Stop making the CC Libraries the default!!!!!!!
I am sick and tired of the Library panel popping open because there are embedded defaults that make EVERY new thing I make think it needs to be added to the cc library.
If I want to use them I will decide.,
STOP MAKING IT THE DEFAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear All,
This is fixed in latest InDesign CC version. Please upgrade to the latest release.
Abhinav Agarwal
Gregg Sewell commented
Jesse, please see Abhinav's response above, dated October 25, 2018.
Jessie Kendall-Marks commented
AGREE! Super annoying Adobe. You cant force people to use this - not every designer is part of a huge ad agency sharing assets. I'm also tired of assets auto-adding every tie I setup a text style or add a swatch — please don't make this the default either — I shouldn't have to uncheck a box to prevent this from happening — better UI is I should have to indicate and CHECK the box if I do want to create a shareable asset.
Peter commented
I hope the backlog pile isn't the graveyard for the third most requested feature update. If we keep adding votes to this thread, does it get closer to the top of the backlog pile? (where it would be top of the pile at the moment)
Regards, Peter
Peter commented
Global control of CC Libraries should be in the app manager (and also controllable in the teams admin) ... on an app by app basis and turn on/off everywhere.
The 'backlog' sounds like a bad place for the fourth most requested change to CC.
We're not asking to do away with CC Libraries, we just want control over it, for a lot of us it is feature bloat.
Colin Flashman commented
Thank you for advising us of your solution Abhinav. However, I believe that many users like myself would like ONE checkbox in the preferences where we can determine if we want to add to CC libraries or not, instead of going through multiple dialogs to turn them off.
Anonymous commented
i also want to deactivate this feature globally for all programs
H Chinaski commented
It's possible to uncheck "Add …" in the Swatches, Character Styles and Paragraph Styles palettes, thus stopping the Libraries panel from coming up every time I create a new swatch/character style/paragraph style.
But there's just no way of stopping the little Libraries panel from showing up on startup.
Why has this panel been excluded from the workspace settings? No matter how I design my workspace, this panel overrides it.
Please redesign so that the panel follows my preferences regarding which panels I want to see and which not.
The current design is very annoying, implying that my preferences are not good enough. This is exactly what Microsoft did wrong in the early '00s, turning lots of users against them.
Lana Gwinn commented
Please make it deactivated by default. It is driving me insane.
Peter commented
Thanks Abhinav,
that's not the simplest solution and is often disrupted when you distribute a new release (I seem to get all the animated tooltips and start splash screens that I disabled individually, turning back up on the next update). The problem is that we have to disable this piece by piece, when what we never wanted to opt in to libraries in the first place. Why not make a global control for Libraries in the CC App and let us choose which apps get to share what assets there? Let us opt out of Libraries with a click, globally across the whole of CC. And perhaps also give us offline libraries (if that's not already a thing) so we're not wasting bandwidth on scrap snippets we'll never reuse.
Regards, Peter -
Peter commented
Another vote to have global control of Libraries in the CC App ... control the behaviour and turn them on and off for each app, disable it globally and never see another popup or disable the cloud connection (to keep a library local only).
Bevi Chagnon | commented
<<This is especially an issue for Educational situations where the machine licences>>
Also a problem with government licenses, corporate, and other "institutional/enterprise" installations where IT controls does not allow "cloud" features due to security and performance.
CC Libraries is a great feature for those who can use it...and a nightmare for those who can't.
Lukas' recommendation for a global way to "Disable CC Library WorkFlow" would be ideal. Turn it off and never have to be bothered by it again. Turn it on and you're good to go.
Let people choose. -
Lukas Engqvist commented
I think there should be an option to say you do want to "Disable CC LibraryWork Flow", This should be in the CC App and apply for not only InDesign but for pop-ups pushing for Smart Objects to be turned to libraries etc. This is especially an issue for Educational situations where the machine licences does not allow the features that are promoted via the dialog boxes.
Beth Shagene commented
In no document state, you have to uncheck "Add to CC Libraries" in every scenario: paragraph styles, character styles, swatches... <UGH>
Christian Stockhecke commented
Thanks Abhinav Agarwal.
That solves it for me. -
Klaas commented
Hi Abhinav,
the main problem for most users is indeed the by default activated checkbox "Add to CC Library".
Yes you can deactivate it, with no document open. But you need to have so much things in mind, this is one more and it slows down much workflows.
As i have to reset my indesign quite often, i always need to do this.I don't have numbers, but ai assume most InDesign users don't use the CC Libraries for there documents, especially at the beginning of the design process. You experiment with colors, fonts, etc. – and for each action the Libraries panel pos ups, with is not in the sense of an design workflow.
If you ask me, and most users i know, the checkbox for adding things to CC should be deactivated by default, an option in the settings of InDesign should be available to change this.
Best, Klaas
Lam H. Nguyen commented
I can see why this would be an issue for people who don't use the CC Libraries. For those of use who use the CC Libraries for every project, it's a life saver.
Davbog commented
For real
Lorenzo de Jongh commented
Yeah, it would be a nice feature to have an option to disable it. And with disable I mean, OFF, not showing at all. In all programs. Thanks.
Bastian Saris commented
So true... stop forceing features on us - this is almost as horrible as the bubbles in CC 2018 showing what's new.
hd commented
I completely agree with this...furthermore, even if you disable the CC panel in INDD it still pops up for a second when you start up INDD. I suspect this is probably also causing some performance lag.