Repeat last action feature
Please, make something like MS Word, that you can repeat your last action just pressing F4. That could save a lot of time.

Andrewtb333 commented
To the last two commenters: no. It's not the same thing. Changed the paragraph style to heading 1? Click somewhere else, press F4. Click somewhere else, press F4. Added a table row? F4 to do it again. Changed the settings of a drop shadow? Click on another shape, F4. Transform again only does specific things, i.e. transformations. An F4 equivalent is essentially a short-term shortcut key for absolutely anything.
Anonymous commented
It is already there: Object > Transform again > Transform again, you can add a short cut to it, I make it alt+d
Mustafa Küçüker commented
Duplicate shortcut works, folks. CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+D
Zorig Badarch commented
Only fool will not include this function
Krista Woods commented
Yes, for the love of all that is holy! F4 to repeat ANY last action. It's sad that Microsoft figured this out and Adobe can't.
Jackie K commented
Please add this feature. I found this site as I was looking for how to do this to make changes in a doc. I now realize I must select and make each change individually!!! Not at all fair not having this feature in such an expensive product. Please, please add.
Tony Willenberg commented
It's very frustrating that such a straightforward function is not available in InDesign: CMD+Y usually does it in most apps. The function is simply, repeat the last thing done. If you formatted, format again. If you typed a character, type it again. If you changed font, re-apply the change of font again. If you deleted some text, delete what's selected again. It would be a tremendous time saver when applying character styles to words throughout a body of text, without requiring a specific shortcut key combination to be setup for each character style.
dunmacdon commented
This drives me insane!
حامد شكر الله حامد commented
yes we need this
Koos commented
I totally agree with Andrewtb333, this would be a huge time-saving feature for everyone.
For instance, changing the colour of multiple pieces of text within a paragraph (assuming this text could already have a character style applied, so changing colour can't be done with a character style hotkey).
Current actions:
- Select text, move mouse to swatches, change colour, move mouse to another piece text, select, move, change, move, select etc.With a 'Repeat last action':
- Select text, move mouse to swatches, change colour, select another piece, press [hotkey], select, press [hotkey] etc.And 'Step and repeat' and 'Transform again' would become obsolete.
I referred to Autodesk Maya earlier, which has this function under the 'g' key/ -
Andrewtb333 commented
There are some comments below that indicate people don't understand what we're asking for. I have set up a shortcut in InDesign that is essentially "transform again", which is fine in certain circumstances. Someone mentioned ctrl + alt + U which is step and repeat, sure, that's also good.
What we mean though is what F4 does in Word. If you apply a style to some text, you can click on more text and press F4: the same style gets applied. You can change the colour of something: click something else, F4, same colour. Insert a table row: F4, you get another, and another. It repeats the last thing that you did, and it's such a time saver. Perform action, then click-F4-click-F4-click-F4.
Take applying text styles. In InDesign yes, you can apply a keyboard shortcut. But it's modifier key + keypad so it's always two hands. Click, *hands off mouse to keyboard*, apply style. Repeat. And that's if you already have a shortcut key set up. With Word, you can select text, click a style, then click-F4-click-F4 and you're done.
AND it applies to nearly everything you do with formatting, deleting, inserting (some table formatting actions aren't included but that's about it)
Anonymous commented
illustrator has it! ctrl + D, why not Indesign?!
Anonymous commented
What is the repeat action keystroke equivalent for Macs?
Jules commented
It does do a repeat action, it's CTRL + ALT + 4
Peter Fahrni commented
I used to be able to grab a box, duplicate and offset it, and then apply option command 3, which would give me a repetitions of that last step (the duplication and that exact offset. That was an extremely useful feature for me and I cannot quite wrap my head around why it's gone.
Ulysses de Oliveira commented
I agree. This missing feature would have saved me dozens of working hours. That's a shame ID doesn't have that.
Anonymous commented
Pierre Ruiz commented
+ 1
Anonymous commented
Agreed! Crazy that it doesn't already exist. Please make it happen!
Anonymous commented
This seems so obvious, and demanded. Would be a huge time saver, as it is in MS Word and other programs!