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576 results found

  1. Actions Panel

    An Actions Panel that runs the same type of Recording/Playing features as Photoshop and Illustrator already have would be fantastic.

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    Hello All,

    Kindly provide more information about this ask. How do you plan to use the Action Panel in InDesign? Do you want it to work exactly like that in Photoshop? What are the most important actions/operations that you want to record?

    Abhinav Agarwal
    Product Manger – InDesign

  2. Please add a history panel to InDesign, like Photoshop's

    This is a very helpful feature, saving time and enabling the user to track what they've done. Thank you.

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    History panel has been added to the latest version 19.5 of InDesign 2024. Please update your copy of InDesign from CCD app to this latest version to start using this new feature.


    Adobe InDesign team

  3. Save Preferences

    For about 14/15 years I never had to reset preferences in InDesign.

    Since CC2017 it's more or less once a week.
    Colors disappearing.. panels blind or empty.. tools not working.. font now showing.
    Panels self increasing size...

    But it seems we have to deal with it, so we probably need a way to SAVE PREFERENCES.
    Save preferences in a moment everything work fine.. and restore it when (after just few days) nothing works anymore.

    Every time people have to reset preferences, they have to restore everything. UI colors, workspace, Application Frame (that mac users normally never use) Old Dialog way…

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    Hi everyone,

    InDesign provides an option to export and import User Settings, providing users with a smooth and enhanced experience to restore their custom settings if needed. The feature is now available in the latest InDesign 2024(v19.3.0.058) 

    Helpx article -

    Please let us know your feedback in the comments.

    Sanyam Talwar(he/him)


    Over the years I (and others) have requested that the UI of InDesign be scalable. As designers, our eyes navigate us thru the creative process.
    IT IS NOT EASY to readily decipher palettes and menus which sport MICROSCOPIC TYPE on a 28-inch, high-resolution monitor.
    It IMPEDES workflow if one is spending extra time trying to find and choose things on the interface.
    At least give us a choice! Smaller, Medium, Large, Extra-large.

    When will Adobe get this??????

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    Completed  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    Scalable UI feature is now available in the latest version of InDesign – InDesign 2022. Please get the latest version of InDesign from the Creative Cloud Desktop app. — Adobe InDesign team

  5. Stop making the CC Libraries the default!!!!!!!

    I am sick and tired of the Library panel popping open because there are embedded defaults that make EVERY new thing I make think it needs to be added to the cc library.


    If I want to use them I will decide.,

    STOP MAKING IT THE DEFAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  6. Turn paths into guides with the right click menu "Make guides" like in Illustrator.

    Pretty self explanatory. It's very useful for example if you need a marquee or an odd shape to serve you as a guide and most importantly, the snapping in InDesign between a line and a guide is so different and so hard to snap to a path.

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  7. InDesign Preview For Finder

    There really should be an InDesign preview for Mac Finder. This should be a requirement for your software and should not be considered a feature request.

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  8. Find/Change Panel -> Dockable ?

    I'm struggling with screen estate here (laptop, no other screen) and was wondering about the Find/Change window.

    It's floating on top of everything, like a modal window, but you still can interact with everything underneath.

    So it is basically acting like a panel.

    What I am missing here is an icon + the option to dock it and hide and show when needed.

    It is quite a large panel so it very often hides things (results, context) under it.

    What about 3 things :
    1. "make it a (real) panel", don't change design quick and dirty, but already solves the…

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  9. 138 votes

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  10. Add the Ability to turn off hover scrolling

    Hover Scrolling lets you interact with the dropdown menus without ever having to click on them. Sounds cool, right?

    Normally, this is not a problem, because you can easily see what has been changed because you've got an object selected. But when working with conditional text, the conditional text indicator visibility is a GLOBAL setting, and thus, hover scrolling over it can change your document, even with nothing selected. And if you're not on a page with conditional text. you'd never even know that your document got changed, until you send it to print!

    This has been plaguing me for…

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  11. UI – Some Buttons are missing InDesign CC 2020 (OS X)


    I’ve updated InDesign to the newest version 15.0 (InDesign CC 2020) on OS X.
    And some buttons in the top window border are missing like the percent and the GPU rocket.

