Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
6920 results found
Cannot choose "Page Number: Before Entry/No Page Number" when creating table of contents
- Version: 13.0 (macOS High Sierra)
- Steps: From a new document, choose Layout > Table of Contents, from "Page Number" drop down, choose "Before Entry" or "No Page Number".
- Expected result: change to "Before Entry" or "No Page Number".
- Actual result: Stays at "After Entry" - no change happens
1 vote -
Out of Memory when printing to a postscript file indesign 2018
I have large school yearbook with over 500 high res colour photos. Since installing Indesign 2018 when I print to a postscript file to then distill in Acrobat Distiller, I am getting and "Indesign out of Memory" error and the file crashes.
This did not happen on the previous editions of Indesign.
Running on Windows 10 with 16gb RAM and plenty of HDD space
1 voteTo identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.
We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the finding : Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent in nature at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.
We recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2020.0.1 (if you’re not already on it). It contains a lot of stability fixes.
If you still face this issue even after updating to the latest version of InDesign, please submit the crash report to us. (The guidelines to submit crash are available at (
We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.
Adobe InDesign Team -
Special Character Current page numbers, double digits loose all kerning. Not able to adjust.
1 voteWe have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :
Reproducible Steps –
• Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
• Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)Adobe InDesign team
Height and Width-Bug in object styles with anchored images in CC 2018
I want to apply an object style, the size and position options are set to "width only" (nothing else is set).
If i apply this style to a normal frame or a frame with a placed image, everything is fine. But if it's a frame of an anchored image, the height is changing too!
Example: A frame with 100x100mm should be changed to 200mm width after the applied style. If it's a frame of an anchored image, it will become 200x155mm. (?!)
CC 2018, OSX Version
1 voteHello,
Issue has been fixed in InDesign’s latest update, Id 13.1.
Please update your InDesign for the resolution of the problem.Thanks,
Abhinav -
dopo l'aggiornamento non tiene i parametri di stampa all'interno del driver
col nuovo aggiornamento non tiene i parametri della stampante allinterno del driver
1 vote -
underline and paragraph rules don't work
In version 13.0 can't modify the value of the line thickness, and is always the same stroke size: 1pt
1 voteHi,
Can you please add a small video (on WeTransfer/Youtube/Dropbox) and post a link here so that it can be looked into?
We have tried to reproduce it but unable to do it.
Also, please try once after clearing your cache and preferences.
changing document size
I am using the latest Version of Indesign CC 2018. (13.0).
The following bug exists in the previous version as well.Create a new indesign document of (for example) 500 x 500mm.
Next, place some single objects close to the border, but stay inside the documentformat.
Now, go to "File; Document settings", where you can adjust the document size. Decrease the size from 500 x 500 to (for example) 400 x 400, with the Preview-Button ENABLED.
Wait for the moment until the Objects move OUTSIDE the document border, because of the to smaller fileformat.
Now, again increase the the…
1 voteAs confirmed by the user, the issue is resolved.
InDesign Team -
publish online responsive design
Indesign Publish Online publication, doesn’t work properly on a small screen.
On a small screen, or in a small webframe, some of the buttons disappear
( thumbnails, zoom in, share, download etc.) and are not accessible in another way.1 vote -
HTML-Export: Bildname unvollständig
Wir nutzen beim HTML-Export für die Bilder die Funktion „Mit Serverpfad verknüpfen“. Dabei wird im src-Attribut im Element img der Pfad und der Dateiname der Abbildung eingetragen. Beim Dateiname der Abbildung fehlt aber immer das letzte Zeichen!
1 vote -
changing subset fonts in the Control Bar
On occasion, when changing the subset font (or font variant) via the upper Control Bar, the change doesn't register on the document. The character palette also doesn't register the change (they should match).
CC 2017 v12.0.0.81
Font: Miller1 vote -
missing scripts after installation ID CC13.0/ID2018 Windows
Startup scripts are no longer running after installation. The Scripts folder is empty.
Indesign copies the folder from version 12 and creates the folder C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\Version 13.0\de_DE
But Indesign-scripts now are saved in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CC 2018\Scripts
So you have to copy the script folders by yourself.1 voteHi,
Thanks for reporting this issue. Just wanted to confirm few things:
1) Was there some scripts present in folder C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign\Version 12.0\de_DE and these are not copied to 13.0 folder?
2) Is your problem just limited to folder movement or you are facing the issue that your startup scripts are not running?Please provide more detail about the issue. Also, It would be useful if you can provide steps to reproduce the issue.
Custom page size not honored
When attempting to enter a manual page size, in this case 16mm x 16mm, typing in 16mm and then leaving the field changes it to 144mm. Every time I type and do this InDesign changes it to 144mm. Using the up/down arrow key next to the field to set it to 16mm works and the size is honored
1 vote -
Preview on CPU is stuck on. Can not defeat and this is slowing down the application
Preview on CPU is stuck on. Can not defeat and this is slowing down the application. This was happening in High Sierra with Indesign 2017 and now also with Indesign 2018
1 vote -
"Copy Links To" option in the Links panel does not flag as a change in the document.
Therefore, InDesign does not prompt to save the change and the document continues to link to the previous location if closed. I was able to reproduce this problem on MacOS High Sierra and Windows 10 with both InDesign CC 2017 and 2018.
1 vote -
Measurement Label Sizing
When using multiple monitors with different display ratios, I sometimes have a problem where the measurement labels for smart guides in InDesign become unreadably small on lower-definition monitors. At 100% zoom, the font size is equivalent to 3pts and is totally useless. I would love either options to choose interface font and appearance sizing for lower resolution monitors or the ability to change the font size of the measurement labels, otherwise I am limited to which monitors I can use Adobe CC on.
1 voteThis has been fixed in InDesign version 13.0.
Please update to latest InDesign for resolving this issue.Thanks
When installing InDesign CS6 on (Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6) I get an error.
Tring to install InDesign CS6 and get the error attached on Screen Shot. Things I have tried, I have put the download in the trash and tried to download again, this did not work, I have also rebooted before initialization of download and install, this still does not work.
1 vote -
1 vote
Do you want this limit to be increased for some reason?
Currently this limit is defined to be a value between 0p3 and 50p0-Aman
When I move a picture in 12 page publication, it crashes. over and over again.
I have a 12 page newspaper with lots of picture. Now when I move one picture, the program crashes. Every time.
1 voteTo identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.
We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the finding : Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent in nature at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.
We recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2020.0.1 (if you’re not already on it). It contains a lot of stability fixes.
If you still face this issue even after updating to the latest version of InDesign, please submit the crash report to us. (The guidelines to submit crash are available at (
We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.
Adobe InDesign Team -
Broken Link in German INDESIGN
If you click on the Link of the GPU thing you'll get a 404 in the german version of INDESIGN...
1 vote -
InDesign CC 2017 closeExtension() does NOT work properly.
Problem is reproducible with InDesign CC 2017 newest patch.
All the request information is available under Adobe Community link:
Other Adobe Extension developers also tested and verified this described issue.
Please provide the fix update. Thx.1 vote
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