Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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584 results found
Screen bug when using an external monitor with a laptop (Mac thing?)
When I have a file open, and the laptop sleeps or I close the lid, when I come back, the file is half way down the attached/big screen, instead of where I left it (full screen), it's only a little thing, but it's so annoying!! Please leave the files where I put them on the screen!
1 vote -
Please remove the text (GPU Preview) in the name tabs.
They take up needed space if you have several files open. I know I can turn it off if I turn off GPU but would rather not.
2 votes -
Enhancements Needed for InDesign's Font and Shortcut Menus
- Search Functionality in Keyboard Shortcut Settings
In Photoshop, the keyboard shortcut settings include a search function that facilitates quick navigation through extensive menus. Implementing a similar feature in InDesign would streamline workflow efficiency.
- Improved Font Menu Navigation
The current font dropdown menu displays a limited number of typefaces, necessitating extensive scrolling. Expanding the dropdown to utilize the full screen height would allow more fonts to be visible simultaneously, reducing the need for excessive scrolling.
Additionally, when searching for a font, the cursor defaults to the top of the menu, highlighting the last used font. Positioning the cursor directly at the…
2 votes -
Persistent Tutorial Pop-ups in InDesign
Dear Technical Support,
I am experiencing persistent issues with Adobe InDesign, where tutorial pop-ups and annotations for new features continue to appear, even after repeatedly clicking the "Skip" button. This behavior is highly irritating and disrupts my workflow. Could you please advise on how to disable these pop-ups?
8 votes -
Quickly Change Icon Panel Auto Collapse
Depending upon the type of work I'm doing, I find myself going to Edit > Preferences > Interface and turning on or off Auto-Collapse Icon Panels.
It would be very convenient, and save several clicks, if this could be done on the Icon Panel itself, either with a checkbox or a toggle icon.1 vote -
Stop turning all your products into Canva
The pop ups and changes to the UI are unnecessary and disruptive to decades of established workflow. Stop treating your established customer base like they're idiots and not design professionals. If wanted to use Canva I would.
6 votes -
Plug-in API to temporarily disable new feature guided tours
InDesign 2025 has several new panels (History, Math Expressions, Export to Adobe Express, Insert MathML) which have associated guided “tours” which bring up windows containing animation and/or an explanation of the new feature and how to use it. The menu items for these new panels that have available guided tours are indicated by a blue dot next to the menu item before the guided tour is viewed by the user. After the guided tour has been viewed, the blue dots next to the menu items seem to disappear. These new panels and their associated guided tours sometimes open without the…
3 votes -
Disable Blue Bar pop-ups
The constant interruption of blue bar "helpful" suggestions, while using InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop, is infuriatingly disruptive to the working professional. The fact that I'm here trying to solve an unnecessary issue during my self-employed working hours pretty much sums up the problem - I cannot bill for this time. Please allow us the ability to get rid of the constant advertising and let us get on with the software we once loved - we've got work to do.
10 votes -
Pasteboard automatically resizes to larger content
use ai for something helpful like automatically resizing the pasteboard when larger content is drug onto it... (don't give me an error message when i'm too close to the edge) resize the pasteboard to encompass the content
3 votes -
Would like to see a faster and quicker alignment tool added to the control bar.
Would like to see a faster and quicker alignment tool added to the control bar.
Sometimes it's a bit troublesome to switch between alignment panels, so I would like to add a more direct alignment panel to the control bar.
Can quickly align to bleed, margins, centre of plate, horizontal centre, vertical centre.
There is also a function to align to a reference line (the reference line and the object are aligned to each other).It's kind of like the table control
1 vote -
Make background progress more visible
When InDesign is busy with a long running task, it isn't obvious without opening the rather janky Background Tasks window. Please add a small progressbar in the footer of the InDesign indicating that it is actually doing something and not just hung. I've used InDesign for years and only just now learned that the Background Tasks window exists. It's a very bizarre and non-obvious approach to showing the user that something is still happening in the background...
2 votes -
Add book level option to Find/Replace
Add the option to search all documents within a book file when using find/replace. Currently, to find/replace in multiple files at once, you have to have them all open. This is inefficient if you have a huge number of files and need to make a change in all of them.
2 votes -
Allow data merge placeholders to be used directly in QR Code URL & Text
Data merge placeholders like <<Sample URL>> do not work when used in QR Codes.
That would be cleaner and easier to use than the current data merge which requires the syntax described on
The Edit QR Code dialog should be improved to support these placeholder values.
4 votes -
Insert Kashida option in Character Style
In Indesing UI there is an option to Insert Kashida width options: "None", "Short", "Medium", "Long" and "Stylistic" but these options are not there in Character style creation window.
Please include this option in Character Style creation window so that it can be easier to apply type of kashida as required by the user.
4 votes -
Add option to open current working folder when using "relink" option
can we please have an option to open/search in current working folder (where the .indd is saved) when using relink function, rather than opening previously used links folder.
make it a toggle option for users that prefer its current state
1 vote -
Dark Theme: more contrast for sliders
For the darkest InDesign theme (which I love and use all the time) increase the contrast between the slider and the slider tray. I always have a hard time finding the slider. This is not so much a problem on the monitor in my office, but traveling with a laptop in different lighting conditions it's sometimes impossible to find the slider.
1 vote -
Article panel should help in showing items as ‘marked’
Like there is an option for xml structure to show colors of marked frames there should be a similar option for frames and stories that are already present in the article panel.
If MadeToTag can do it, Adobe should be able too.1 vote -
Unified Windows 11 User Interface
I think it is of paramount importance that InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop should better integrate with Windows 11's Dark/Light mode. Why is still that the menus and menu options are still white even with the application set to the darkest mode? It is a horrible design inconsistency.
1 vote -
Keep workspace window details expanded/open when switching to another program
When I open the details for a specific workspace window, and whilst doing this, I switch to any other program on my computer (specifically on another screen), that window closes until I toggle back into InDesign.
There are many times where I need to reference that information, whilst accessing another program, and this proves obstructive.
For example: I expand links window to see a link's path which, for one reason or another, I need to find manually on my computer... those details will immediately disappear when I switch to my finder to search my computer...
1 vote -
Group/Organize Parent Pages
It would be very helpful for larger documents if I had the ability to group/organize the parent pages in their panel. I am currently working on an urban planning document where each section of the master plan (parks, housing, wastewater, etc...) has a different colored footer and chapter page, so I have 8 different footer parent pages and 8 different chapter pages, on top of the 10 or so general layout parent pages I create for our urban planners to use as templates. Consequently, navigating the parents panel requires a LOT of scrolling. If I could just group all my…
1 vote
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