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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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6920 results found

  1. "Insufficient data for an image" error is shown on opening PDF in Acrobat

    We are experiencing issues with exporting to PDF. Hi res PDF Compatibility Acrobat 7 (PDF 1.6).
    The PDF is created normally, but when opening the PDF, it sometimes happens that the image is not displayed on one or more pages. The error message for this specific page is: ERROR: Insufficient data for an image.
    We tried to solve this problem within our team. Eventually, we discovered that the issue did not occur for one of our colleagues. Further investigation revealed that this colleague was still using an older version of InDesign (18.3). The colleagues experiencing problems had automatic updates enabled…

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    This issue has been fixed in the latest release of InDesign - version 18.5 that has just been made available publicly.

    Please download this update from Creative Cloud Desktop app to get the fix.


    Adobe InDesign team

  2. M1 Mac Graphic Problems Continue

    As others have mentioned InDesign graphic performance on M1 Macs is unacceptable. This was marked as "fixed" but it continues with macOS Ventura 13.0.1 and InDesign 18. For example, the screen does not always redraw when scrolling or jumping to a different page until you move your pointer. Switching to a different program and then back to InDesign also fixes the problem for a while. It doesn't matter whether GPU Performance is on or off. This is the most fundamental functionality. Please figure it out and fix it once and for all.

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  3. "Selection" and "Direct Selection" tool icons mixed up in toolbar

    The button images for "selection" and "direct selection" tools are mixed-up. The buttons are still in their correct place, but the "selection tool" button now displays the white arrow in the toolbar, the "direct selection" button the black arrow.

    The mouse arrows themselves remain correct, as do their functions.

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    We're happy to announce that we've reverted the icons of Selection Tool and Direct Selection Tool in the latest update of InDesign - version 17.2 that is available from Creative Cloud Desktop application.

    Please update to this latest version to see the change of these tool icons.


    Adobe InDesign team

  4. update package

    Instead of making a new package every time it would be really handy to be able to update an existing package.
    proposed Use Case/action:
    a new menu item: Update Package… > Show package in Finder/Windows Explorer > Only the items that are not in the existing package will be added (the items in the package that are not used will be kept in the updated package)
    Thank you

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  5. GREP search failed to match all text in a story

    We use to be able to search all text in a story by using this (?s).+ code. It’s working fine in CS6. But in CC2019, 2020, and 2021 on both Mac and Windows it will fail to select all text in the story if there is more than ~ 50000 character. Only the first ~ 50000 will be selected.

    This might be related to an old bug that was introduced in 14.0.2 that was fixed in 14.0.3.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Create a document with one story containing more than 50000 characters
    2. Do a GREP Find using (?s).+


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  6. InDesign is not correctly role mapping all paragraph styles to tags, when creating an accessible tagged interactive PDF

    I am using InDesign 15.1.1 to create several accessible, tagged PDFs.
    I have tagged every paragraph style correctly under the export tags for PDF (Edit all export tags > show: PDF), and I have left any list items and table of contents items with the default ‘Automatic’ tag.
    I am exporting as an interactive PDF with ‘Create tagged PDF’ checked. 
    Then when viewing the PDF in Acrobat Pro DC, in the Tags pane I have selected ‘Apply role mapping to tags’. This should ensure that in the tags pane in Acrobat, all my original paragraph style names…

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  7. Relink from CC Libraries Sorting

    When Relinking assets in InDesign using "Relink from CC Libraries", the CC Libraries panel that shows isn't capable of having its sort order (date modified vs alphabetically) changed nor is it able to show Groups - please fix so it has the same view functionality as the regular CC Libraries Panel.

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  8. Publish Online feature has issues when viewed in iOS 13

    We are using the "Publish Online" feature inside Adobe Indesign to make some of our content available on our website. We've recently received reports from users with Apple iOS 13 mobile devices that the content is not displaying properly on those types of mobile phones. When the content first opens, if you double tap the page zooms in ok and double tapping again zooms out ok. However, if you try to pinch/zoom, the page blows up very large such that you can only see a couple words and you cannot pinch to get back out. Sometimes double-tapping again takes it…

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  9. Cmd-O or Cmd-N doesn't work after InDesign starts up.

