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5192 results found

  1. Remove first line indent after a heading

    We need an option to set First Line Indent to zero when a paragraph follows a heading.

    For example, perhaps you have Head1, Head2, and BodyText. Head2 is based on Head1. BodyText has a first line indent. My suggestion is that InDesign should have a checkbox labeled "Set first line indent to zero when following:" and then provide a list of paragraph styles in the document.

    You could either allow people to choose Head1 AND Head2 (multiple selection list), or you could allow them to choose Head1 and it would automatically apply to Head2 because that is based on Head1.

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  2. Ability to assign a shortcut to [None] in the Character Styles window.

    Because you sometimes want to REMOVE a character style and it would be very beneficial to be able to use a shortcut for that as well.

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  3. Would like to be able to include fonts and links from linked Illustrator files when packaging an InDesign file for print

    would like to be able to collect fonts and links in linked AI and PS files when packaging an ID file for print.

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  4. Dependent font sizes

    Allow for Character styles to have a font size relative to the underlying Paragraph style by adding and subtracting (or even multiplication and division). A Character style’s font size could be -2 pt or +2 pt for example. If the Paragraph style’s font size is 14 pt, the Character style’s fonts size would result in 12 pt or 16 pt. This is very practical for optical adjustment of different typefaces for example, keeping everything dynamic.

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    11 comments  ·  Styles  ·  Admin →
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  5. Move "missing links" prompt to before PDF export dialogue.

    Please move the "missing fonts" or "missing links" prompts to BEFORE the PDF naming and features preferences. I makes me nuts when navigate to where I'm dropping the final export, then name it, only to have an alert pop up telling me I'm missing something. I should be told that IMMEDIATELY.

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    Under Review  ·  7 comments  ·  PDF Export  ·  Admin →
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    Ability to import heif/heic files just like any other vector format (.ai, .pdf, .eps, etc.)

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  7. Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style

    I'd like the option to not add space between paragraphs of the same style, even if those paragraphs have space above or below. Microsoft Word has a checkbox that does this, and it's great for list styles. You can create a list style with space above and below and then check that box so that space only appears before and after the list, not between list items.

    In order to achieve the same effect in InDesign, you need three or more styles (one with space above but not below for the first item, one without space above or below for…

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    27 comments  ·  Styles  ·  Admin →
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  8. Publish Online for INDB (book) file

    Please extend Publish Online to Books. I use recurring elements as chapters in presentations and would like to publish online instead of exporting and transmitting PDF files.

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  9. Grep style formatting for variables

    Active linked variables and Grep styles do not work together.

    When you use variables and paragraph formats with Grep styles, you have to set the variable back to text and lose the link, to enable formatting with the Grep style.

    Variables should be handled by InDesign like normal text, with all features of formatting etc.

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  10. Repeat last action feature

    Please, make something like MS Word, that you can repeat your last action just pressing F4. That could save a lot of time.

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    32 comments  ·  Scripting  ·  Admin →
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  11. Page range(s) and pages/spreads options in Share for Review

    Export options for Share for Review

    Ability to select page range(s), individual pages vs spreads, etc. directly in the export process, not buried in the last PDF export settings.

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  12. Table of Contents

    Table of Contents styles should be able to take a selected page range, and generate a TOC based on only that page range.

    Many books have multiple TOCs these days — a master TOC up front, and TOCs at the beginning of each chapter or section, and often a hidden TOC that is used to generate PDF bookmarks.

    Being able to limit page ranges would mean less manually edited of generated TOCs, faster TOC generation, and needing to use fewer paragraph/character styles to handle them!

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  13. color picker isn't consistent with other software.

    Please allow users to change color picker to Photoshop color picker. Indesign is great except for the nuisance of having a horrible UI for the color picker. I make all my colors in photoshop copy the code then paste it into Indesign.

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    Hello All,
    Starting Id 16.0 we introduced HSB in Color Picker.
    Does that resolve inconsistency issue for you?

    Please tell us in the comments.

    Abhinav Kaushik
    Product Manager, InDesign

  14. Open hyperlinks in new tab

    You could update the software with the function to open hyperlinks in new tab within PDFs and other formats. This is very necessary.

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    33 comments  ·  PDF Export  ·  Admin →
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  15. Easy way to convert text to outline while exporting

    Most of our printers still ask for fonts to be outlined.
    Unfortunately the process to outline is very complicated and usually results in bullets, text box backgrounds and underline/over-lines disappearing. I also don't always want to flatten the whole document but simply rasterize the text. Especially when sending something to print that has different ink layers. Being able to outline text in the Export dialog box would be the best solution. This way I don't have to save a separate document or undo all my changes before saving so I retain my text in the Indd file.

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  16. [ID-4261542] Text variables to include auto numbers

    When creating a text variable, it would be great to have it capture the auto numbering, e.g. if the heading is "1. Introduction" and the number is set as an auto number to the paragraph style, then the text variable that references that paragraph style should also pick up the number. At the moment, all you get from the text variable is "Introduction". Or at least have that as an option!

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  17. Groups, Smart Groups, and Searching in Links Panel

    The links panel should support Groups and Smart Groups. Large numbers of links in projects -- especially those that include a lot of InCopy assignments -- get unwieldy.

    Ideally you would be able to make groups and manually move links into them, and also create smart groups that would automatically update. Ideas for common filters that smart groups would be used for:

    All CMKY images, all non-CMYK images, all InCopy links, all links that need to be updated, all links that are embedded or not, all links that are currently on a Hidden Layer or hidden via conditional text, etc.

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    9 comments  ·  UI  ·  Admin →
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  18. Multiple index

    Support for multiple indices (Index of Subject, Index of Authors, Index of Passages, Index of pictures, index of tables).

    That would greatly improve performance of work and cut a lot of time and get out books faster than before with higher accuracy!

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  19. Adds the option to create sidenotes on Indiesign

    Adding a built-in option to create side-notes in Indiesign, such comments that come next to the text where they are numbered. In addition, there will be control over whether to insert a separator between them and the main text, as well as control of the numbering style, and the paragraph or character style applied to them. Adding or subtracting one comment will update the number and position of the other comments, and if one comment goes beyond the page boundaries - move its content to the next page.
    Also, the designer should be given the choice of three options -…

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  20. SVG Export

    InDesign should be able to export either entire pages or selections into SVG. The JavaScript for exporting SVG is crap. The export should also include the fonts as well as checkboxes from forms. Form fields are not supported in most of the plug-ins. SVG is a very important standard. We used ist for maps, layouts etc. shown as small preview e.g. the cover of a book, forms, adverts etc.

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    14 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
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