More options when creating Forms via InDesign
InDesign has a few features that make it possible to export an interactive PDF-Formular directly from InDesign.
This CAN save a lot of time when customers require changes on these Files but sadly InDesign is missing out a lot of features that Adobe Acrobat has - even though it'd be a lot easyier to set everything up in InDesign.
So in my opinion the Formular menue needs some improvement and get more functionality (In Acrobat you can define a font VS via InDesign you can't) since more and more customers request Interactive PDF-Forms etc.
It would be valuable to us because we have to edit every file we create after every change just to make those adjustments that can't be done via InDesign yet.
Thanks :)

Dear All,
Now you can set fonts/typeface directly in InDesign while creating PDF forms. This feature is now available in latest InDesign CC version. Please upgrade to the latest release.
Abhinav Agarwal
MWillson commented
Font colour and justification still needed in this dialog box of InDesign.
The people have spoken! -
BBRhys commented
Just come across this, to save me time looking, does that mean I CAN'T choose font colour and justify my text to the right when creating a Text Field 'button' in InDesign?
I know I can do this in Acrobat but if I've got a bunch of Text Fields that need the text justified to the right, it'll take far to long doing them one at a time in Acrobat!
Sara Bequette commented
Definitely still need more options to create interactive and editable pdfs! I am the creative designer for our 32 branch offices. I need to design forms/templates where my co-workers can easily edit the text and insert images into the spaces I have defined. I can do these things in Acrobat, but the image formatting is lacking there. I had hoped I could do all of this in InDesign by now... and with greater control, particularly design-wise.
Paul commented
+1 to the above.
Is is not acceptable that I cannot pepare a complete form in InDesign.
I make a form in InDesign only to alter/add functionality (formatting of fields like date/number/ etc) in Acrobat.
Only to find out I have to change all properties again when anything changed in the layout.What is also very annoying: all the different locations where I can find 'interactive panes' for instance setting tab-order is found under Object-interactive; where all other interactive panes are found under Window>interactive.
And speaking about the setting tabs panel: who has designed this one? Cannot change the size which makes rearranging very unproductive.
All in all it would be very helpful if there was a panel in Indesign where it would be possible to add all interactive elements in a well designed UI.
tugce commented
Agree with all these comments here. I have not been able to create drop-down menus in Indesign CC 2019 and having to work with Acrobat is frustrating for all the said reasons.
Dana Baedke commented
Can't believe more progress has not been made with forms in CC, disappointed after finally deciding to commit to the subscription model for the rest of my living days (or at least my working days - haha). Creating a fillable form should be an easy no brainer!
Angela Berry commented
This is so frustrating why can't we fully edit interactive elements in indesign, also unable to 'Prepare form' from an interactive pdf from indesign as Acrobat quits.
Colin Flashman commented
I agree with other posters. This is hardly fixed. There isn't the ability to add the following buttons that can be added in a PDF: insert image button, insert barcode button, date button. At the very least, please add these options to the buttons and forms panel.
Rainer Klute commented
To be able to set the fonts/typeface is not useful at all.
Please add the information that the chosen font will not be displayed in the PDF if the PDF is viewed on a device where this font is not installed.
Or restrict the choice of fonts to the ones that are installed on most devices like Arial, Courier etc. -
TM commented
Please reopen this post. This is not fixed.
- Bring all form building features available in Acrobat to Indesign.
- Bring PDF scripting and debugging features to Indesign
If a layout changes, we wouldn't like to do all the work again in Acrobat. -
Bastian Saris commented
Abhinav Agarwal - Please remove "FIXED" from this post - are you kidding us?
Alex commented
"can set fonts/typeface" That's all? This is nothing.
Bastian Saris commented
It's more like a "we did something" and consider it fixed.
I don't want to have to edit a Formular created in InDesign again in Acrobat every time i make changes.try again please.
Martin Price commented
This really needs to be brought up to speed with the options in Acrobat. If you want to use the new form features then you have to export the artwork as a PDF, then make further adjustments in Acrobat. Then every time you need to adjust the artwork, go back and do the same.
It's twice the workload for easy enough functionality. We shouldn't have to do this. Please consider doing this ASAP.
Brett Johnson commented
The inability to set the font in an interactive form field drop down is a glaring omission in functionality.
Michael Evans commented
The Forms panel needs to be massively expanded to cover a far greater range of functions so you can reliably recreate an interactive PDF each time to reflect design updates rather than double handling and redoing the form each time in Acrobat. At the very least, the Set Tab Order panel should be resizable to allow much easier drag and drop of fields or become part of the Forms panel.
Colin Flashman commented
In addition, the Forms panel at least needs to be brought up to date to include the latest fields that can be imported via Acrobat DC such as Image, Date or Barcode.
Ben J Bryant commented
I would like to echo everything being said here. Make Interactive form design in InDesign more stable and more user friendly please!
Mark Aplet commented
I wanted to echo what others are saying. What we need is the ability to set more of the output properties within InDesign. The obvious ones are character limits, combs, font styles, color, formats like ssn, date, numbers, etc. I feel that these are the critical items. It also seems reasonable to be able to set JavaScripts within InDesign or through an external .js file. These are features that people NEED regularly.
The current split workflow between InDesign and Acrobat is really hampering productivity and all to frequently introduces regression.
Anonymous commented
ALL form attributes that are editable from within Acrobat Pro should ideally be fully accessible and editable from within InDesign.
Button JavaScripts and all Document JavaScripts should also be editable within InDesign.
It really slows down a work flow producing PDF forms when you have to first export a "crippled" version of the form from InDesign, and then go into Acrobat to specify fonts, etc. for each form field and have to re-configure interactive functionality in Acrobat JavaScript every time you make a simple edit in InDesign.