    Is it possible to put these back?! Or do I have to change it anywhere in the menu? Can’t find it.


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    The InDesign team appreciates your valuable feedback and concerns. These go a long way in helping us make InDesign better for you and update it continuously to cater to evolving user needs. The app bar design was changed as part of these improvement efforts, and will also help us in introducing some modern and exciting functionalities which we have been working on.

    While doing this, we have taken care not to remove any existing functionalities which were available in the previous App Bar design. These have only been relocated – either grouped along with similar functionalities (based on results from our user research) or shifted to improve usability (to provide a consistent experience) while working across Creative Cloud apps, especially Photoshop (Ps) & Illustrator (Ai), which are frequently used by InDesign users. We do understand that it takes time & effort in adopting these but we sincerely hope that the…

  12. Groups, Smart Groups, and Searching in Links Panel

    The links panel should support Groups and Smart Groups. Large numbers of links in projects -- especially those that include a lot of InCopy assignments -- get unwieldy.

    Ideally you would be able to make groups and manually move links into them, and also create smart groups that would automatically update. Ideas for common filters that smart groups would be used for:

    All CMKY images, all non-CMYK images, all InCopy links, all links that need to be updated, all links that are embedded or not, all links that are currently on a Hidden Layer or hidden via conditional text, etc.

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  13. Properties Panel More Options

    I quite like the idea of the new Properties Panel, but it would be great to have the options to have the "More Options" items to be expanded permanently. Right now the auto collapse once you change from item to item. I understand if you are working on a laptop, the fact that they auto collapse is helpful but when you are working on a large screen I don't want to keep looking for my options. Please add a preference that makes the expanded options sticky.
    Thanks, Julian

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    The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update (14.0.2) of InDesign 2019.

    If you are unable to see the update notification, open the menu (three dots) from the top-right of Creative Cloud desktop application and click on ‘Check For App Updates’.
    Once the update button is shown against InDesign, click on the button to update to Id 14.0.2.

    If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.

    The list of fixed issues can be found at:

    Adobe InDesign team

  14. Full Screen / Split Screen Support for InDesign/InCopy on MacOS

    It really would be helpful if the Adobe CC apps (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop et al) all did as Acrobat Pro DC does and properly implemented the MacOS full screen/split screen option.

    This would allow people who use multiple and large monitors to properly designate workspace and split screens between two apps without toolbars/panels getting hidden by other apps.

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  15. Ability to add color labels to individual styles to better organize and manage large lists of styles

    Similar to how pages can be labeled with a color (also see layer colors in Photoshop).

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  16. Add additional interactive options to the buttons and forms panel

    The buttons and forms panel (used for making interactive form elements for PDF) is missing several options that are available in Acrobat such as:
    * insert image button
    * insert date button
    * insert barcode button

    There was a request to do this but it was marked FIXED and (in my humble opinion) is far from fixed -

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  17. 64 votes

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  18. Customize toolbar

    Let user customize toolbar with ability to remove less frequently used tools or rearrange order of tools. Maybe under preferences?

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  19. Zoom using only Scroll Wheel / Pan with the middle mouse button

    Today, the majority of softwares have a simply rule regarding using a mouse: scroll wheel to zoom in/out and middle button and pan with middle button clicked.
    Simply like that.
    So why only PS has the option to use the scroll wheel as zoom and the other softwares from the Adobe CC don't?
    And why all the softwares in the Adobe CC doesn't the option to use the scroll wheel to zoom without pressing Alt and pan without the need to use the Spacebar.
    If those features are implemented, most people that already use Adobe products will love it!

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  20. Make PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keyboard keys maintain consistent position of page in the viewport

    If I click the little Previous/Next Page buttons at bottom left of screen, I can cycle through pages, and the position of the page within the window stays the same throughout the process. This is great and very helpful when flipping through a book quickly.

    But if hit PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN on the keyboard, it seems to SCROLL the document position up/down by some numerical value, with no regard to the position of the page being displayed.

    It would be logical and helpful if PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN had exactly the same effect as the PREVIOUS/NEXT page…

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