Duplicating pages in InDesign - but not at the end of a document
When duplicating pages in Indesign they always appear at the end of the document. We should be able to select where in the document we want the pages to be added, as we do when inserting new pages.
So, 'Duplicate Pages''; "Insert Before/After page XX" etc

Hi everyone,
This feature is available in Adobe InDesign 2023 version.
Please update to this InDesign version to work with this feature.
Adobe InDesign team
Creative Overlord commented
@Patricia Vigil - in your pages pallette press the hamburger icon, and select Duplicate Spread (instead of Duplicate Spread at end of document which is still an option).
Creative Overlord commented
I just wanted to add I LOVE the new duplicate feature, I've set a keyboard shortcut to it as more often than not i'd prefer to duplicate in place than at the end of the document - FAB! Just need to be able to export pages with custom page name as prefix now and we'll be set!
Patricia Vigil commented
i cant see the new feature mentioned at all. Could you please elaborate Ravi?
Andy commented
Would be nice if it would also work with dragging while holding down the alt/option key. Still just moves the pages instead of duplicating.
Mark Pierce commented
Awesome news!!!
Anonymous commented
Thanks! I'll try it out.
Jesse Sloan commented
Let me just say that the whole "ALT-DRAG" so-called solution is HORRRRRRIBLE.
It works so seldom that it is utterly pointless. 99% of the time, alt-drag results in a duplicate page but, where does the duplicate page or spread show up? Yep, you guessed it, AT THE END OF THE DOCUMENT!!!!!!! STUPID, STUPID, STUPID! Did I mention STUPID?!!!!Duplicate a page or a spread and it goes to the end. Then spend "however long" fidgeting to get the page in the right location. What sort of moron programed this? What sort of idiot supervisor and/or dead-asleep QC saw this and said, "Yep, it's fine." WHY, has this been a problem for YEARS with hundreds of people complaining about and yet Adobe has been silent? RAGE-RAGE-RAGE-RAGE!!!!!!!!!
Heksel commented
Doing Alt + drag is okay, but you really need to find the exact "|" line beside the page icon, which could be hit or miss. So not as convenient as Ctrl+J for duplicating layers in PS.
Antonio commented
I can alt-drag the page. If you see a + icon next to the cursor, it'll place at the end; if you see a vertical bar, that's where the page will duplicate.
With multiple pages, it won't work, which is weird.
It should be as simple as the Move Pages dialogue, adding an option to duplicate instead of moving.
Anonymous commented
I have tried unchecking both shuffle options, and various locations when alt-dragging, with no success. I hope there is a fix for this soon.
Mo Ismail commented
1- Uncheck "Allow Document Pages to shuffle"
2- Alt+Click & Drag the page"s"
3- Make sure the plus sign is visible
4- Always works better with me if I place the pages "before" a page rather than "after" a pageGood luck !
Jillian Lee commented
When right-clicking > Duplicate Spread on a page, have it pop up right underneath that page, and not all the way at the end of the document
Eli commented
Jesus, is this real? I have a document of 50 pages. People suggest holding alt and then pressing the page I want to move. But you can't even scroll through the 50 pages, I just see 10 pages max.
LivLuvDraw commented
A A commented
On a MAC Option + Drag (until the plus sign shows up) has ALWAYS worked for me. Suddenly in this latest version it doesn't. You can only insert at the end of the document. And "Duplicate Spread" just duplicates it directly to the end of the document... And it assigns whatever master is the last used. So if I'm duplicating a spread with "master A" to the end of the document where the last page is assigned "Master Z" - the duplicated spread also gets assigned to the Z master? That makes sense to you guys? STOP MAKING UPDATES THAT DON'T NEED TO BE MADE! It's infuriating. Just when you think you've got this awful program figured out - the next version doesn't work. FIX IT.
Max commented
Alt click and drag the spread to the right until you see the +. If you let go when you see the +, the spread will go to the end of your doc. If you keep alt and your mouse pressed and drag back to the left towards the other spreads, you will see little grey lines appear either on the left or right of the spreads depending on how far left or right you go over the spreads. So, you can place a duplicated spread anywhere you want. You can place it before or after any spread. Try it out. It takes like 10 seconds of playing around to see how it works.
אהרון commented
למעשה הפתרון שלי זה לשכפל עמוד להחיל עליו נון מאסטר ואז לשכפל כמה שצריך
זה נשאר באותו מקום -
Anonymous commented
As simple as having to do it by default, it makes no sense to duplicate it at the end of the document.
Shane commented
I have tried like 50 different minor different ways to make alt + drag and drop work! It doesn't at all. On the latest version as of right now. And duplicating still jets the page to the end of the document... Honestly... Is this lazy programming or did someone really think this would be beneficial?
tissanl commented
hold alt, then click and hold to move the pages to the right; BEFORE you see the plus sign: release. So 'drop' the pages left of the vertical line. Took me a while to figure this out