Enhance the new Suffix feature for exporting single Pages or single Spreads as PDF
The new Suffix feature allows three parameters: ^#, ^P and ^S. So far so good.
To make the feature complete I would suggest a couple of other parameters:
^N for page names
Page names like i, ii, iii or a, b, c or 001, 002, 003 would be possible.
Also names like 200 for the first page in a document that starts with 200 for page one.
^X for section prefixes ( max. of 8 characters )
^A for names of Alternate Layouts
^W for width of page
^H for height of page
^Pt , ^mm, ^In etc.pp. for unit ( unit conversion from actual ruler units to desired ones )
That would make exported names possible like that:
DocumentName150 mm x 297 mm01.pdf
even if the rulers show different units.
Prefix string would be:
^H ^mm x ^W ^mm^#
In addition to all that: Please double or tripple the width of the Suffix editing field. That would be convenient for typing longer strings.
Thanks for consideration!
Uwe Laubender
( ACP )

Hennesse commented
William Campbell has created a very nice script (USD $32) that does basically that: Export Named Pages at https://www.marspremedia.com/software/indesign/export-named-pages
It would be very nice if it was standard in Indesign.
Anonymous commented
Add Master Page or/and Format Preset Suffix.
Anonymous commented
Any way to force the suffix into letter regardless of the page set up?
Anonymous commented
Or even exporting tags from the data merge module example <<FirstName>><<LastName>>
Сергей Алеев commented
Still waiting for this feature. Common guys, its time!)
nadworks commented
Still no improvement in the latest version. Rather disappointed.
Come on, Adobe!! -
Jamie commented
I have the same issue as below. Would be great if when performing a data merge I could take a specific field to name the file. This would make it a lot easier to find the correct file to send to the correct client, rather than sieving through hundreds of files named the same but with an irrelevant numerical difference. Would be a very helpful feature if possible.
Many thanks
Erich Tupper commented
Would it be possible, and if so how, to have the suffix be populated by data from a field within the file (pages) I am exporting to pdfs? I often need to export hundreds of pages to individual pdfs. Right now, I use the incremental page numbers for the suffix, then have to go back and rename each pdf based on information on that page. For example, Myfile-101.pdf, Myfile-102.pdf are renamed Myfile-Sacramento.pdf, Myfile-RedHill.pdf., etc. The name of the each location is a field within the file, so I'm hoping the Export Adobe PDF>Create Separate PDF Files>Suffix code can reach into the file and grab the name of the city from each page. In the attached file, the desired name for the three separate pdfs created would be long the lines of Peters Canyon.pdf, RedHill.pdf, and Thorman.pdf. The location name is a separate field within each file. Thoughts??
Emma commented
Hi! Is there an option to use different suffix before the actual document name? Different printhouses have different styles, some want the numbering like 001_DocumentName, and some prefer to use DocumentName_001. Numbering after document name is easy, but with what suffix "code" you would transfer the numbering to be the first part of the document name?
David commented
For postcard or other one-sheet designs, it would be nice to have the suffix/prefix "FRONT" and "BACK" for clarity.
nadworks commented
These additional options would be an absolute life saver. I second this suggestion!
Anonymous commented
A suffix without splitting the document in pages would be nice.
SA commented
PREFIX PLEASE. Second below suggestion as well: Also if we could have the option to not save the PDFs in a folder of their own.
Martin Cedes commented
I can't make it work! It exports a file with "_^H ^mm x ^W ^mm_^#" at the end of the name.
But when I use "_^P" it actually numbers it!
Shane Allon commented
Is there an option that allows the page text as the suffix?
I have one word on each page/spread and I need to export the files separately with the names in the pages. -
Anonymous commented
^BK for bookmark export
Dimitris Dimoulitsas commented
Would be great to have also ^L for exporting each layer of a same page.
Any advice on that?
In need of indesign layers or each object in a single .psd file. -
Cory Heneker commented
why stop at just one text variable - we have a need to export with a separate variable for each page
Wolf Kamm commented
How about allowing at least one text variable?
Danny commented
Option for a prefix would be infinitely useful (as suggested above).
Also if we could have the option to not save the PDFs in a folder of their own.