Exporting accessible PDF – wrong BoundingBox
InDesign Version: All
An accessible PDF needs for all graphics and pictures a bounding box.
This is used by AT e.g. to set a focus to a visual impaired user.
Using the PDF export a bounding box is defined for all linked images.
Often the bounding box does not fit to the visible area.
AT user get wrong information, in fact the file is not accessible.
Steps to reproduce the issues:
Place an asset, where only a part of the linked asset is visibily placed in InDesign, the rest is cropped.
Expected result:
Bounding box fits to visible area
Actual result:
The bounding box is bigger than the visible area, if the assets content is bigger than the area show.
You can fix this in Acrobat theoretically, but this is nor real workaround as you only edit values and dont have visual feedback.
InDesign sample files and accessible PDF with bounding box example + visible error.

Thanks for reporting the issue. We will review the bug shortly
-InDesign Team
Klaas commented
As it was not possible to an an attachment, here a link: https://cloud.einmanncombo.de/index.php/s/RK2RQw6TWWtWof8