GPU-Acceleration on Windows
It would be brilliant to have this as an option especially since more and more people are using high DPI/4K displays and the CPU is not capable of allowing for smooth zooming/scrolling/panning in most cases. It's working perfectly fine with Photoshop and rather good with Illustrator so I can't see why this shouldn't be possible with InDesign as well.
On my 4K Dell XPS 15 it's quite a pain to scroll through the document or zoom in and out, laggy as hell although this is a very poweful machine!

Thank you all for supporting this feature request.
Moving the feature request to the product backlog.
Stephen Unkrich commented
That must be one crazy long backlog.
Sebastian Nagel commented
it's so ridiculous by now, i'm looking forward to visit this page every year just to see everyone again ... hi folks, nice to see you again - see you again next year!
(oh and by the way: one requirement of indesign 2025 is a multicore CPU ... now let's all guess whether indesign 2025 uses more than one single core to expert a 200 page PDF file ... you know ... one page is an independent unit of information that can be calculated on its own. don't be fooled though ...)
Ross Tanner commented
This is insane that this has not been implemented.
Anonymous commented
still no good news. 3 years after it got into backlog. and what anout multicore processing?
Andrew Grywalski commented
The fact this still isn't an option is absurd and only a display of laziness and lack of care for the product. It's been in backlog for nearly THREE years. This type of performance feature is foundational to the type of work being done today.
With Photoshop, Illustrator and a handful of other Adobe products using GPU acceleration, it makes it feel like the internal development structure of Adobe is incredibly siloed with zero collaboration which I find laughably ironic.
Please stop adding underused features and get the foundation of this product figured out.
Яковлев Алексей commented
Today I received a mock-up of a 276-page catalog of designer tiles to check and correct errors. I need to view about 2000 high resolution images in a scalable view in a program that has no GPU acceleration and only uses one CPU core... If Publisher adds scripting support before Adobe adds GPU support, I'll probably recommend it all your partners
Kay commented
Adobe... I have to switch to Windows for many reasons. But Indesign on Windows is plain unusable with just CPU and no multi-threading. Indesign is the only piece of software why I keep a Macbook from 2020.
InstyButte Typesetting2 commented
Check back in 2025...
EXEC Design commented
@Abhinav Kaushik
^^As long as preformance isn't RADICALLY improved which means GPU and multicore CPU implementation (!!!) every other InDesign improvement is secondary on PC systems.
Jay Pee commented
why they disabled this option? do you want me to buy a mac to use it? im not gonna do that Ineed this option back on windows, Indesign 2024 looks terrible without the GPU
Kimmo Hellström commented
Just started to learn and use InDesign today, and I'm totally amazed how outdated it is.
Just one hour of delving in the app brought up so many issues that if I could do my project in some other software, I would. No scrubby zoom, over all feeling of UI is quite terrible. Navigation between pages etc really clumsy. And no GPU-Acceleration!?!
Maybe Adobe thinks that AI is going to do all the layout-out soon and just stopped to develop this antique piece of software. I feel bad for those that have to use InDesign daily. Maybe they don't know better, how good the UI/UX can be when it is well done.
Kay commented
New Indesign version is released.... and still no sign of GPU and/or Multicore support and/or Windows-Trackpad support. But a dozen other features no one cares about. This is so frustrating.
Nicholas Tassone commented
Adobe, please provide an update to this. This would be hugely beneficial to all users, noticing the current performance difference when switching from mac to windows.
Bastien Eichenberger commented
@Abhinav kaushik? Any update after 2 years?
Kay commented
Yo Adobe, this feature was suggested in 2017 (!) and "in backlog" since 2021... what the **** are you guys doing?
Everything just FLIES on my Dell Laptop and I can edit 4K60 videos no problem, but using Indesign on Windows makes me feel like I'm back in the 90s with an Intel Pentium CPU.
You are much too comfortable with the fact, that Indesign is unfortunately the industry standard - you guys don't care anymore, but gladly take our money for it!
Bastien Eichenberger commented
Any news about this topic? GPU acceleration and multi-threading on windows?
Sebastian Nagel commented
this is getting ridiculous ...
Indesign is "supporting" hiDPI-Displays (4k etc.) on Windows, but has no GPU acceleration at all AND running on a single CPU core – making 4k support completely useless as the screen output is soooo slow.
I start to think they have driven away all competent developers or even lost source code for that part of the program, and just can't update it anymore, trying to hide that fact for as long as possible.
Marcel Wegermann commented
Pretty embarrassing for Adobe to taking this long to finish...
Rob Hutchings commented
Backlog since 2021 - can we get an update on timelines?
We really need to be able to zoom in >4000% and other general performance/navigation improvements
Sergey commented