Independent column widths in text frame
Please add the option to have independent column-widths in a text frame. This would be really useful for text in nearly any letterhead footer.

oups_ commented
Please ! Additionally, it would make using footnotes much easier.
Melissa Marek commented
This request for uneven column widths in a text frame is so old, it's probably fallen off the radar, yet is still crucial. Word has had this feature for as long as I can remember. We should be able to do it in InDesign.
Richard Wise commented
This would be so useful. Currently I have to use a workaround using tables which is not ideal. Years ago I used a DTP package on the PC called 3B2 which had this feature and this was in the late 80s/early 90s! Come on InDesign – catch up before we all move to Affinity Publisher which I believe does have this feature.
Pierre commented
Actually I have a text frame made of 3 sub columns, and want to change the width of the first sub column only, but it is not possible with Adobe InDesign.
To do that I am obliged to do a workaround, that is like a DIY solution : create 3 single text frame, add a gutter and link together and group them. That is not very useful solution.
Anonymous commented
Yes please, it should be in a way that all columns are driven by the column and width parameters, but that you can 'unpin' one column that could be resized independently of the others.
James commented
This is one of the features of Affinity Publisher I LOVE. I think it would need the ability to "lock" the column once you adjust the width, though. Accidentally changing the column width would be a little to easy to do accidentally without a lock feature.
PM Philipps commented
Bevi Chagnon | commented
Given that we had this capability 30 years ago in QuarkXPress, you'd think we'd have it in InDesign by 2021.
Please add this capability to all multi-column text frames, and also when the Span/Split Columns feature is used.
Randall commented
This does seem just common-sense and very useful.
Erik Hasson commented
I can't believe we're up to 2021 and we still have to manually create two text boxes and link them. We should just be able to create a text box, make it 2 columns, and then drag the gutter left or right to make them different widths. Seems like a very simple yet very helpful feature.
Robin Mertins commented
Absolutely. I hate having to use multiple text boxes when I need this.
Deon Schutte commented
It would be great to have this feature so we don't have to revert to multiple text boxes or placing text in tables in order to achieve the same results.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please add the options in a text frame to have varying widths of columns. We all vote for that in my department!
pageh commented
I wish I could vote on this a hundred times! Whether you want radically different widths or just subtly change one column for a better text wrap, this feature would be fantastic!
Anonymous commented
In MS Word you can specify uneven columns and exact widths of the columns and gutter under Layout: Columns. With InDesign, if you don't like the spacing, you have to create a separate text frame for your 2nd or 3rd columns.
Anonymous commented
I submitted the same request nearly 6 years ago:
It would be useful to be able to adjust the width of invidual columns within a single, multi-column text frame.
It seems like after creating a multi column text frame, one could just define the gutter width, then, using the Gap tool, click in the gutter area and drag left or right to alter the width of the adjacent columns.
This would certainly eliminate the need to have multiple single-column text frames that are linked together.