for you.


    Adobe InDesign team

  20. Endnotes as bibliography, reference one source multiple times.

    When creating a bibliography often times you must reference one source multiple times.

    the way that it is set up now, adding a new endnote creates a new entry at the bottom. there is no way to reference something twice.

    Obviously this creates concerns when considering navigation, as it works both ways now.

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