Please allow placed PSD layer blend modes to carry over into InDesign
We build 2-layer Photoshop files for product images. Top layer is product image set to NORMAL blend mode. Bottom layer is shadow of product set to MULTIPLY blend mode. When placed in InDesign the shadow layer does not carry over multiply blending. It knocks out anything under it in InDesign file. Our work around is placing two copies of the PSD file on top of each other. We then have to set the bottom image to Multiply with top layer turned off in Object Layer Options. Then the top image needs to have shadow layer turned off in Object Layer Options. Both are then grouped together. If InDesign would just carry over the multiply properties of the layers, it would greatly reduce amount of work, InDesign file size and potential for errors when updating PSD file link. Please make this happen for the good of mankind.

Malcolm Twist commented
Agree. Don't understand why this isn't possible yet.
Toby Nelson commented
Why is this not a thing? These programs are supposed to be able to talk to each other right? RIGHT?
Yokel commented
Absolutely in agreement. I have the exact same situation as OP. And have to use the same workaround.
As I understand it, it's because PS and ID use a different graphics engine, but surely there must be a solution by now. People have been wanting this for ages. -
Francois commented
Agree, this will be a great!! Photoshop files must keep their blend modes when placed in Indesign.
PLEASE PLEASE apply this to future releases. -
Tina DeJarld commented
I run into this all the time in our work as well. Another vote to honor Photoshop's layer blending modes!
We use the same technique of placing two copies of the image exactly on top of one another and using Object Layer Options as described above.
eraldo commented
Claudio Marconato commented
They must implement a real PSD layer support. For now InDesign place the composite, not the separate layers.
Adobe, come on!
Anonymous commented
Eugene commented
This is a must and can't believe it hasn't been implemented. Further to this, text in a PSD file should be output as text and not rasterised.
Mike Gondek commented
Have been asking for this for a very very long time, and the response by Adobe engineers was they will not ever be able to do this as this is a limitation of the OS. I respectfully believe they are mistaken as Corel Draw blending modes carried over.
You most definitely have my vote.
gkscjf commented
I have to place TWO same psd file to apply blending mode in inDesign.
The indesign should allow the original blending mode as well as Illustrator.When I make drop show in multoply mode in photoshop or Illistratorm the inDesign is not recognizing blending mode.
Jonathan commented
Absolutely agreed... ai files have this ability so why not Photoshop? these are a suite of apps after all and should work the same way together, bitmap or vector.
Anonymous commented
Yes! Please fix this. Would make my day easier!
Anonymous commented
This problem is a constant pain for me as well. I have to make up three boxes for one image: Colour, Product and Shadow every time. Please fix!!
NEU! commented
I think ObjectLayerOptions needs an overhaul!
Its not scriptable, and it only caters the core ability of the PS-feature, that allows to switch visibility of the layers. Positioning and blend modes are swept under the rug.
Pls Adobe, revisit that feature.