Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
6926 results found
Reflowable EPUB3: "Page Navigation" export option adds a space inside hyphenated words at page breaks
Version of InDesign: 19.4
steps to reproduce
- create a new InDesign file
- add a text frame to the blank page
- add enough text so some words are hyphenated at the page breaks for the next pages
- export to epub3
- enable "Page Navigation" on EPUB export
Expected result
Page navigation markers are added without interrupting the hyphenated words at the page breaks.Actual result
When using the "Page Navigation" export option for reflowable EPUB exports, InDesign adds a <span> and </span> tag pair with a blank space character in the HTML export instead of simply dropping the soft hyphen that was…
5 votes -
Variable font sliders are laggy
Variable font sliders are much less smooth in InDesign, compared to Illustrator. They are much laggier.
Attached is a screen recording of the Acumin variable font being used in Illustrator (top) and InDesign (bottom).
5 votes -
InDesign resets window position set by Magnet utility on macOS
In the current v19.4 (2024), when I use the common utility Magnet to resize the InDesign window (i.e. the Application Frame) to full screen, InDesign itself will reset the window position as soon as I ⌘-tab out of InDesign and return to it. No other app on my Mac does this, and it's very frustrating. Manual window size changes are honoured.
There are other inconcistencies about InDesign's window positioning on macOS too — if it opens on my laptop screen, the application bar (above the control panel) appears under the menu bar and is almost invisible.
Please fix.
5 votes -
Correct but wrong German translation for Review Panel
The German translation for »Share for Review« is »Für Review freigeben«. I do not understand why you kept the »Review« in English, but that's not my point here and could be discussed somewhere else.
There is the Review panel, which can be opened via Window > Comments > Review. In German it should be named »Review« as well, because you did not rename the functionality. Right?
But, hey, the panels name ist »Überprüfen«. Correct translation, but inconsistent, as you might agree to me.
So please, change »Überprüfen« to »Review« or change »Review« everywhere else to »Überprüfen«.
5 votes -
InDesign crashes when restoring a spread/page that contains a selected table with an xml tag
Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server:
InDesign 2023/2024Steps to reproduce the issues
- Create a 2nd page
- Create a table on that page
- Tag the table with an xml tag
- Select the table
- Delete that spread/page
- Try to undo that delete spread/page
Expected result
InDesign does not crash
Actual result
InDesign crashes
5 votesWe have released InDesign 2025(v20.2.0.036) with many stability fixes. We recommend you upgrade to the latest version (if you’re not already on it) as it is more robust.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please submit the crash report to us. (Guidelines to submit crash are available at ( )
Also, please send the following information to :
- Reproducible Steps – What were you doing when InDesign crashed?
- Video recording of the crash
- Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, could you provide us with the document(s)/asset(s)? Please package the entire document (To package the document, choose File → Package…)
Adobe InDesign Team
ID Arabic-Enabled incorrect full stop position with "soft return"
ID Arabic-Enabled incorrect full stop position with "soft return"
1. ID version: 2024 Arabic enabled.Description:
Text error when a soft return is used at the end of one sentence, the following text will place the full stop at the wrong end of the text.
See attached videos which indicate the correct behavior on ID 2023, and the incorrect behavior on ID 2024.
Downloas sample file "ID2024OKon2023ERRORon2024.indd" at to reproduce the issues:
Open file "ID2024OKon2023ERRORon2024.indd" on ID 2023, apply a soft return as indicated in video "", all is OK.
Open same file on…
5 votes -
Montserrat typeface's; semi bold, bold, extra bold & black has issues displaying in Id
Version 2024 19.0
When I change the font to Monserrat with one of the mentioned styles most of the glyphs are wrongly presented for example if i choose bold most of the letters seem to be light rather than bold, with a few like 'o' and 'E' displaying as the right style, when they should all be displayed as bold.
5 votes -
fontproblem – strange ligatures – invisible font
Hi there
In InDesign CC23 we have the problem that we sometimes have some issues with ligatures. We have the font Minion Pro activates in the Library. and somehow have the problem, that the ligatures appear to be a completely different character, see the screenshot.
the problem could be resolved by deleting the Minion Font from the application folder > Ressources > Required > Fonts. the Ligatures changed back to the correct character. Or i deactivate the minion regular in the finder. But i need the font for other apps as well, so i need to activate the regular font…5 votes -
shortcut presets resets to default
Several people in our team have the problem.
That every time we restart InDesign CC23 (18.5) the shortcut set is reset to default. the saved shortcut set is still availlable but we have to select it again.We work on MacOS 13.6 with Apple M1 Chips.