    This has been an annoying bug for a while. If you open indesign, then use the command-O or command-N key to open/create a file, nothing happens. You just get an alert sound.

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    The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – version 16.0.1.

    Please update to this version to get the fix.

    Adobe InDesign team

  10. Reveal in Finder on NAS Server not working

    When using InDesign 14.0.3, on mac OS X Catalina (10.15.1), ctrl clicking the .indd file's title bar to reveal in finder doesn't work (switches to finder but doesn't reveal) if the .indd file is stored on NAS RAID server. Server connection is afp://
    Revel in Finder command works fine if the .indd file is stored locally.

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  11. Multiple listings of same font in Find Font menu

    There are multiple listings of the same font in the Find Font menu in CC2019. All information is the same, all applied characters are the same, but there is odd behavior.

    --FileACC2019WithDocumentsfontsfolder.png shows double listing of Trade Gothic LT Pro Roman.

    --FileACC2019WithoutDocumentfontsfolder.png (when I take away access to Document fonts folder, no other changes), one instance switches to "Regular" instead of "Roman"

    --FileACC2017WithDocumentfontsfolder.png shows what happens with I open this file in CC2017 (no double listing)

    --FileACC2017WithoutDocumentfontsfolder.png (Document fonts folder hidden) shows what happens with I open this file in CC2017 (no…

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    The fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2022(v17.0.0.96). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.

    If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  12. Clicking document-installed font from font list gives error to "activate font" and doesn't change font.

    InDesign 14.0 on Windows 10 x64

    I just upgraded to InDesign 14.0, and there appears to be a bug when clicking a document-installed font from the font list. The font list gives an error message to "Click 'Activate' button to activate fonts" and the text frame keeps the existing font, instead of changing to the new font.

    Expected result:
    The expected result would be the same behavior as InDesign 13.1, where you could click a document-installed font from the font list, and the text frame would update to the newly selected font.

    Actual result:
    In InDesign 14.0, clicking a document-installed…

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    Hello All,

    Thank you for your patience all this while.
    This issue is now fixed in the latest update (Id 14.0.1) of InDesign CC.
    If you are unable to see the update notification yet, open the menu (three dots) from the top-right of Creative Cloud desktop application and click on ‘Check For App Updates’.

    Once the update button is shown against InDesign CC, click on the button to update your InDesign to Id 14.0.1 for the fix of the issue.
    Do let us know in the comments, if you face any problem with the new update.

    List of fixed issues can be found at:

    InDesign Team

  13. Can't delete InDesign color swatch

    Documents inherit a swatch from a picked-up file and the swatch can not be deleted.

    1) This problem has existed for us since at least InDesign CS4 and persists through the current CC 2018 build (13.1).

    2) In the attached file, "Select All Unused" in the Swatches panel. There is no content at all in the file. All objects have been deleted, as have all text and object styles. Try to delete the unused process color swatch, "C=80 M=76 Y=70 K=73."

    3) We expect the unused swatch to be deleted.

    4) Trash can icon in Swatches panel is grayed out…

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    Following upon the comments from the users who had mentioned that the issue is still not resolved for them, we contacted them on email to gather more information.
    It was found that the issue is no longer reproducible for them, hence we are closing the thread.
    If you still have any concern over the fix of the issue, you may directly reach out to


    Hello All,

    Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
    We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 14.0.3

    Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.

    If you are unable to see the update yet, go to Creative Cloud desktop application, open the menu (three dots) from the top-right corner and click on ‘Check For App Updates’.

