Customize toolbar
Let user customize toolbar with ability to remove less frequently used tools or rearrange order of tools. Maybe under preferences?

sonia commented
please do it!!!!
Chloe Fillettaz commented
indesign definitely needs to let us customize the toolbar the same way you can in photoshop!!! You inversed black and white arrow and it's driving me nuts!!!!
Kris Hunt commented
I would love to send the Color Theme tool to proverbial **** so it stops hiding the Eyedropper tool that I use hundreds of times a day.
Andre commented
InDesign 2022 still doesn't have this!
Daniel Camber commented
the feature in Photoshop and Illustrator that allows you to group tools or organize the toolbars will help a lot with workspace.
Bill commented
Brilliant idea, been searching to see if there is a way of doing this, like you can in Photoshop! Be really useful to be able to group similar tools, hide unneeded ones, show hidden ones, change keyboard shortcuts for them, etc!
jst nt commented
Joe Greco commented
Yes, I'd like to be able to remove tools that may help us avoid some major workflow errors in our production studio.
Anonymous commented
yes i need to customise my toolbar- stop moving everything around!
Heidi Rosendall commented
Upvote please. I switch between different "Type" and "View" tools all the time and it is a pain to click and hold each time. I'd like to customize the tool bar so that the tools I use are always viewable