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  1. Continuous numbering of footnotes and endnotes; endnotes to separate chapter

    PLEASE add these features to the footnote and endnote functionality of InDesign:
    - Continuous numbering of footnotes and endnotes throughout the various indd files within a book document
    - Ability to put the endnotes of the different indd files within a book document in a separate .indd file at the end of the book; numbering continuous OR per chapter.

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  2. Footnotes in Separate Detached Frame.

    It is a very important feature to be able to customise the layout of footnotes with full control. Currently footnotes in InDesign are attached to the main text frame, & you have no control over it.

    We suggest being able to have footnotes in a separate fully customisable text frame, while still being linked to the main frame!

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  3. Paragraph Border Controls when Split across Columns or Frames

    There needs to be a control that "If paragraph breaks between columns or frames" restricts the paragraph border to: "baseline" , "cap-height" and perhaps a value offset for this. At the very least there needs to be the "clip to frame" option for paragraph border like there is for paragraph shading. However, the controls for baseline and cap-height would be ideal.

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    19 comments  ·  Styles  ·  Admin →
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  4. Allow bullets and numbers to hang outside of the text frame

    There is currently no way to make a bullet or number hang outside of a text frame properly. The "optical margin alignment" feature control is iffy at best.

    Attached are two photos that show what I mean.

    In the first example, the "Correct" green bullets are not achievable in InDesign unless every other paragraph except for the bulleted paragraph has an additional positive left indent on all of its lines. It would be so much easier if we could just add a negative left indent to the first line of the bulleted paragraphs.

    In the second example, a document that…

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  5. Make InDesign be able to import/Export comments from/to PDF

    I want to be able to get the comments from PDF into InDesign so that I can easily incorporate/respond on the comments from people.

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    68 comments  ·  PDF Export  ·  Admin →
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  6. Enhance the new Suffix feature for exporting single Pages or single Spreads as PDF

    The new Suffix feature allows three parameters: ^#, ^P and ^S. So far so good.
    To make the feature complete I would suggest a couple of other parameters:

    ^N for page names
    Page names like i, ii, iii or a, b, c or 001, 002, 003 would be possible.
    Also names like 200 for the first page in a document that starts with 200 for page one.

    ^X for section prefixes ( max. of 8 characters )

    ^A for names of Alternate Layouts

    ^W for width of page

    ^H for height of page

    ^Pt , ^mm, ^In etc.pp. for unit…

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  7. Facing Pages for Spiral Binding

    Having the ability to see multiple pages together, without them connected in the center would be helpful for creating things like spiral bound books. This would allow bleeds for each page, while still being able to see the pages together for layouts. This feature would come in handy for more than just spiral bound projects. It would be handy any time you need to see two pages together, while still having bleeds for each page.

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  8. Add support for Case Transformation in GREP Change to field

    GREP Case Transformations in "Change To"

    Add support for case transformation in the replace patterns "Change to" for changing the case of the original text when using subpattern

    \u Make the next character uppercase
    \U Make all following characters uppercase until reaching another case specifier (\u, \L, \l ) or \E
    \l Make the next character lowercase
    \L Make all following characters lowercase until reaching another case specifier (\u, \U, \l ) or \E
    \E End case transformation opened by \U or \L

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    Hi everyone,

    You can easily change text cases with just a few clicks, ensuring consistency across your designs. This feature streamlines text editing, saving you time and effort. Enhance your workflow by adjusting text case quickly from the Text or GREP tabs of the Find/Change panel. The feature is now available in the latest InDesign 2024(v19.5.0.084) 

    Helpx article -

    Please let us know your feedback in the comments.

    Sanyam Talwar(he/him)

  9. "Force quit" a background task

    In all the years that we've had background tasks, I've almost never been able to cancel one successfully. Whenever a task hangs up for unknown reasons, and I hit cancel, it just hangs on the 'cancelling' step and the only way to stop it is to force-quit InDesign, which can equal lost work and damaged files.

    I would like to see a more assertive way to force shut down of a background task that isn't cooperating.

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    Under Review  ·  24 comments  ·  PDF Export  ·  Admin →
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  10. disable "live-update" of cross-references

    we are working on large document (about 600 pages) with many cross-references (over 3000).
    This leads to a very slow performance and makes working with the document a real test of patience.
    It would be great to have an option to temporarily disable the "live-update" of the cross-references!

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  11. Please allow placed PSD layer blend modes to carry over into InDesign

    We build 2-layer Photoshop files for product images. Top layer is product image set to NORMAL blend mode. Bottom layer is shadow of product set to MULTIPLY blend mode. When placed in InDesign the shadow layer does not carry over multiply blending. It knocks out anything under it in InDesign file. Our work around is placing two copies of the PSD file on top of each other. We then have to set the bottom image to Multiply with top layer turned off in Object Layer Options. Then the top image needs to have shadow layer turned off in Object Layer…

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  12. script action

    Make a scripting easier by record functions in an action like photoshop

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    6 comments  ·  Scripting  ·  Admin →
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  13. Wavy line needs customize option!

