Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
219 results found
[ID-4236204]Using “Paragraph Borders and Shading” on frame grid, it is incorrect to base them on grid attributes possessed by the frame grid
InDesign Version CC2018 or newer
“Paragraph Borders and Shading” are usually generated based on the outline of the glyphs in the paragraph to which they are applied.
This is true even if they are grid-aligned on a text frame (Figure 1-a, right).
However, when the same settings are made on a frame grid, for some reason, they are generated based on the grid attributes of the frame grid, not the glyph outlines.
This always occurs based on the grid attribute of the frame grid, regardless of whether the text in the frame grid is grid-aligned or not (Figure 1-a left).…
39 votesHi,
Thank you for reporting the issue. It is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
[Break in CC 2018] Text frame properties lost when copying and pasting frames across document
I have a document that uses top justification in a text frame, and bottom justification in another text frame. When I copy these frames, with or without any other objects, into a new document (think business card imposition), the bottom justification changes to top justification, altering the layout of the document.
I have reset my preferences, and tried the fixes described here: and here
With no success.
Attached is a 1UP file (Original with mixed justification) and a 24UP file (with resulting error)
35 votesFix is available in version 13.1 of InDesign.
Please update to the latest version available to you via Creative Cloud Desktop application.Thanks,
Adobe InDesign team -
New defined Character Color in Paragraph Style not visible
Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
Adobe InDesign CC Version 2017.1 Build
MAC OS X Yosemite 10.10.5Steps to reproduce the issues
Create a new Paragraph Style
Go to Character Color tab
Create new color with a double click in the black square
Define some values for C/M/Y/K and click OKExpected result
The new color shoud show up at the end of the existing color listActual result
The new Color don’t show up
After changing to another tab and back the color show upTest file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
19 votesThe fix for this issue is now available in the latest update 14.0.2 of InDesign 2019.
If you are unable to see the update notification yet, open the menu (three dots) from the top-right of Creative Cloud desktop application and click on ‘Check For App Updates’.
Once the update button is shown against InDesign, click on the button to update to Id 14.0.2.If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments. -
Defining a stroke beginning with a gap does not work
If you define a stroke you can set the length of the first stroke to zero. But as you can see in the screenshot there is still some stroke visible.
Best solution: Make a "zero stroke" possible, a stroke which starts with a gap.
Second best solution: Change the minimum in the "length"-field to something > 0.
18 votesThanks for reporting.
We will review the issue-InDesign Team
Style Override Highlighter not highlighted when in use
When I make some style changes in my text, the "Style Override Highlighter" marks theses changes. Great feature, no problem at all.
But when I 1) quit InDesign and 2) start it again, the changed text is highlighted but the "Style Override Highlighter" icon [+a] is highlighted not at all.
Solution shortcurt: Click on [+a] in character style panel, then on [+a] in paragraph style panel and it should behave the way it should. But it would be better if it'd be working the way it should.
German InDesign 2020, Mac OSX 10.14.16
18 votesHi,
Since for most of issue the issue no longer occurs, or is resolved after cleaning InDesign cache and preferences, we are closing the issueThanks
Applying a paragraph style causes text to appear duplicated on screen, but it's not really.
CC 2018, OS High Sierra, both most current, brand new install on a brand new iMac Pro.
If I apply a style using a key command, 90% of the time the text from the cursor down goes crazy, looks duplicated. But if I hit the key command again, or click off the paragraph, or scroll, it goes away and is normal. So it's not really duplicating anything as far as I can tell. I screen captured exactly what it looks like.
15 votesThank you for reporting the issue to us.
We are currently reviewing it.
InDesign Team -
Overrides are not preserved when importing and overwriting object style
But it happens in everything after CC2018When I update object styles on import or book sync, size and position options do not retain overrides. What is currently known is Width, Height, X, Y in Size and Position Options.
Reproduction steps
- Create a document
- Create object style
- Set Width, Height, X, Y of Size and Position Options as desired.
- Save document
- Open the document that duplicated 4.
- Create an object and apply the object style from 2.
- Change to any position and size (override)
- Import and update the object style in 2. from the document in 1.
- The…
12 votes -
ICML export doesn't preserve the paragraph styles of endnotes.
- Adobe InDesign 14.0.2
- Export a story containing endnotes as ICML
- Endnotes should be styled properly
- Endnotes lose the applied paragraph style
- UserVoice will not allow me to attach an IDML or INDD file. I can email it if needed.
What this means is that anyone using InCopy will lose the paragraph styling of their endnotes.
10 votesThanks for reporting the issue. We are looking into it
-InDesign Team
Unequal inset values in an Object Style don't display in a text frame if corners are rounded
If you use an object style with unequal inset spacing and apply it to a text frame, the unequal spacing is ignore and made uniform.
Steps to recreate:
1. Create an Object Style
2. Go to 'Text Frame General Options' for that style
3. Set unequal values for 'Inset Spacing'
4. Go to 'Stroke & Corner Cptions'
5. In 'Corner Options' set 'Rounded'
6. Create a Text Frame
7. Fill Text Frame with placeholder text
8. Apply Object Style to Text FrameResult: unequal inset spacing is ignored.
If you apply unequal inset spacing manually there are no problems —…
10 votesIt is not possible to have unequal inset spacing and corners other than none as they can’t go together.
