Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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114 results found
Please add proper standard printing condition(s) and icc-profiles
Adobe, please change the standard color presets for printing to the proper standard printing conditions and profiles that are published by the European Color Initaitive ECI ( The icc-profiles are publically available.
Actually, Adobe still uses outdated FOGRA39 characterization data by default, second Adobe applies FOGRA39 in an own icc-profile that differs from the standard-profile by the ECI.
FOGRA39 is outdated, it's been replaced by FOGRA51 since years, for good reason. ECI has published the corresponding standard ICC-profile "PSO coated v3", which should find it's way into Adobe's color settings. Please integrate the official ECI-profiles, because these are highly optimized…176 votes -
Would like to be able to include fonts and links from linked Illustrator files when packaging an InDesign file for print
would like to be able to collect fonts and links in linked AI and PS files when packaging an ID file for print.
98 votes -
Make the »instructions.txt« file choosable when packaging
Just add a button so that it will be possible to unclick the writing of the (often useless) instructions.txt file when packaging an InDesign file.
63 votesDear All,
This feature is now available in latest InDesign CC version. Please upgrade to the latest release.
Abhinav Agarwal -
Add .psb file format to standard importable files
Please add the .psb file format to the list of standard importable/placable files. it's the only format Photoshop allows after a certain image size, and i use it quite often when designing big print items that are several square meters in size.
38 votes -
Export as TIFF
Some applications often request TIFF files. Especially, when the file size exceeds PDF dimensions. The work around of export to a PDF and then to a TIFF does not work in these situations.
33 votes -
I'd like to be able to package a document without having "_folder" at the end of the file name. Each time I have to go back and manually remove the name "folder". I'm sure a lot of us see this behavior as annoying.
28 votes -
One click page border keyline in the print dialog.
Sometimes when printing something you want to see where the trim edge is with a keyline. Currently you have to manually put a box with keyline on every page to achieve this.
24 votes -
Include data merge source file in package
Include the data merge source file(.txt) when packaging a file that hasn’t been merged into a finished indesign file.
21 votes -
Print miniatures (multiple pages) with definable scale rate and border style
1) Please add option to print miniatures with a definable scale rate
2) Please allow to print multiple pages (with 100% actual size) on one sheet
3) Please add printing option to apply something like an object style to the pages (e.g. border style, drop shadow)These features would be great timesavers for internal discussions and external presentations during the whole design process.
14 votes -
(InCopy) Include "document fonts" when packaging for InCopy
It would be great, if the fonts could be included in a Package for InCopy.
We often send a InCopy package for external corrections. They need the fonts to do their job properly.13 votes -
If you edit a file in a package with external links, a REPACKAGE option should put all links that are not in the LINKS folder there.
extra; CLEAN PACKAGE should remove all files that are not used in the package.
This would avoid having to make a fresh package after every edit
12 votes -
Export to Illustrator with Layer Preservation
We do a lot of packaging design for a large catalog of products and use InDesign for most of that design (due to some specific needs for variants, etc.). We often need to provide the files as .AI format to our manufacturing vendors. It's easy enough to export to PDF, which preserves the spot colors and Acrobat Layers, but when we save from PDF to .AI, the layers vanish. InDesign needs a way to save/export native files in a format that can be opened in Illustrator that preserves all InDesign layers.
12 votes -
Preflight Document Pages Only
Add an option to the Preflight feature so the user can tell InDesign not to flag errors on unused master pages. Since the purpose of the feature is to flag errors in output, it makes no sense in most cases to flag errors on pages that will never be output (master pages).
11 votes -
Let Crop Mark offset reflect Bleed size by default
When exporting a .pdf, I find myself correcting that value over and over.
In most cases we want the cropmarks not to overlap the bleed, because that would make the bleed useless.e.g: I set Bleed to 3mm, but the Crop Mark offset stays 2,117mm
Please let InDesign copy the Bleed value to the Crop Mark Offset value automatically.
10 votes -
Stop appending the word "folder" to all package folder names
I really really really hate that I have to waste 8 keystrokes (yes, I count the down-arrow to get to the end of the package name) on every single package I make. At least give me the option to change the default suffix.
10 votes -
Make the Package feature open by default in the same folder where the indd file is located
Make the Package feature open by default in the same folder where the indd file is located. That is, when it's asking me which folder to place the package folder into. Currently it opens in the last folder Package feature was used to make a package.
1. I have indd in C:\1\1.indd
2. I use the Package function to make a package like C:\1\1 Folder
3. I have another indd in C:\2\2.indd
4. If I use the Package function now, when it first asks me which folder to put the package into, it shows me C:\1\, and I have…9 votes -
Provide Ability to Print Selection
Where I work, we create printed publications and also design advertisements for these publications. All of our advertisements are designed in a document using a standard InDesign template with a grid. This template is the same size as our publications and is larger than the standard letter size page dimensions that we like to print our proofs. The problem is that in order to print proofs on letter size paper, the ad must always be shrunk because of the larger document template dimensions. So, the ad always appears much small than it really is when printed. We could just simply…
9 votes -
Bring Back the DPI!
Dear Adobe,
How could you get rid of the term DPI, especially in InDesign, and replace it with PPI?!!!! As a print designer for the last 15 years, it breaks my heart to see that the premiere software company for designers has abandoned a term that is part of the fundamental lexicon of graphic design. I am a print designer at a CA State University and it kills me that our graphic design students graduate with an BA in Art/Graphic Design without having set foot inside a print shop! Now, the software they use to layout printed pieces doesn't even…9 votes -
Improve Link Panel functionality
It would be useful if we could right click an image in the Link panel and change the color mode from RGB to CMYK withough having to go into Photoshop before hand.
8 votes -
CJK typesetting in InDesign CC
We're often receiving the inputs with Chinesh, Japanese and Korean languages, so we're reinstalling the CC with new language to handle these inputs. So it'll be good to have direct feature in InDesign to handle CJK inputs without re-installation.
8 votes
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