The ability to change languages of the software itself.
We work in a bilingual environment, and constantly need to switch between French and English.

George Salnik commented
George Salnik commented
Steve Brooks commented
I think it's a good idea. It will be awesome to have this feature. I would add it to my website too!
Jacques Millette commented
Software language should be independent of the system. Should be abble to change language system in the software preferences and not change the system language. When you have to work with a different language for some web applications, you don’t want to change all the system. Quark does it. You go in the preferences and change language on the sport and Et voilà! it’s done.
I speak french but my systems are always in english as it more practical for the shortcuts and other stuff. I am starting to work with an application that work only with InDesign 2018 French version only. So you can understand that I don’t want to change all my system language only for that.
Thanks for taking care. -
andre koguti commented
I also prefer work on Adobe package in English (instead of fresh intalled Brazilian Portuguese). I learned in English, I absorbed all shortcut keys in English, I worked all my life in English. You should please provide a default English interface in all installations around the world .
Birgit Ewert commented
For switzerland with three Language that would be a great plus.
alexandre becquet commented
The idea would be to be able to change the language of indesign as in Phostohop. After installing the desired languages via the Creative Cloud, it would be possible to choose the language in which you want to work. Most of the time people use 2 languages, English and their own language.
Why not install default international English and be able to choose another language for installation. -
Karsten Tinnefeld commented
Apparantly I can now install more than one language (e.g., Adobe InDesign CC 2018\Presets\InDesign Shortcut Sets has several directories after changing language and installing again), but unfortunately there is no option to start it in a specific language.
Tobias Wantzen commented
Besides this it would be extremely helpful, if every localized version of InDesign has the ability to switch easily to InDesign's native language »English«. This would help everyone communicating in the forums with the right terms of UI texts, and it would make scripting easier, because all scripting »commands« are natively in English.