It is designed this way.—
InDesign team -
Drop CAP Extends to the Next Paragraph
When a paragraph using a drop initial has fewer lines than what is indicated in the drop initial dialog, the following paragraph indents for as many lines as is missing in the previous drop initial paragraph, even if the following paragraph has space between it and the preceding drop initial paragraph.
The attached example shows a 1 line paragraph with drop a initial set up as 2 lines. The next paragraph indents.
I think it very odd that the drop initial formatting goes beyond the paragraph to which it is applied. Took me a bit to figure out where the…
10 votes -
Object Style Options: XY Offset < 1440
MacOS High Sierra
InDesignCC 2018 13.1When setting up Object Style Options > Size and position options > Position > Adjust X OR Y,
it’s impossible to manually enter any value bigger than 1440 px (pt), regardless of page size.10 votesThanks for reporting this issue. We’re reviewing it.
Adobe InDesign team
Border is not extending when table comes
I am using InDesign CC 2019
Expected Result:
While using InDesign Border Features to format box items, there is an option to Merge consecutive Border and Shading with same setting in paragraph style. This is working for text and Images. But when inline table comes in between, border is not extending for tables.Actual result
I have attached screenshot of expected result and actual result for your quick reference.8 votes -
Merging Border not apply correctly on different paragraphs of the same style
Indesign CC 2019 (14.0.3)
The borders don't merge on different paragraphs of the same style , although "merge borders" is checked in the paragraph style. The borders leave a line in the center of the text.
It's not happen everytime but the bug remains on the PDF export.
8 votes -
Nested styles no longer working.
InDesign 2021
Used to be able to set a nested style up to or through any specific character (for example a : . Now that option is not working any more. Can only select from the drop down menu. Can work around with a grep style but it's not as easy to get it right.
7 votes -
Extra, unwanted details appearing in paragraph styles (borders and shading)
Full details posted here:
When I copy a paragraph style from another document, OR copy styled text, and then attempt to edit the paragraph style, elements related to paragraph borders and paragraph shading suddenly appear in the paragraph style. This happens even though paragraph borders and shading are turned OFF. I suppose it's not affecting the style, because it's not turning them on, but they style is overly cluttered and messy and is mucking up our shared group template.
I'm working primarily in CC2018, but also replicated the problem in CC2020.
I've tried a clean install of software, as…
7 votes -
character styles in Table of Contents
Not sure if this is a bug or a feature.
It is a best practice, if you use running headers, to apply a character style to a selected subset of a heading, for example, HeadText1 for a first-level heading, and HeadText2 for a second-level heading, so that the header just shows basically a short title for the heading. You define the header to contain two text variables, first Heading1 that picks up, for example, the first instance of the text marked with HeadText1, and Heading2 that picks up the last instance of HeadText2. Works great, and I have a post…
7 votes -
Paragraph style changes when copy/pasting
Indesign 13.1/13.0.1, macOS, UTS 6.1.5
When copy-pasting text or text frames from one document to another or even in the same document, paragraph style is changed to "standard copy".
The correct paragraph style is present, allocated and identical in all documents.
The paragraph style "standard"/"standard copy" is not present in any document (german version) before copy-pasting.7 votes -
InDesign CC2023 forces paragraph in overset
Since the update to InDesign v18.0 (CC2023) the first line of a Paragraph with custom Bullet (Numbering) text, gets forced in overset when the first word is longer than 8-9 characters. They don't flow to the next paragraph and there is still enough space to keep the word in the Text Frame.
In the example you'll see two Text Frames with one with the word "Duurzaamheid" cut in two and the second in overset with no space between "Duur" and "zaamheid" wich forces everything in overset. In InDesign 17.4 everything works as desired. Uploading an InDesign-file was not possible so…6 votesFix for this issue is now available in the latest release of InDesign 2023 - that is, InDesign 18.1 version.
Please update to this version of InDesign to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Underline disappears when paragraph shading is used I have a paragraph style for text that needs shading and a character style for text wit
Underline disappears when paragraph shading is used
I have a paragraph style for text that needs shading and a character style for text with a hyperlink. The underline disappeares when shading is used. This happens when the height of the shading of the next used paragraph style is touching the underline in the previous paragraph.
The text remains on top so I would expect that the underline (which is part of the text, in my opinion) should also stay on top.
Strikethrough is not being affected in this way so I use this as a workaround.Latest version of InDesign…
6 votes -
Paragraph style bullets and numbering Arabic incorrect display Indesign 2020
Latest Indesign 2020
When specifying an Arabic string for Number in paragraph style Bullets and Numbering, the string does not display correctly. Every letter is connected to the letter to the right rather than the letter to the left.The wrong behavior is not present in Indesign 2019.
6 votesFix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign 2020 – that is, InDesign 15.0.1
In the Creative Cloud Desktop application, click on the Updates section on the left. You should be able to see the Update available for InDesign. Please update your InDesign application to this version to try out the fix.
Let us know in the comments section if you face any problem with the updation process.
Adobe InDesign Team
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