    If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know…

  14. InDesign performance issue: Hangs when exporting to PDF

    1. Latest Indesign CC, Windows 10
    2. ID would sometimes not finish the export to PDF task and hangs for minutes. It must then be killed in the task manager. During this it constantly consumes a big lot of RAM and CPU power. See attachment.
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    FIXED  ·  amaarora responded

    Fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign 2020 – that is, InDesign 15.0.1

    In the Creative Cloud Desktop application, click on the Updates section on the left. You should be able to see the Update available for InDesign. Please update your InDesign application to this version to try out the fix.

    Let us know in the comments section if you face any problem with the updation process.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  15. Indents not holding after page break

    1. InDesign CC 2018, though I logged this bug for 2017 as well. It may also have existed as far back as CS6. I had hoped it would be fixed in this release.
    2. Create a paragraph style that has a left indent and set text in that paragraph style. Set enough text to flow onto a second page.
    3. The text should retain the left indent after the page break.
    4. Sometimes, the first line of text after the page break does not retain the indent.
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    Hello All,

    The fix for this issue is now available in InDesign’s latest version, id 14.0.3.
    Please update your InDesign to try out the fix.

    If you open a file which already has this issue, in the new version, you may continue to see the issue.
    To resolve such cases, you may SAVE AS the file or do a force text re-composition as the workaround

    However, all the new files created in the new version will not have this issue anymore.

    You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 14.0.3

    -InDesign Team

  16. [ID-4259367]Error handling dialog shown while placing some TIFF/EPS files

    Error encountered while reading TIFF image. Image may be damaged or incompatible. Resave the image with different settings and try again.

    After I upgraded InDesign 19.5.1 to 19.5.2. Linked images do not show on the page in high quality display settings. I have about 60 linked indesign files into my one file. And I was afraid to upgrade to 20.1 and from Sonoma to Sequoia. Any fixes for this? Perhaps get rid of some of the links.. too many links? 60? 2 page document. Newer M2 MacBook Air.

    Edit: Update: Downgraded back to 19.5.1. Everything is working perfectly. Thanks Adobe…

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    The fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2024(v19.5.3.144). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.

    If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application click on the context menu on the top right, and click on Check for App Updates.

    Sanyam Talwar

  17. "GREP Load Find with selected text" is incomplete on macOS

    version: any OS: any macOS
    Edit menu > Keyboard Shortcuts > Text and Tables > “GREP Load Find with selected text” also “GREP Load Find and Find Next instance”

    If the selected text contains meta characters that are escaped with a backslash, such as "End of Paragraph" (\r) or tab characters (\t), they are all captured as ¥r and ¥t.
    I’m forced to retype the ¥ into a \ before starting the search.
    On Windows, it works without retyping.

    “Forced line break" (\n) is not a problem as a function, but the display is corrupted, which makes me uneasy.


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  18. PDF/X-1a運用において、危険度が高い「画像の配置方法」を発見しましたので報告させていただきます。

    Indesign (15.1.3)(16.4)(17.3)などで以下の現象を確認できます。

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  19. Load DTD throws error in InDesign 2022 (17.0)

    When using the structure menu to load a DTD , the latest version of InDesign sometimes throws an error with a single period as the message. I'm using the same DTD I've used successfully in previous versions of InDesign.

    Error text:
    Line 941, Column: 18

    In the context of this DTD, line 941 column 18 points to the % sign used to refer to an earlier parameter entity. This has never been a problem for InDesign before:

    <!ELEMENT sam (%paragraph_styles; | table | footnote | endnote)+ >

    Even using the same DTD in the same file, this issue doesn't…

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  20. loading TOC-styles between various Indesign-files

    InDesign version 16.4

    When loading a newly created TOC-style from one InDesign-file to an other file, it copies more than just the possible TOC-styles. I loaded the TOC-styles of an InDesign-file with a smaller font and spacing and the load copied these other settings as well.
    It seems that the 'Load TOC-styles' loads all available styles, including Paragraph- and Character-styles.
    The selection-list that is available when loading Paragraph-styles and/or Character-styles is also missing.
    This makes it impossible to load TOC-styles between different InDesign-files which use the same Paragraph-style names.

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