Easy way to convert text to outline while exporting
Most of our printers still ask for fonts to be outlined.
Unfortunately the process to outline is very complicated and usually results in bullets, text box backgrounds and underline/over-lines disappearing. I also don't always want to flatten the whole document but simply rasterize the text. Especially when sending something to print that has different ink layers. Being able to outline text in the Export dialog box would be the best solution. This way I don't have to save a separate document or undo all my changes before saving so I retain my text in the Indd file.

Jordan commented
Outlining fonts using Transparency Flattener Presets no longer works in InDesign 18.0. Outlining all fonts in a pdf can be achieved using Acrobat Pro under Preflight > PDF Fixups > Convert fonts to outlines > Analyze and fix. Although this would still be a useful feature in InDesign when exporting a pdf, to have a simple check box to convert all fonts to outlines.
Deborah commented
Using the newest version of InDesign 15.1.2 in Creative Cloud - how can I convert all of the text to outline without having to make it a PDF? The client wants the native files, but does not want to install any fonts to open them. He wants every font in the document converted to outline and still be an InDesign file - not a PDF. Doing this line by line is tedious and slow.
Emily commented
Make this happen already! Ridiculous that this hasn't been implemented yet!!!
Anonymous commented
Edit — Transparency Flattener Presets > High Resolution > New
on the master create 10% transparency rectangle with no stroke and no fill
Then export pdf.
Chose PDF\X-1a:2001
In option Advanced chose the preset you've created -
Anonymous commented
Yes! And now please.
Lee commented
It is ridiculous that this hasn't been addressed by InDesign....
Wilhelm Georg Adelberger commented
You should not do it in InDesign. Do it in Acrobat Pro, there is a Preflieght Profile with this functionality.
Jim Bommarito commented
Unfortunately, the "Convert Text To Outlines" feature mentioned by Evan is no longer working properly since the most recent release (23.0.3)...
Anonymous commented
That would be very, very nice
Jemma commented
Yes please!!
Mal commented
XPress does not need texts outlined at all when outputting to print-ready PDF, which means I don't need to save two copies of everything for I do for print, and/or I don't need to remember to undo my commands to outline text before closing the file. As it is, I'm always forgetting to do this and so end up with several files that require an entire re-do just to edit some small part of them. Or having to put the PDF outputted into Illustrator and see if I can make the amendments I need to do there.
What can be done to improve InDesign in this regard. I still use XPress for this very reason, that I have only one file and that file has all text as text and nothing but, which means it is entirely editable.
Anonymous commented
This definitely needs to happen!
DR Brandt commented
YES PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add this feature!! :-)
Shaun commented
Reply to Evan: the flattened feature only seems to work when using older versions of acrobat which in my experience leads to errors for example missing gradients and drop shadow in links.
I think a better text outline feature on export would be very helpful -
Evan commented
In case it helps you, you *sort of* can already do this, though it's not very intuitive. Go to EDIT >> TRANSPARENCY FLATTENER PRESETS. Click NEW. Give it a name you'll remember like "Outline Everything" Check the box for CONVERT ALL TEXT TO OUTLINES and hit OK to save that preset. Now when you go to export your PDF, in the export options, go to ADVANCED and choose your "Outline Everything" preset from the "Transparency Flattener" dropdown menu. You'll probably have to go back and tweak the settings in your flattener preset a few times to get exactly what you want.