Find/Change Panel -> Dockable ?
I'm struggling with screen estate here (laptop, no other screen) and was wondering about the Find/Change window.
It's floating on top of everything, like a modal window, but you still can interact with everything underneath.
So it is basically acting like a panel.
What I am missing here is an icon + the option to dock it and hide and show when needed.
It is quite a large panel so it very often hides things (results, context) under it.
What about 3 things :
1. "make it a (real) panel", don't change design quick and dirty, but already solves the result display visibility issue.
2. make it fit the thinner panel size by putting all the find/replace buttons at the bottom
3. make it thinner and put all the find/replace buttons at the top, so we focus on search + text mainly and the buttons don't move from less/more options.
Attached :
- Old version hiding the results
- Mockup for option 2 with buttons at the bottom.

Liz commented
my Find/Change panel has been top half off screen for past 3 days and I cannot seem to reset to move to a position where i can actually use it.. Please help - all the resolution resizing suggestions are not successful
Anonymous commented
Please also give us the choice to keep the document windows settings as chosen by the user, such as "Spreads", instead of changing the view with every found item. Often you need to see what is being found in context, in order to determine whether it should be replaced or not; besides, this jumping around makes one dizzy :-)
Anonymous commented
A dockable find/change window would be awesome. I put together a newspaper each week and have to open find/change to search for styling for each file I have to place and then close it again because it's hovering over the text I need to work on. Docking would certainly help with not opening/closing it all the time.
Michael Allen Campassi commented
Yes find/change needs to be a panel and docable. Also I wish when I did a find that my cursor would not change to the text tool unless I wanted it to, needs to be a preference.
Greg G commented
I'm not sure it needs to be dockable. I use Find/Replace often enough it is one of the more easier keyboard shortcuts to use. Command f to pull it up, only problem is that is "paste in place" in Illustrator so sometimes I get confused between them.
DalePayne commented
Bring it on! I am glad that others want it. To have the ability to have it as a dockable panel so it is always in the same place is an absolute must.
I do a lot of proofing checks to the InDesign documents so it is always in the wrong place at the wrong time! Agree with the spell check window as well.
Please Adobe, listen to us!!!! :) :)
Steve Edwards commented
This is a great idea and I'd also like the same with the spell check window. It really does get in the way when spell checking. While I'm at it, a working UNDO feature for both would be handy as well.
sholby commented
Find/Change has been needing an overhaul for years…