Continuous numbering of footnotes and endnotes; endnotes to separate chapter
PLEASE add these features to the footnote and endnote functionality of InDesign:
- Continuous numbering of footnotes and endnotes throughout the various indd files within a book document
- Ability to put the endnotes of the different indd files within a book document in a separate .indd file at the end of the book; numbering continuous OR per chapter.

חיים ברוך ליברמן commented
I would use this feature.
Lorena Pape commented
is this feature still not available in Indesign? this was posted in 2018. am I missing something? I have a book with multiple separate chapter IND files with almost 200 endnotes and cannot find a way to create a separate IND file for endnotes at the end of the book. been searching all over the internet for an answer. the only recourse I have is to make one file and then add the endnotes.
Katy Coubrough commented
Working on a 500+ page Non-fiction book with 100s of images throughout and want to have endnotes consolidated at the end of the book not end of each chapter as they currently are. If I move them they delete all of the references within the chapter. The only way I can see to sort this out is to actually combine my 15 chapters into 1 500+ page document which defeats the purpose of the book function. Wish Abode would add functionality that users actually want. I don't want generative AI .... I want ENDNOTES and the END of my book.
Bengt Rostedt commented
I really want to place all the notes att the end of the book. And work with each chapter/document separately.
xenOnn commented
I would use this feature.
Troy Deckert commented
As Sadie commented below, "As is, it's impossible to make an actual book." That's not altogether accurate, as we can publish but we have to use the regular document (.indd) to use endnotes and an index.
The "book" file .indb is not really a book file at all; not without the ability to put an index or endnotes at the end. Well, for novels and children's books, the book file helps. But, what about us non-fiction book publishers? And people working in similar complex, long documents that have to be sourced and indexed? While Adobe provides a 1,000 ways to minutely alter how and where the letter A appears, Adobe can't find the time to provide the basic function of an index or endnotes in its book file. So we have to put 500 pages into one .indd file in order to publish. Or learn how to write script and code. Oh well.
Anonymous commented
It is a ridiculous oversight to have footnotes start over with each successive document in a book.
Dan Pampu commented
Also, allowing custom footnote numbering and a new starting anywhere in the text.
David Forthoffer commented
I would use this feature.
Sadie commented
How else have books ever been created? You have chapters, and then you have end notes aggregated from all chapters - at the end. Hence the name. Please dear God make this functional. As is it's impossible to make an actual book.
John Houston commented
As books have always placed endnotes after their chapters the request for "Ability to put the endnotes of the different indd files within a book document in a separate .indd file at the end of the book" is one that is sorely needed...
Anonymous commented
Absolutely necessary for book and journal publishers. We had been using Editorium but it no longer works with our state network enterprise system.
Dave Reed commented
I really like these feature suggestions.
Anonymous commented
Agreed – this is essential for book publishers working on InDesign. If it is clever enough to import multiple word files to flow with separate frames, then it should be able to recognise the files as having separate endnotes and renumber by chapter rather than from 1–end.