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  1. Option to split table rows across pages

    Lord please, if you're up there, answer our INDD prayers and make this a feature. A LOT of tables have rows with more content than can be held in a single page or bottom of a page. It's impossible to layout a continuous book or brochure if I can't get the table text to split - it doesn't have to be the default, but give me the option - please, please. WORD does this, be better than Word!!

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    In Backlog  ·  169 comments  ·  Tables  ·  Admin →
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  2. Improving the various options of footnotes

    In one of the latest versions of InDesign, endnotes have undergone a significant upgrade as they have become live endnotes than static endnotes. But unfortunately, the footnotes are left far behind.
    We really ask that you rewrite the footnote feature so that the following features are possible:
    1) Select all the footnotes at once (by Cmd + A or Ctrl + A)
    2) Option to split footnotes into a number of columns is different from the main text (not just span footnotes but complete control over the number of columns)
    3) Continuous footnotes in the same paragraph (run-in).
    4) Possibility…

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  3. MathML Support

    We need to have InDesign to support MathML, this is much awaited feature, but not supporting in InDesign yet.

    Currently we're using 3rd party plugins such as MathType, MathTools, PowerMath, etc. but not meeting our expectation, also high license cost than InDesign.

    @ALL: Please support to include this feature in InDesign in the very near release.

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  4. Convert PDF to INDD

    Adobe Acrobat Pro DC can edit PDF's read images and text, and it is possible to edit, so why is this function not available in Adobe Indesign? Indesign has more control and the only feature that will needed to be added is detecting strokes/filled objects converting filled lines or shapes to one to the other.

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  5. Make text variables/live captions breakable like normal text

    We work a lot with pictures that get there captions from xmp meta data stored in the pictures.

    There is a great feature in InDesign called textvariables/live captions ;) for this… BUT these variables don‘t wrap like normal text :(

    Instead we have to convert the live captions to static text to get the proper text warp and in doing so losing our live link to the XMP meta data.

    So please enhance this feature to a real feature and allow variables to wrap like normal text. Thanks!

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  6. GPU-Acceleration on Windows

    It would be brilliant to have this as an option especially since more and more people are using high DPI/4K displays and the CPU is not capable of allowing for smooth zooming/scrolling/panning in most cases. It's working perfectly fine with Photoshop and rather good with Illustrator so I can't see why this shouldn't be possible with InDesign as well.
    On my 4K Dell XPS 15 it's quite a pain to scroll through the document or zoom in and out, laggy as hell although this is a very poweful machine!

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    In Backlog  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    Thank you all for supporting this feature request.
    Moving the feature request to the product backlog.

  7. RTL support in Adobe Composer (not Adobe World-Ready Composer)

    Adobe's Ready World Composer is designed to provide a solution for RTL languages, such as Hebrew and Arabic. But lots of InDesign features don't work at all. (OpenType by Frame, Flush Space, Optical Margin Aligment and more ...)
    Instead of fixing this composer, I suggest that the regular composer also will support RTL writing.

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  8. Allow multiple character styles to be applied to characters

    Allow multiple character styles to be applied to one character.
    There should be an »appearance« panel as in Illustrator, which reflects the hierarchy of multiple applied character styles to one character/a text.

    This would ease the work with XML and reduce the number of character styles needed. Nowadays you have to trick with GREP styles etc. to apply multiple character styles to one character.
    With such a feature, I could define »italic« and »bold« and has no need to define »bold italic«. This will even end up in better HTML export: instead of <span class="BoldItalic">blabl</span> there could be the much…

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  9. Actions Panel

    An Actions Panel that runs the same type of Recording/Playing features as Photoshop and Illustrator already have would be fantastic.

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    102 comments  ·  UI  ·  Admin →
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    Hello All,

    Kindly provide more information about this ask. How do you plan to use the Action Panel in InDesign? Do you want it to work exactly like that in Photoshop? What are the most important actions/operations that you want to record?

    Abhinav Agarwal
    Product Manger – InDesign

  10. Locate where a specific colour is used in your document

    It would be really useful to be able to find exactly where a colour is used in a document. When you get a document from a third party and there are extra colours in it that you are trying to eliminate it is sometimes very difficult to track them down.

    You can convert the colour to a spot colour then turn on separations and do a visual check but, apart from being time consuming and relying on it being large enough to be easily spotted, it won't help if the colour has been defined as part of a style.

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    Completed  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    The ability to find colors in documents in now available in InDesign’s latest release 16.0.

    It can be found in a new tab of Find/Change dialog – Color.
    Please let us know your feedback in comments.

    Abhinav Kaushik (AK)

  11. Please add a history panel to InDesign, like Photoshop's

    This is a very helpful feature, saving time and enabling the user to track what they've done. Thank you.

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    History panel has been added to the latest version 19.5 of InDesign 2024. Please update your copy of InDesign from CCD app to this latest version to start using this new feature.