Thanks and regards
Dominique5 votes -
Paragraph border gap does not overpint
If a dashed stroke is selected for a paragraph border, its gap does not overprint. See attached screenshots.
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Variable Font (Source Sans 3) some Characters not available
macOS Ventura 13.5.2 (22G91), InDesign 19.0
Since the update to Indesign 2024 (or version 19.0), some letters can no longer be selected in bold or black for the variable version of the font "Source Sans 3". When adjusting the slider, they become thinner again (instead of thicker) from a weight of 600. It affects e.g. the small a, e and l, but not the i, s... etc. they are also not displayed in the glyphs. With font weights below 600 (up to and including semibold) everything works fine (variable and with font weights). This applies to both the TT-version (download)…5 votes -
Panel flyout menus do not open on external displays/expanded desktops — they open only on primary display
I keep all of my tool palettes on a secondary monitor on Mac OS (now Sonoma) running the latest version of InDesign.
None of the flyout menus will open when the tool palettes are on a secondary display. However, I find if I drag the tool palette over to my Primary display, the flyout menus work again (until I drag them back to the external display).
5 votesWe're reviewing this issue.
Adobe InDesign team
PDF Workflow shows syntax error in exported PDF Version 18.5
I read that there was some Problems with PDF export since InDesign version 18.4. And i want to report that there are still issues with the latest version 18.5. Our Workflow reports syntax error in pdf and aborts procession. Its a full stop, no detailed error messages were shown. The only solution for us is to place the PDF again in older InDesign (17.4) and export a PDF from there.
5 votes -
Place Illustrator cloud files
Why can't I place Illustrator cloud files like how I can place Photoshop cloud files?
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Adobe Caslon Pro: Glyph as bullet does not function
InDesign version 18.2.1 (Windows 10 x64). I would like to use a glyph as a bullet (the opentype digit 3 of Adobe Caslon Pro - an acorn). In the paragraph style box for my "Bulleted list" style, I am trying to add the bullet. When I click "add" and then click "ok," a standard round black dot appears in my list of bullet characters to choose from. If I try to add my preferred glyph (or any of the other opentype glyphs from the font's set, for that matter), the program tells me: "The selected bullet already appears in the…
5 votesThanks for reporting the issue. We're reviewing this.
Adobe InDesign team
Nonbreaking Space shortcut doesn't work on mac
The shortcut for the "Nonbreaking Space" (option+command+X) doesn't work anymore in Indesign 2023 (and 2022). Clearing cache and preferences didn't fix it.
System: MacOS Ventura 13.2.1
5 votes -
PDFs Export to Google Drive as 0 Bytes, for Anyone on MacOS Ventura
Sometime in approximately late January 2023, my workgroup began having difficulty exporting PDFs from InDesign to our Google Drive. The PDF files appear on the Drive but as 0 bytes and can't be opened/viewed from the Chrome side of the Drive. We have isolated the problem as specific to anyone who is on MacOS Ventura. We believe the problem stems from a late January/early February upgrade to either the Google Drive, InDesign or Ventura (or perhaps a perfect storm combo of all three). We have 8 InDesign users in our workgroup and only the three who upgraded to Ventura are…
5 votes -
[EPV] Footnote references vanish in tables when the Adobe World-Ready Composer is applied
Hi together,
tested with InDesign 2020 and also with the current InDesign 2023 version on Windows 10.
If I apply one of the two Adobe World-Ready Composers to text in a table the footnote references in the text will vanish.
The footnote texts themselves do not. It's just the rendering of the footnote reference numbers.See also this thread at Adobe InDesign Forum:
Footnotes reference number disappearing when aligning numbers in table
Gabriel23717186abix, 4 Hours ago sample documents from my Dropbox account:
230127-1-Footnote References disappear in Table.zipAlso see the discussion at Adobe Prerelease:,…
5 votes -
Unrecognizable when Color Setting is set to Japanese name
OS : Windows 10/11
InDesign : 18.1/ 17.4/16.4.3 (probably all versions)If I save a color setting with a Japanese name, the next time I open the color setting, an error occurs and it is not recognized.
When I check the list, it is garbled and cannot be loaded.
The same problem does not occur when the same color settings are used in Illustrator.Since this problem occurs in a Japanese environment, the contents of the screenshots and attached file names are in Japanese.
Original Message :
5 votes -
Display performance
InDesign 2023 Display Bug
When you try to view in high resolution, whether or not it is object specific or general, InDesign continues to display at normal.
Images seem not to be affected but .eps and .ai files will not refer as high res
5 votes
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