PLEASE!!!! The most powerful design app in the world, and after all these years STILL no HSB in the color picker.
Hue, saturation and value are by far the best ways to create and use color, in nearly anything. All of the other color selections/spaces (CMYK, RGB, LAB, etc) should flow from there, secondarily. Illustrator and Photoshop have always supported HSB(V), and yet as amazing a design tool as InDesign is – it still doesn't. Many of us have been asking for years, and I'm surprised that there aren't more requests ... I think many of us have given up. You can do it, Adobe! You would make a lot of designers very happy, and add a very powerful missing feature to an otherwise awesome app. Thanks.

HSB option has been added to Color Picker and other panels for better experience.
Please try out InDesign’s latest update Id 16.0.
Let us know your feedback in the comments.
Abhinav Kaushik (AK)
Anonymous commented
It seems ridiculous that we should keep photoshop option just to pick colours to paste them into indesign
Naresh Ugaonkar commented
I just don't understand what's taking so long, it is just a color picker, for the love of god please give it to us soon. hate not having it. not having an HSB color picker completely breaks the flow while working. Thank you for finally starting it. please just get it over it as soon as possible.
Anonymous commented
Lol this is already 3 years old. I think a field to enter a HEX value would be nice, too, additionally to a HSB slider.
Shelley commented
InDesign – Stilllllllllll no HSB in 2020???????
Anonymous commented
Please work faster on this feature. It's baffling that it's not included. The lack of HSB sliders is frustrating and senseless.
Anonymous commented
Come on Adobe. Hurry up!
Hollie commented
HSB is great for color picking and makes the most sense to pick colors on the fly. Not the best for print, and I;m sure that's why it has never been added in Indesign - BUT... a lot of us use Indesign for PDF creation for e-mail and online showcasing, not just print format. I normally choose colors on the go, and because it is so challenging to choose colors in InDesign - I normally have to pick in Illustrator and then import to Indesign. One extra step we don't need!
Lachlan commented
For the love of god please hurry up and finish this feature already! People have been requesting this for years!
Anonymous commented
please add HSB slider. it's really difficult change color.
Τριαντάφυλλος Καραγιάννης commented
I’ll second the OP’s request. Given how long this has been requested for, and given this only a **** colour picker we’re asking for, this is borderline sadism in Adobe‘a part. Whatever InDesign is aimed for, some people (me included) do perceive and calculate colour MUCH more easily in hsb. I now launch Illustrator to calculate colour, which is a shame!
Lukas Engqvist commented
There are HSB sliders in the colour themes tool.
Gabriel De Kadt commented
Lab may be more accurate/output-independent/scientific but it's a pig to choose colours with. Please bring HSL colour picker to InDesign!
Sofia commented
I agree, it's a nightmare working with colors in InDesign. I design templates so I like to test colors variations/saturations and it's just impossible.
Jaime Paulo Lopes commented
I totally agree, I have to keep photoshop open to use the HSB in there and then copy the hex value into indesign...
I just don't get why???
BenXYZ commented
HSB works because it presents color choices in a clear and concise way: You can pick a hue by traveling up and down the spectrum, and then chose its brightness and saturation. Simple and effective! Try to do that within the RGB or l.a.b. UI framework. You can, but you need an in-depth technical knowledge of those color spaces to navigate them. HSB is not perfect, but thus far, it is the most natural color space to pick colors on the screen and the most suitable for designers and artists. The ways some color spaces work on the computer are technically sound, but, perceptually, they are nightmares when it comes to picking and adjusting colors from within the color space. Because in InDesign you can create both print and digital media, it's crucial to include RGB, CMYK, HSB and HEX input. HSB is the most intuitive and consequently should be the first one on the list. It's unbelievable that the InDesign team has neglected us for so long.
Eyal Matalon commented
This is unbelievable it's not possible in 2019. I don't understand how is that even possible . really.
Anonymous commented
Agree. HSB is THE colour picker tool – unfortunately still missing in InDesign.
Pete D'Agostino commented
I'm curious what designers feel like LAB is a viable way of choosing a color. I've been in this game over 25 years and still haven't seen anyone reference it or spec a color that way.
Hans commented
Has InDesign never had HSB? I can't believe it, it's like taking away a letter from the keyboard! But I can see that I'm at least not the only one who's shocked. Lazy work is what it is. Please Adobe, HSB now. Thanks.
Phil Dibbs commented
I predominantly create RGB documents in InDesign. I can never get the colours I need using the RGB sliders or colour picker. I switch to Lab to try but I can't.
PhotoShop and Illustrator both have these.