    Adobe InDesign team

  12. Add the ability to Name Pages

    We build all our digital ads in indesign. 20 pages at 20 unique sizes. When we export to jpegs, we have to go and manually name every single image with the file name.

    It would be nice if we could tag the file dimensions to each page and have this information export as a suffix to the original file name.

    i.e. 0000-Client Code-'600x600', 0000-Client Code-'1280x760'

    The pages would allow us to assign the 600x600 and the 1280x760 to the page for exporting and would carry over from document to document.

    Please and thank you for your consideration.

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  13. Add lowercase, Title, and Toggle to Case in style definition options

    When defining a style, under Basic Character Formats, it would be very helpful to force lowercase! (And also add Title and Toggle case options so all case possibilities are present)

    This is especially needed when replacing acronyms (usually typed in all-caps in manuscripts) with the appropriate small caps. It is very time consuming to manually retype all-caps acronyms in lowercase, then apply small caps character styling to it!

    Try doing this for a 300-page'll want to cut your eyes out.

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    44 comments  ·  Styles  ·  Admin →
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  14. Duplicating pages in InDesign - but not at the end of a document

    When duplicating pages in Indesign they always appear at the end of the document. We should be able to select where in the document we want the pages to be added, as we do when inserting new pages.
    So, 'Duplicate Pages''; "Insert Before/After page XX" etc

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  15. Collaborative Editing

    Create a cloud service for InDesign where files can be worked on by numerous people at the same time. Will help save time and encourage collaboration. Like Google Docs, Slides, etc.

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    Need More Info  ·  Anonymous responded

    Thanks for making this request. In order to understand the use-case more better I have a few questions:

    1. Whats the role of the different people working collaboratively on the same file. Are they always only designers or are other personas also involved.
    2. What is the use-case here, some parts of this request suggest an Editorial collaboration whereas others suggest collaboration amongst different designers. I am trying to separate these 2 requests out.
    3. What are the different kind of files (brochures, books, magazines etc) for which this is required.
    4. Does it need to be a web based service, or having the user be able to collaborate on one shared file using InDesign or InCopy on the Desktop will work? What is the advantage you feel over a web-service over the desktop app?
    5. How do you workaround this need today? What are the most important problems with…

  16. I want to be able to select multiple table rows that are not connected.

    I would like the ability to select multiple table rows that are not connected. For example, I expected to be able to CTRL+Select the rows I want to change the fill color. For example, if I have 20 rows, but I want to select Row 2, 6, 8, 14, and 17 so that I am able to edit the fill color/text color/row height, etc. in those rows only. Currently, I have to do them all individually and in much larger tables (50+ rows.) It's such a pain!

    The ability to fill every other row, or every third, etc. in the…

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  17. Save Preferences

    For about 14/15 years I never had to reset preferences in InDesign.

    Since CC2017 it's more or less once a week.
    Colors disappearing.. panels blind or empty.. tools not working.. font now showing.
    Panels self increasing size...

    But it seems we have to deal with it, so we probably need a way to SAVE PREFERENCES.
    Save preferences in a moment everything work fine.. and restore it when (after just few days) nothing works anymore.

    Every time people have to reset preferences, they have to restore everything. UI colors, workspace, Application Frame (that mac users normally never use) Old Dialog way…

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    18 comments  ·  UI  ·  Admin →
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    Hi everyone,

    InDesign provides an option to export and import User Settings, providing users with a smooth and enhanced experience to restore their custom settings if needed. The feature is now available in the latest InDesign 2024(v19.3.0.058) 

    Helpx article -

    Please let us know your feedback in the comments.

    Sanyam Talwar(he/him)


    Over the years I (and others) have requested that the UI of InDesign be scalable. As designers, our eyes navigate us thru the creative process.
    IT IS NOT EASY to readily decipher palettes and menus which sport MICROSCOPIC TYPE on a 28-inch, high-resolution monitor.
    It IMPEDES workflow if one is spending extra time trying to find and choose things on the interface.
    At least give us a choice! Smaller, Medium, Large, Extra-large.

    When will Adobe get this??????

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    Completed  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    Scalable UI feature is now available in the latest version of InDesign – InDesign 2022. Please get the latest version of InDesign from the Creative Cloud Desktop app. — Adobe InDesign team

  19. Anchored Objects need be able to apply a text wrap when placed before their anchor point in text

    For example, if the reference text for an image falls on the lower half of a right hand page, but the placement of the image works better at the top of that page—or even on the facing left hand page—the text wrap should be able to work before the object's anchor point in the text. Otherwise, when dealing with long documents, this feature is somewhat useless if you can only anchor some of your objects.

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  20. Enable Animated/Scrubby Zoom

    Add the animated/scrubby zoom feature for PC users--it's time. It's ridiculous Photoshop and Illustrator has it, but not InDesign? Since Mac users are given tools PC users don't have, perhaps Adobe should discount our subscription fee.

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