    We need “Wavy line” customize option, such as:
    (1) weight (2) wave height (3) wavelength (4) single/double line selection
    (see fig1.png and fig2.png)

    Current wavy line design is not good for professional.
    When we change weight, the wavy size is automatically changed. We can’t control the size of wave.
    When we need to control the size and shape of wavy line, we have to create appropriate one by Illustrator, then link them. This takes lots of times of us.
    "Wavy line" customize option will definitely help us a lot.
    Japanese clients often designate to use wavy lines to underline.

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  14. Opacity of a cell fill

    There needs to be an option to control the opacity of a cell fill.
    The only option now is to go to cell options > Strokes & Fill and change the tint, but the effect is not the same as opacity (that will apply only the fill and not the text in the cell).
    Thank you

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    23 comments  ·  Tables  ·  Admin →
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  15. Relative Link Paths for InDesign

    At this company we work in teams on many project simultaneously along with a massive server of shared assets. Talking to my colleagues in other companies this is quite a common thing these days. We mostly work off of InDesign for the majority of our projects. As InDesign uses linked files for composition/layout, we keep our server organized. All IDD files are worked from directly off of our server, no files are stored on any person's computer locally.

    We don't need to package everything (only rarely, for sharing to external entities) because all of the content already exists on the…

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  16. Change the Eyedropper Tool back to default on the tool bar instead of the Color Theme Tool.

    The standard Eyedropper Tool used to be the default option on the Tool bar. This was convenient for sampling colors as well as text styles. Now, there is no way to change the default from the Color Theme Tool to the Eyedropper. The Color Theme Tool has its place in Illustrator, but as InDesign is mostly used for text, it is crucial that the Eyedropper Tool is quickly accessible. In my career, I have barely used the Color Theme Tool in InDesign, whereas I use the Eyedropper daily. It is frustrating for my coworkers and I to now change it…

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  17. Form Field Calculations in InDesign

    With InDesign's form tools, we're missing the ability to add calculations to form fields in InDesign, and that task must be done manually in Acrobat.

    To start, I'd like to be able to build simple calcs into my InDesign forms. Example:

    And expense report has a form field for each day of the week, and then a total for all of the days. Would like a simple summation calc that I could use for rows of fields or columns of fields. Or both!

    Another example: multiplication of quantity times price. Or multiplication of 5% sales tax on an amount field.

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    9 comments  ·  PDF Export  ·  Admin →
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  18. UI – Some Buttons are missing InDesign CC 2020 (OS X)


    I’ve updated InDesign to the newest version 15.0 (InDesign CC 2020) on OS X.
    And some buttons in the top window border are missing like the percent and the GPU rocket.

    Is it possible to put these back?! Or do I have to change it anywhere in the menu? Can’t find it.


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    80 comments  ·  UI  ·  Admin →
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    The InDesign team appreciates your valuable feedback and concerns. These go a long way in helping us make InDesign better for you and update it continuously to cater to evolving user needs. The app bar design was changed as part of these improvement efforts, and will also help us in introducing some modern and exciting functionalities which we have been working on.

    While doing this, we have taken care not to remove any existing functionalities which were available in the previous App Bar design. These have only been relocated – either grouped along with similar functionalities (based on results from our user research) or shifted to improve usability (to provide a consistent experience) while working across Creative Cloud apps, especially Photoshop (Ps) & Illustrator (Ai), which are frequently used by InDesign users. We do understand that it takes time & effort in adopting these but we sincerely hope that the…

  19. Managing Multiple Sets of Endnotes In a Document AND allowing Endnotes to refer to a separate INDD Document

    Issue #1:
    Here's my first dilemma: I am building a book with several hundred pages. This book will be printed (won't be an eBook/iBook). I'm keeping each chapter as its own document that I will then collect together as a larger Book at the end. The last chapter will be just for all the book's endnotes. In previous versions of InDesign, I would import the Word document, delete the endnotes out of the "Chapter x" document, and pop them back into the "Endnotes chapter" without affecting the superscripts referencing the endnotes throughout the text. Easy. Now, in cc 2018 if…

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  20. Create advanced graphs and charts inside Indesign

    We really need a good and advanced tool for creating graphs and charts inside InDesign. A tool where we can edit what the X and Y axis contain and the ability to custom design of every part of the graph/chart. Maybe also make it work and link with illustrator, because the Illustrator graphs and charts tools REALLY needs updating. It's like these features have been completely neglected for years.

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