Improving the various options of footnotes
In one of the latest versions of InDesign, endnotes have undergone a significant upgrade as they have become live endnotes than static endnotes. But unfortunately, the footnotes are left far behind.
We really ask that you rewrite the footnote feature so that the following features are possible:
1) Select all the footnotes at once (by Cmd + A or Ctrl + A)
2) Option to split footnotes into a number of columns is different from the main text (not just span footnotes but complete control over the number of columns)
3) Continuous footnotes in the same paragraph (run-in).
4) Possibility to add any decoration or title to the footnotes (and not just the 'Rule above')
5) Option for a different position of the footnotes on the page, and not just at the bottom (side notes)
6) Possibility to control the footnote settings for each story individually.

oups_ commented
I dream of being able to easily have a single footnote block per page, under text columns of different widths.
Tim Smith commented
חיה מושקא קופציק commented
Please do it!
Harris Thompson commented
Trabajos Universitarios is a highly recommended platform for students seeking quality academic support.This service has consistently shown its reliability, with experts delivering well-structured and thoroughly researched work. It has been especially beneficial during busy periods, helping me meet deadlines without compromising the quality of my assignments.
Aviad Ben Simon commented
must give a proper answer to the supporters of the software in Hebrew
אבי טל commented
Joel Hakoune commented
ממש קריטי
משה חי אטון commented
This will give us flexibility in design
אות.חיים מיזם הנצחה בכתב ידם commented
We really hope you make this improvement, please!
Moshehai atoon commented
בבקשה תטפלו
Sara Hefetz commented
I vote for this
וייס - הקלדה הגהה ועימוד commented
I agree with Avraham
Pieter Traut commented
My Priority:
1) Continuous footnotes in the same paragraph (run-in).
2) User defined set of callers (like Page Maker had!)
3) More than one footnote class -
א ל commented
צורך קריטי
ბუბუ ჭექა BUBU CHEQA commented
Footwork does this job but it would be easier and more comfortable if this feature were in Indesign and we were able to make inline footnotes with one click. We have tried Footwork on the already-designed text to make inline footnotes. While doing footwork messed up a bit our text so we gave up trying. We have not tried making footnotes during our working process yet so if we try we will write later about it.
Antonio Mendes commented
Really critical for me (point 2). I'm working with academic journals and, yes, footwork seems to do the job, but it's to much expensive…
Anonymous commented
Currently, you can do almost all of the above (except #5) with a 3rd-party add-on called Footwork:
אגדתא עימוד ועריכה commented
ANONYMUS commented
אברומי commented
דחוף דחוף דחוף