Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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154 results found
Option to split table rows across pages
Lord please, if you're up there, answer our INDD prayers and make this a feature. A LOT of tables have rows with more content than can be held in a single page or bottom of a page. It's impossible to layout a continuous book or brochure if I can't get the table text to split - it doesn't have to be the default, but give me the option - please, please. WORD does this, be better than Word!!
934 votes -
round corners on tables
External round corners on tables
217 votes -
196 votes
Dear All,
This feature is now available in latest InDesign CC version. Please upgrade to the latest release.
Abhinav Agarwal -
Opacity of a cell fill
There needs to be an option to control the opacity of a cell fill.
The only option now is to go to cell options > Strokes & Fill and change the tint, but the effect is not the same as opacity (that will apply only the fill and not the text in the cell).
Thank you104 votes -
GREP code table
Make a GREP code for table in Find/Change box dialogue
70 votesHi All,
Can you explain how this would be used, is the end goal to find a some stuff restricting the search to Tables, or is it something else. It would really help if you can share how you plan to use this new GREP code for tables.
Javed -
Need option for auto-fit in table cell style
When I reduce the text size in table, the rows height not fit automatically and its manual work to fit the each row for whole table. It's make easier if we have option to fit the cell height automatically based on content like Object style "Auto-Size"option.
69 votes -
Add the possibility to set cell/line/row height and width in tableformats
We have a lot of tables in our brochures which have to fit in the grid.
It would save a lot of time if I could set, at least, the height of a line as a standard in the table format.
At the moment I have select every table and enter the value. If cells are connected in a row, you have to disconnect them to set the height value. Not very comfortable.
68 votes -
Add row/column dimensions to table styles
When a document includes multiple similar tables, I would like to be able to quickly set them up to have the same column widths for better consistency. Adding this kind of information to styles seems the most logical place for it.
58 votes -
Real table footnotes (different from CC2019)
Since CC2019 the user is able to add footnotes inside a table. Such notes are added at the bottom, of the textbox. This behavior does not fit to many needs of designer how need real table footnotes.
So what is the difference?
Real table footnotes stick to the content of the table.
In this case the note gives some additional information to the table specific content.
Therefore each table should have an own mechanism of numbering that does not mix up with the document footnotes numbering. Additionally the position of table footnotes is most often at the end of the…47 votes -
Continued table subheaders (and headers)
- Our main need is a way to specify "subheader" rows which will repeat after the main header at the top of each page. In the screenshot, "Bank of America" with gray shading and "Canadian region" are both examples of subheader categories which appeared previously in the table. We need them to continue to appear as a subheader row, underneath the main header, with an option to add text (in this example, "cont."). Note we need the ability to style the additional text.
A GREP style which could be used on the subheader row would be even better, as sometimes the…
43 votes -
Split & Span Text Box functionality inside Table Cells
Split & Span Text Box functionality inside Table Cells, so you can create multiple text columns within an individual cell
42 votes -
Table Summary Option as per Word and other apps
Could you add a tab in the ‘Table Options’ dialog window when selecting a table. This tab called Table Summary would be a field that allows you to add a brief description on what the table is about. The information would then carry over to a PDF when you export it.
An accessibility check on the PDF without a table summary produces a warning. Whilst tables summaries are not compulsory for accessibility, in order to get 100% compliance (green tick), tables summaries need to be added which Microsoft Word and other programs seem to do whereas Adobe Indesign does not.
39 votes -
Enable slanted headers in tables
Right now, in order to create a "slanted" header for tables (see attached graphic) you either have to create a separate table and slant the entire object, or create a slanted effect by using lines and text boxes. It would be great if there was an option to slant the entire row of text in a table.
39 votes -
Auto update the Table of Contents when saving or PDF'ing
Currently you have to REMEMBER to update your TOC before you export to a final PDF (or before a final print). It would be helpful if it updated automatically upon saving or maybe include it as an option in the Adobe PDF presets, checked by default together with "View PDF after exporting" etc.
37 votes -
this!!! Complete overhaul to tables in InDesign !!!!!
IT IS SO ON THE MONEY and I am sure there are other great suggestions here, but seriously indesign tables are pathetic
right now I am especially vexed by this fact that Joe Jacob writes:
"Why is it that the total width/height of a table cannot be constrained to the size of the bounding box it's in? Why, when the table exceeds these limits, does a column or row just disappear? ""Why am I left just eyeballing it to make sure my table is neat and evenly spaced out? Why…
36 votes -
Table Cell Strokes
It is something of a chore to select individual strokes in Window 'Cell Options' – Tab 'Strokes & Fills'.
… you need to align exactly the cursor's hotspot (to the pixel) on the stroke you wish to select or deselect… and often need to click a few times if you're slightly off. I often need to have, let's say all horizontal strokes selected in a table… so I have to deselect all vertical strokes.Currently, we can double-clic to select, say the outside borders, or the inside.
But it would be nice to have buttons that would:
- select/deselect all…32 votes -
Improving table styles
Problems in the development of tables
Currently we have some drawbacks when it comes to automating as much as possible the application of the tables by using "table styles", this is because our tables have 4 different sectors (hotrizontals), unlike the possibility that Indesign offers only 3 types of rows "header rows", "footers rows" and "text rows". This, for the moment, we solve it in the following way: once we apply the style of table, we select the rows that we want to change and we apply by hand the "cell style".
One possible solution is that the "style of…31 votes -
Add the possibility to add alternative Text to Tables.
like in MS Word.
Reason: we need to publish our print-products as an disability accessable PDF. Sometimes, it is helpful to add an alternative text to the table31 votes -
Make table border setting override cell styles
Currently, if I set a table border via Table Styles, then set a cell style with no borders around the cells, the cell style overrides the table style and the border around the table is removed. The only way around this is to create separate cell styles for the header, footer, left, and right columns and assign those to the table style-- that's a lot of junk styles needed to accomplish one piece of formatting.
My suggestion is to let us choose whether or not the table border overrides cell styles. That way, setting the table border becomes a one…
28 votes -
Continuous tables with a secondary header
Where tables with assigned headers and footers need to continue to have headers and footers on subsequent pages when threading, the actual header text is rarely used for any part of the table but the first page of it. Why is there not an option for a secondary header for continued tables? Keep it the same style for the headers, but allow it to be set and editable. It is such a common need, and publication designers are forced to use an inefficient workaround. Please add this "secondary header" option when creating table headers and footers. Thank you.
27 votes
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