Enable Animated/Scrubby Zoom
Add the animated/scrubby zoom feature for PC users--it's time. It's ridiculous Photoshop and Illustrator has it, but not InDesign? Since Mac users are given tools PC users don't have, perhaps Adobe should discount our subscription fee.

Intesa srl commented
Unbelievable that this basic function is not available!
yossy breuer commented
I'm coming from Photoshop and Illustrator and I can't find that option it's so stupid
Joshua Harris commented
Lack of animated zoom is an accessibility issue. Animated/scrubby zoom reduces the movement required from a user, and allows for finer control, reducing repeated inputs, and resulting strain/overuse injuries. It might seem minor, but this is a serious quality of life issue for users like myself. Please, please fix this.
Uther M. commented
Such a dumb decision not to include this necessary feature on the Windows version of InDesign. Big L for InDesign dev. Feels like I'm using an early 2000s app while using InDesign 2025.
Stephen Unkrich commented
So weird I typed "animated zoom" and then clicked generate, but all that showed up was a picture of dude using a macbook.
Andrew Hassemer commented
it's also crazy going down the list of other things people voted for, seeing this one near the top, and then it not even having been acknowledged by a developer. get your act together adobe.
Andrew Hassemer commented
Its actually so important that I don't even want to use InDesign. I would rather go find a similar program through someone else that does have that feature because it would be so simple to add it that it baffles me to the core that it isn't a feature already after 7+ years of apple having it
Tommi Vainio commented
very frustrating to not have the same features in all the apps. Animated zoom is very critical for me to keep my workflow
Micah Beard commented
We need this now and we pay too much to not have this time-saving feature!
Alejandro commented
The animated zoom feature is one of those tools that speeds up workflow drastically. Having to manually input zoom commands is a hindrance and disrupts the users experience. If it's available in PS and AI I don't see why it's not possible to add to InDesign. If you're going to include a critical tool like this in one program, you should include it in every application where it can be used.
Nicole O'Neill commented
Please add the scrubby zoom feature tool for Windows (Animated Zoom) to InDesign. It is highly frustrating switching from PS and AI to InDesign not being able to USE THE SAME TOOLS.
Sophie Mae commented
Seriously, why isn't this a thing yet. I'm getting so ****** at adobe. They take advantage of being the most versatile program subscription that they don't care about performance for their users. I regret getting into graphics because of this bs. It's a decent amount of my art practice and also my current intended career, so know I'm not saying it lightly. Adobe, step the f up already.
jessica langlois commented
Yeshe Tsultrim commented
It's almost criminal that there's no animated zoom on PC. There's absolutely no reasoning for it and takes away from the usability of InDesign. ESPECIALLY since it's active in all other CC apps like Illustrator. The frustration I feel when switching over to InDesign and the zoom only works with the selection square is indescribable. The current zoom is unintuitive and hinders my workflow.
Sean Howes commented
Lack on animated zoom for InDesign makes the program borderline unusable. I zoom around a lot to get different views of what I'm working on, and at every point I struggle and get aggravated because of the ridiculous way the zoom tool works for PC. No reason why only Mac users should get the tool when we can't.
Josh See commented
Please enable animated zoom on InDesign for Windows. Why am I to be treated differently just because I have a PC?
JSTN commented
Absolutely agree. ID not having scrubby zoom or trackpad zoom support on Windows is absurd.
ᄌᄒᄉ commented
I cannot use Id in windows for this Probelem. I have to use old macbook eventhough I bought new desktop...
Enrico Barin Guarise commented
Animated zoom is a critical feature for me, as it makes the user experience really frustrating!
Brice Hemmer commented
Indesign not having scrubby zoom is the equivalent of tripping over a rock on an otherwise pleasant hike. Like it or not indesign is the sibling of Photoshop and Illustrator, so it needs to act the same way. I get that they all serve a different purpose, but simple things like how to zooming works NEEDs to be consistent between programs.
Adding scrubby zoom to Indesign isn't adding feature, it's more that not having it is intentional annoyance.