Variable font support
Please add support for variable fonts.

Variable Font support has been implemented in InDesign 2020. Please upgrade to this version of InDesign to use this feature.
Adobe InDesign team
peter commented
Is it possible to know the full font family of Bahnschrift will be available in InDesign. Italics are not working Ind 2020 or Ind 2021. Thank you
Alan commented
The Myriad Variable Concept typefaces do not print with InDesign. They do, however, with Illustrator. Version 15.0.1
Olli Meier commented
Hello Adobe-Team,
InDesign tagged text is inconsistent in it's use, which produces errors while using it. For example, I would expect that I can set the axis values of a variable font with two axis in <cTypeface> like this:
<cTypeface:Weight-612.000 Width-126.000>
But this does not work. When I export the tagged text with custom settings to the axis I get the following:
<cTypeface:Weight-612.000Condensed Width-126.000>
It looks like InDesign takes one name of an axis out of the name table, in this case 'Condensed' for the axis 'Width'. But this is not necessary for the 'Weight' axis. This is kind of inconsistent.A different example with only one weight axis, I would expect this:
<cTypeface:Weight-666.000> (which does not work)
but working InDesign tagged text in fact looks like this:
<cTypeface:Thin-666.000>Thanks a lot for your help on this.
BTW: I love that InDesign supports variable fonts, now.Olli
George Salnik commented
And what about to do new branch near to Feature requests (not in the) whith name "Fixed feature requests" and move all requests that done to here?
George Salnik commented
Mark this as "done"
Anonymous commented
Variable fonts 🙏🏻
John commented
Please add the variable font feature asap in InDesign - I've just looked for it as I am using a variable font for a logo in Illustrator which I want to transfer across for some publishing in!
Tamye Riggs commented
Please add support for variable fonts in InDesign! Thank you for all your hard work.
Anonymous commented
Great technology! Cannot wait for it to be a feature!
Stephen Nixon commented
Reallllly need this support to exist!
Thanks for your work on it, Abhinav. :)
I'm hoping that your team can prioritize it, as it's definitely one of the most important recent developments in typography, and InDesign is one of the most valuable use cases for variable font control.
Anonymous commented
Please do it! We definitely need it. Thank you!
Martin Vácha commented
Come on, whyyyy? (Nicolas Cage screaming into heaven)
Jaroslav commented
We use variable font as corporate. Doing all text layouts in Illustartator looks like nightmare to me.
Adobe guys, make it happen, please! Or just give us an approximate time. -
Sophia Bai commented
+1. This feature will be super beneficial in terms of streamlining my Idesign-Illustrator workflow.
Thomas Phinney commented
I have a lovely three-axis (soon to be four-axis) variable font in development, which I would like to test in InDesign. Looking forward to the new functionality one of these days!
Steve commented
when??? it's 2019? please give a date? You guys drain every designer cash wise and you can't even have the app updated
Helga commented
How is this not available yet?? I'm having to outline whole paragraphs in Illustrator and paste in inDesign. CC is EXPENSIVE, do something.
Andy Zhou commented
Looking forward to this new feature.
EX commented
How looong it will take oh nooo. The future is waiting on you,. YOu are loosing users.
Anonymous commented
InDesign is the main desktop publishing and typesetting software and Illustrator is the software that was created for Vector paintings/Illustrations as the name says, so why Illustrator has this feature instead of InDesign?