color picker isn't consistent with other software.
Please allow users to change color picker to Photoshop color picker. Indesign is great except for the nuisance of having a horrible UI for the color picker. I make all my colors in photoshop copy the code then paste it into Indesign.

Hello All,
Starting Id 16.0 we introduced HSB in Color Picker.
Does that resolve inconsistency issue for you?
Please tell us in the comments.
Abhinav Kaushik
Product Manager, InDesign
James James commented
Adobe is hands down the worst software company in the world its actually impressive.
Aaron Kwong commented
It still baffles me how the color picker is setup. Why is the R a vertical slider, and G & B are in the box? This is so unintuitive because if you change one area, the other one changes so you don't have a set control space. The vertical should either control the hue or brightness like typical color pickers.
Pablo Porta commented
My InDesign is up to date, and I'm reading through all the previous comments people have made before. It's just stupidly crazy how this issue is not yet solved. I stop using the color picker for so many years because in the way this is set it's so useless that actually creates more problems than fixes. How is it possible that up to this moment this can't work the same as it does in Illustrator and Photoshop! JUST SUCKS!!!
Sally Pilkington commented
I am using the latest version of indesign and it is showing the rgb color space view - this is not consistent with the colour pickers in AI or PS.
This colour picker feels absolutely useless to me - I simply can't use it to find and explore colours in a way that feels intuitive.
kgmeloy commented
I've been fighting with this all day. No, the update in ID 16.0 made very little difference. I should be able to use any color I need, be able to pick them from the document or an image within, dial them in via hex, RGB or CMYK values, or cruise around in a color wheel. For everything. Text, strokes, fills... Like in every other hunk of software in the known universe. I don't understand why this seems so hard to understand and implement.
Anonymous commented
100% This. I have never been so confused by a color picker before. I came to Adobe from the Affinity suite and I'm constantly amazed at how awkward color selection is, especially in InDesign. Given how much this software costs it's being outclassed in this category by pretty much every other art program out there.
wozza commented
not really! if you double click on any colour other than HSB colours you get the old rubbish colour picker menu come up which is not user friendly at all. The ony time i get the traditional (eg photoshop and illustrator menu) is when the colour in the colour pallet is HSB? why cant we have a generic picker that is aligned with other adobe packages?
Thanks for trying though i can still change colours to HSB to use the new picker menu but a pain when colours already in the pallet are set up as rgb -
Anonymous commented
It's not so much the inconsistency with the HSB option, it's the size and type of the colour picker that is at fault.
Why don't you just use the Photoshop one? We are missing hue cube, colour wheel etc. options in InDesign - it would be nice to get the same functionality across all of your products.
Anonymous commented
Agreed, why isn't the colour system consisting across the software? I want to pick colours outside of the window, hsb colour mode and a way to paste in hex codes in the properties panel.
warren commented
not sure how or why the colour picker in indesign has been made this way! really unusable!!!! please change to the way other adobe software works with colour picking
Anonymous commented
seriously change it!!!!! the in design colour picker is AWFUL we do not like it at all!
D Christian Harrison commented
I think all of us would agree that among the design apps, the color picker should be consistent—with the same functionality and layout across the suite. Second to that, I think we'd all agree that InDesign's color picker is—hands down—the worst of the bunch.
In addition to making them consistent — both the color picker palette window and the color picker tool pop-up — you need to ADD being able to click on anything in the monitor window with the color picker eye dropper.
Alasdair commented
This, this so hard and strong - The InDesign colour picker method is completely useless. i want to see the full gamut of colour pick a rough hue and then dial into it until it is right, not try to interpolate from the colour I have to adding more or less of red or blue will get me the colour I want like a colour wizard with a cauldron.
Satya Siva Kanth commented
Please oh Please change the color picker. Make it as the same as Illustrator or Photoshop. Why are Adobe products so inconsistent??
Gre Gre commented
This is a big problem, and no one from Adobe has answered. We wanna hear what they got to say!
Matt Denton commented
This is one of the most astoundingly bad choices I've seen in an Adobe product. And there's quite a few head scratchers.
Anonymous commented
The color picker already exists in pretty much all your other products, just duplicate over to InDesign.
Like many people in this thread and others, I've just stopped trying to use it entirely. It's seriously lame that I have to go to, literally any other graphic software (Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, Figma, etc.) to adjust a color and then come back to indesign. I hate to be a jerk about it, but there are many requests for this change.
InDesign is a super powerful program, but this just feels like a fumble. Please consider it :)
stretavkaBB stretavkaBB commented
What kind of a ********* excuse for a color picker does InDesign implement?
Do you enjoy making life miserable for your paying customers?
Take a look at Illustrator or Photoshop to get a ******* clue. -
Bruce commented
adobe listen to your customers for a change. it's been too many years people have suffered with this godforsaken horrible color picker. it make zero sense. Adding the hex field was a step, but please for the sake of all thats good and holy at least give people the option to use the picker thats in PS ands AI.
It would be like if ford made 1 car there the steering was reversed just for the **** of it. PLEASE give us the option to choose our picker.
Anonymous commented
2nd this
Adobe get your sh*t together